
作者&投稿:柏黄 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
一个朋友去你家,请编一段对话,将全家人介绍给你朋友。不少于40词 英语作文~

Welcome to my home! This is my mum and dad, they're teachers! Haha, they look nice, aren't they? They have sweet faces, not like our strict and cold teachers in class. And this is another family member, my little dog, Coco! We all like you and hope you like us!

Dad: Tomorrow is your mom's birthday. Xxx, what do you want to get for your mom?
XXX: I don't know. Do you have anything in mind?
Dad: Do you think she'll like a new purse? Because her old one is really used up now.
XXX:I was thinking that we can get her some flowers too.
Dad: Yea, that's a great idea. All women love flowers.
XXX: And also we can't forget about cakes. How can you celebrate someone's birthday without buying them a cake?
Dad: Yea, you are right. Let's go do the shoppings right now befor she comes back.
XXX: Okay!!

A Conversation
Ann: Good morning, Eva. Happy to see you here. How are you?


Eva: Great. And you?

Eva :很好!你呢?

Ann: I am good. Thanks. Oh, let me introduce my friend to you, Eva. This is Kate. She comes from America. Kate, this is Eva.


Eva: Hello, Kate. Nice to meet you.


Kate: Nice to meet you, too. Where are you from?


Eva: I am from Canada.


Kate: Oh, really? I went to Canada with my parents before. It’s a great country.


Eva: Yes, It’s really great. And America is my favorite country, too.


Kate: I am happy to hear that.


Ann: Vow! I think you two can be good friends. How about go shopping together?


Eva & Kate: Good!




B:"How are you?"

A:"Thank you."


A:"Sorry,I'm afraid."

B:"Don't be afraid."

A: "Where do you comefrom?"

B":I'm from Germany."

B:"Have you got a sister or a brother?”

A: "No,I haven’t. "

B: "Why? "

A: "Because Chinese policy doesn’t allow. "

B: "Why? "

A: "Because there are too many people in China. "

A: "Nicetomeetyou. "

B: "Nicetomeetyou,too. "

C:Chineseboy,verygood. "

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