
作者&投稿:闳黎 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

3. It never cross my mind that I am poor, but it is an undeniable truth. Every year when I fill in my tax return, I am the one in the category of the lowest income group! I only went on vacation once in the past 35 years! My TV is black and white, which was a gift from somebody 8 years ago. I never mind about things people wanted so much. My car is a 1999 product. It already has over 900.000 miles on the clock, but still very reliable. My house is not big but comfortable and warm. My outfits suit my work perfectly and I am mainly working outdoors. I have very little need with computer. Library is quite sufficient for me.

4. In the next 10 and odd years, I had a kind of urge. I wanted to buy a bunch of roses and fill up our sitting room with them. But I did not do such a thing. Once when it was my birthday, the door bell rang, I was kind of boring because I was alone at home. My husband had gone to play golf. My two daughters were not home. My 13 years old sonTom said to me: "see you later!" and went out of the door without saying a word about my birthday. Therefore when Tom appeared at the front door, I was kind of surprised. "Did you forget your door key?" He shook his shoulder and said: "I forgot your birthday Mom. Hope you would love these flowers." "Oh, Tom!" I screamed with excitment and hugged him, "I love flowers!"


Eric: I don't feel happy. But Jack and Mike don't agree.
Jack: our family used to be poor, the house is old and cold in winter, and your family is warm.
Mike said: we always have no food to eat, only hungry. And we have no money to go to school, no money to buy books and clothes. But you have food, you can go to school, you have money to buy books and clothes.
After listening to Jack and Mike, Eric suddenly found out how happy he was.

Library management work is complex. This article (或paper) establishes the framework for the library management system (LMS) based on general work-flow of a library. This paper is divided into four parts to describe such an LMS framework.

The first part convotes to the description of LMS development, its background and prospect.

The second part describes the technologic aspect for building LMS, and then towards the application aspect in use of these new technologies.

The third part is an analysis of the external environment related to the building of LMS.

The fourth part discusses in detail on design and implementation aspects of the system.

系统的实现方式主要是在Microsoft windows开发平台环境中使用ASP.net技术,ASP.net技术是当今流行的开发Web应用程序技术,
The approach for system implementation mainly relies on ASP.net technology, the main tool today for developing Web applications. The development environment is Microsoft Windows platform.

数据库方面选用了Microsoft SQL Server 2000,针对Web服务器所选用的是由windows 2000 Server系统。
Database uses Microsoft SQL Server 2000, and for Web server–oriented system, Windows 2000 Server is chosen.

The library management, according to the complex work procedures to establish library books management system framework. This paper is divided into four parts to build this books management system management system framework. The first part is to books management system management system of the development background and development prospect of elaboration; The second part is about building books management system management system technology and the application of new technology to discuss; The third part is to books management system management system established in the external environment analysis; The fourth part is the system design and realization of a specific discussed. The realization of the system is the main means in Microsoft Windows development platform environment with asp.net technology, asp.net technology is the popular development Web applications technology, database aspects chose Microsoft SQL Server 2000, in view of the Web Server chooses is by the Windows 2000 Server system.

Library management is a complicated task(job), I‘m going to create the framework for library management systemthe according to Work processes in the library. This paper is divided into four parts to describe a framework for the establishment of library management system. The first part is the picture of the foundation and prospects of library management system development ; the second part is about building a library management system technology and application of new technologies; the third part is the Analysis of the library external environment in the library management system construction; The fourth part is the Specific description about the design and implementation of the system. System implementation is mainly using ASP.net technology in the Microsoft windows platform development environment . ASP.net technology is the today's popular Web application technologies, it's databases use the Microsoft SQL Server 2000.we choose windows 2000 Server system for the Web server .

Library management is complicated and this essay establishes the frame of library management system in accordance with the library workflow.There are four parts in this paper to discuss this frame. The first part introduces the develepment background of library management system and its future prospects. The second part lists the technology to construct the library management system and the applications of these new technologies. The third part analyzes the external environment of the library management system. The last part illustrates specifically the design of the system and realization of the system. ASP.NET is used in the windows development platform to realize the system. 下面的中文看不懂,貌似都不是句子了。。。

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Eric: I don't feel happy. But Jack and Mike don't agree.Jack: our family used to be poor, the house is old and cold in winter, and your family is warm.Mike said: we always have no food to eat, only hungry. And we have no money to go to school, no...

《宋史 郭永传》节选的译文,请帮翻译一下
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确山县13474987080: 有人能帮我翻译一下吗 谢谢 英译中Mrs. Neidl would ask me for my opinion . She wanted to know how I thought we should handle things. At first I had no idea ... -
郭巧狄苏:[答案] Mrs. Neidl 会问我的意见.她想知道我会如何处理这件事. 起初我完全不知道怎样回答,因为我对舞台设计一无所知.但是,我慢慢地开始回答她的问题. 这是有因果关系的:她相信我有主意,所以我开始形成他们(主意). 她相信我能完成这些...

确山县13474987080: 有人能帮我翻译成英语吗?
郭巧狄苏: A message for Cathy Cathy:Mrs.Ross called you when you were in your class this morning. Mrs.Ross said that she wants to join in the summer training class, she hoped you could call her before 3 o'clock this afternoon. 补充下: A message for Cathy...

确山县13474987080: 有人帮我翻译成英语吗? -
郭巧狄苏: If one day I'll tell you -- I love you! You understand? If one day I'll tell you -- We are doomed! You believe that? If one day I'll tell you -- I really means it! You will understand it? If I have been silently, If you do not believe that has always been, You will find all...

确山县13474987080: 有人能帮我翻译一下这句英语吗?谢谢了.. -
郭巧狄苏: 和他在精神上相守,对我来说太重要了.

确山县13474987080: 谁能帮我将中文翻译成英文
郭巧狄苏: This is a luxury hotel. Elegant environment and convenient accommodation. Waiter is very warm.

确山县13474987080: 有人能帮我翻译成中文吗?~急!!! -
郭巧狄苏: 这是一个脍炙人口的小故事、寓言首先第一句有个笔误:It's time for university students to grdauate “again”,以后我就没细看了其次,在百度或是google查“小故事 把美元皱了皱或是踩了踩”就会找到意思接近的,小寓言或是小故事,其中一个在http://post.baidu.com/f?kz=165618671的页面里最后祝你演讲成功.

确山县13474987080: 有人能帮我翻译一下吗 谢谢 英译中
郭巧狄苏: Mrs. Neidl 会问我的意见.她想知道我会如何处理这件事. 起初我完全不知道怎样回答,因为我对舞台设计一无所知.但是,我慢慢地开始回答她的问题. 这是有因果关系的:她相信我有主意,所以我开始形成他们(主意). 她相信我能完成这些事,所以我完美地完成了他们.她十分喜爱我的可靠,所以我开始越来越多的展现出来.她相信我,所以我开始相信我自己.

确山县13474987080: 能帮我翻译一下英语吗
郭巧狄苏: 答案是:can you help me translate it into English ?~手工翻译,尊重劳动,欢迎提问,感谢采纳!~The picture attracted my attention呵呵,回答完了

确山县13474987080: 帮我翻译,,,你能帮帮我的中文吗,,翻译成英语 -
郭巧狄苏: 你好,可翻译为:Can you help with my Chinese?I want to be a musician. 满意请速采纳,多谢合作!

确山县13474987080: 能帮我一下英文翻译成中文吗 -
郭巧狄苏: 一般中国人的姓名直接翻译成英文,用拼音直译,名在前,姓在后,陈俊增的英文姓名就是:Junzeng Chen. 不过,这样的中国式姓名外国人记不住.如果把您的中文名意译成英文,作为您的名字.外国人虽然能记得,但是,没有这样的习惯...

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