
作者&投稿:局临 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)


In the course of the first industrial revolution, due to the invention and wide use of the steam engine, steam railways and steam ships and other vehicles have entered people's lives, and has had a huge impact on people's lives, is a very important vehicle innovations. And, in the course of the first industrial revolution, the textile industry has undergone tremendous changes, starting from the invention of Jenny, spinning machine, received enormous increases in efficiency of the textile, textile is progressively turned into a factory.

Small and medium-sized enterprises in our country is the national economic and social development of the important force, promote the development of small and medium-sized enterprises, is to keep the national fast yet steady economic development is the important base and the people's livelihood relations and social stability of the great strategic task. By international financial crisis hit, our country some small and medium-sized enterprise production and management face difficulties. And of the small and medium-sized enterprises in the credit markets, tax and fee system, social services business environment there are many obstacles, seriously restricted the small and medium-sized enterprise development and the benign operation. Therefore, should be careful analysis small and medium-sized enterprise internal and external business environment. The government must take more effective policy measures to help small and medium-sized enterprise to overcome difficulties, change the way of development achieve yet fast development; Must adhere to solve current problems and focus on the overall development, combining to maintain the smooth and quick development and structure adjustment promotion and technical progress, and the combination of small and medium-sized enterprises lead the way of sustainable development.

你好,应该是这样的 mall and medium-sized enterprises in our country is the national economic an d social development of the important f orce, promote the development of smal l and medium-sized enterprises, is to ke ep the national fast yet steady economi c development is the important base an d the people's livelihood relations and s ocial stability of the great strategic task. By international financial crisis hit, our country some small and medium-sized enterprise production and management face difficulties. And of the small and medium-sized enterprises in the credit markets, tax and fee system, social serv ices business environment there are ma ny obstacles, seriously restricted the s mall and medium-sized enterprise deve lopment and the benign operation. Ther efore, should be careful analysis small and medium-sized enterprise internal a nd external business environment. The government must take more effective p olicy measures to help small and mediu m-sized enterprise to overcome difficult ies, change the way of development ach ieve yet fast development; Must adhere to solve current problems and focus on the overall development, combining to maintain the smooth and quick develop ment and structure adjustment promoti on and technical progress, and the com bination of small and medium-sized ent erprises lead the way of sustainable de velopment. 希望可以帮到你。

Small and medium enterprises in China's national economy and social development and an important force, promote development of medium and small businesses, is to maintain stable and rapid economic development of the important foundation, is the people's livelihood and social stability is a major strategic task. By the international financial crisis, China's SMEs facing difficulties in production and operation. And small and medium-sized enterprises in the credit market, tax system, social services such as business environment, there are many obstacles, seriously restricts the small and medium-sized enterprise benign operation and development. Therefore, should seriously analyze the small and medium-sized enterprise internal and external business environment. The government must adopt more active and effective policies and measures, to help SMEs to overcome the difficulties, change the development mode, to achieve sound and rapid development; adhere to the solution of the current problems with focus on the comprehensive development of the combination, to maintain steady and rapid economic development and promoting the structural adjustment and technological progress the combination, guide broad masses of small and medium enterprises take the road of sustainable development.



provincial supervising 13、 储运部 storing 14、 产品陈列室 displaying room 15、 电教室 computer room 16、 总工程师室 chief engeneer 17、 供应部 providing dept.谈不上特别准确的翻译,这都要根据您单位性质和企业文化而定。

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汉译法 请高手帮忙翻一下,谢谢。
1.如果我有时间,我将去拜访我的中学老师。1. Si je dispose de suffisamment de temps, je vais je pour rendre visite aux enseignants du cycle secondaire.2.我建议你到农村去度假;我想,今年夏天海边会有不少人。2. Je vous conseille de passer votre vacances à la campagne; Je ...

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The summer is the day that the Canadian hopes already a long time.The Canadian lake river is numerous, the natural resources protects all right.The time that summer come, the hotel of the lake area tour beauty spot will do an advertisement on various medium.Over there, you can ...

为了更好地利用学习资料.In order to make better use of learning materials.我们倡议高三同学在毕业之际捐出用过的书报杂志等,赠给低年级同学.We suggest grade 3 classmates donate their used books,newspapers and magazines to junior class classmates.此次活动的地点在我校图书馆一楼;时间于6月...

彭州市19841744826: 跪求英语高手帮我把一段文摘翻译成英文,急用!谢谢了.对了,不要用翻译软件翻译,好的话我会加分 -
墨春泽荣: 我一向很偷懒,先自动翻译,然后在修改,我觉得这是英语水平有限的情况下,一种比较好的方法,建议你学会使用在线翻译工具,其实有技巧的,自己琢磨,最重要的是要考虑英语与汉语表达方式的不同,特别是一些修饰语和从句的使用....

彭州市19841744826: 高手帮忙翻一下..不要用翻译工具.要通俗口语化,谢谢了哈..加分... -
墨春泽荣: 现代水泥,又叫波特兰水泥,是在1824年发明的.这种水泥是石灰石和粘土被加热并且被碾碎成粉末的混合物.(这边power是powder吧~我按powder翻的).在建筑工地上或者周边,水泥和沙子、小石头、碎石或砂砾,水混合来制造混凝土....

彭州市19841744826: 请英语高手帮我翻译一下,不要翻译器的,谢谢~ -
墨春泽荣: 朋友,你好,我又快又好的给你翻译完了.我以前是做翻译的,请你放心本文的质量,任何场合都可以拿去用.别忘了把我的答案设为最佳答案,以后要是再有什么东西需要翻译的话,可以再找我.哈哈,谢谢.As technology is developing, ...

彭州市19841744826: 请高手翻译一下 谢谢 急用!!! -
墨春泽荣: " big dictionary of Tujue's language " is famous scholar rough hertz of solemn Germany of our country. Keshen Gaer travel every Tujue clan of Central Asia between and 1074 on the Christian era, an unprecedented contrast linguistics dictionary ...

彭州市19841744826: 请高手帮忙翻译一下.急用.谢谢! (注:不要翻译软件翻译的)
墨春泽荣: I am grateful that you can provide me with a good internship opportunity to ... ... I got the title of class cadre of outstanding scholarship and ... ... I love sailing, I like sailing, from one area to another piece waters, no matter how many difficulties and ...

彭州市19841744826: 请问哪位能够帮我翻译以下内容呀,我有急用,谢谢了!我不要翻译器翻译的哦! -
墨春泽荣: 晕~毕业论文呀~`` 可以用金山辞霸去翻译一下~有点毛病也没关系~因为你的老师也不是英语专业,特们也不会看那些东西的~关键是内容嘛 Abstract 我国从80年代初期开始实行工程建设招标投标制度,它是建筑业管理体制和经营方式的一项重大...

彭州市19841744826: 哪位高手帮我翻译一下啊 不要用翻译工具
墨春泽荣: Tianmu Lake is located eight kilometers south of Liyang City, there is Shahe, Tahsi two state-level large-scale reservoirs, due to an Tianmushan Yumo therefore called "Tianmu Lake." Tianmuhu development and construction began in 1994, is a ...

彭州市19841744826: 请高手帮忙翻译一下!急用!!!
墨春泽荣: 如果是上学用的证明的话,要去公证处翻译的,自己翻译的是不承认的

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