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~ 可以。查询英语单词opportunity说明,该单词是可以用同位语从句。英语(英语:English)是一种西日耳曼语支,最早被中世纪的英国使用,并因其广阔的殖民地而成为世界使用面积最广的语言。

catch opportunity... 抓住时机, 不错过机会 buying opportunity 买方有利时机 improve the oppor... 利用[抓住]机会 take the opportun... 抓住机会做某事 investment opport... 投资机会 job opportunity 就业机会 opportunity study [经] 投资方向研究 exchange opportunity 交换机会 【例句用法】1....

Opportunites and success--and 并列两个名词作主语,tend动词后接不定式to be,in favour of介词短语做表语, thoes who are ready做介词of的宾语,those后面又加了定语从句.2

以A happy.dinner为题写一篇六句话的英语作文。
Last winter holiday,my parents and I had an opportunit­y to visit our beautiful capital—Beijing,I was very excited because this is my first time to go on a trip by plane.In this five-day-trip,we have to visit some famous places in Beijing:such as the Great Wall,th...

Last winter holiday,my parents and I had an opportunit­y to visit our beautiful capital—Beijing,I was very excited because this is my first time to go on a trip by plane.In this five-day-trip,we have to visit some famous places in Beijing:such as the Great Wall,th...

嘴提供了一个看似无限的表达脆弱机会。主语是the mouth 谓语是provide 由于the mouth是单数所以用provides opportunites 是宾语 a seemingly limitless supply of 是opportunites的定语 to convey weakness是后置定语 convey是传达的意思

Dear friends:hello.What l read now sixth graders,dorrow the opportunit to write a letter,know a good friend.I study on top of you? Another one month,l will graduate from primary school, l will leave life for six years Alma mater, to another place to contnue learming for ...

分析句子主干That concept implies educational opportunit_百度...
主语 That concept 谓语 imply 宾语 education opportunity 补语 for all children 同位语 the right of each child(说明concept)定语to receive help in learning to the limits of his or her capacity(修饰right)让步状语 whether that capacity be small or great(修饰全句)供参考。

make the most of opportunites at hand中后面at hand做什么意思...
◆at hand 是个副词词组,有【在手边,在附近,即将发生,即将到来,迫近】等意思。所以【make the most of opportunities at hand】可翻译为:【充分利用即将到来的机会】或【充分利用手边的机会】●常常at hand所代表的意思在不需要特别强调时可以不翻译出来,例如:you can start to deal with ...

...with a university education. A. opportunit

realize that we have lost IT.Some people know the importance of opportunities.They know an opportunity is A factor in achieving success.So they are always ready FOR an opportunity when it arrives.However,other people give UP the efforts to seek opportunites and grasp them.they are...

墨江哈尼族自治县18983475166: 初中英语动词不定式的加法 -
臧贱刻免: be university students 但有些区别是值得注意:有些名词只用of介词短语作同位后置修饰语,如: Is there any possibility of getting there in time? 有些名词只用不定式作同位后置修饰语(如:will,agreement,proposal,resolution等);有些名词则要 视句子的结构,可 以用of-短语,也可用不定式作同位后置修饰语(如chance,opportunity,power 等). 关于动词不定式作后置修饰语看起来比较简单,但用起来有时会把握不定,特别是对不同的语境有不同理 解的时候.对这些问题可以作进一步更深入的探 讨.

墨江哈尼族自治县18983475166: Seize the opportunity to continue to progress这句语法上有没有错误啊 -
臧贱刻免: 把握住继续进步的机会 seize the opportunity 后面 to continue to progress是不定式作opportunity的同位语,continue to do something,固定搭配 语法上正确

墨江哈尼族自治县18983475166: 初中英语中只能接不定式的动词有哪些? -
臧贱刻免: 后面常跟to do的:want, rufuse, forget, need, try, learn, like, agree, help, hope, wish, decide, begin, start 后常跟doing : finish, practise, be worth, be busy, keep on, be used to, give up, consider, suggest, can't help, feel like, enjoy, miss, mind 加do :...

墨江哈尼族自治县18983475166: opportunity是什么意思,请详细解释
臧贱刻免: 机会 比chance正式一些

墨江哈尼族自治县18983475166: opportunity 的用法是什么啊?还有它后面加 to do ,of doing ,for -
臧贱刻免: 没有oing这玩意. opportunity是名词,n. 咱汉语中名词怎么用,英语中就怎么用.

墨江哈尼族自治县18983475166: “to do”不定式做后置定语有几条? -
臧贱刻免: 1、只能以不定式作定语的名词:ability、anxiety、attempt、curiosity、decision、desire、disposition、failure、freedom、inclination、obligation、offer、permission、plan、promise、refusal、reluctance、temptation、tendency、willingness、...

墨江哈尼族自治县18983475166: 在定语从句中,opportunity为什么可以用where修饰?类似的词语还有哪些?
臧贱刻免: where=介词+which “机会”在定从中 大多数情况下 不是作宾语 而是作状语 所以前面要加in 而where就等于in +which. 如 he offorded me an opportunity where/in which i could make a lot of money.他给我提供了挣大钱的机会. 其实是说 他给了我一个机会 在这个机会中 我能挣大钱. 类似的还有situation,case等.

墨江哈尼族自治县18983475166: 求opportunity的所有词性、用法和意思,越详细越好,谢谢. -
臧贱刻免: opportunity [7CpE5tju:niti] n. 机会, 时机opportunity op.por.tu.ni.ty AHD:[¼p”…r-t›“n¹-t¶, -ty›“-] D.J.[7%p*6tu8niti8, -6tju8-] K.K.[7$p+6tun!ti, -6tju-] n.(名词) 【复数】 op.por.tu.ni.ties A favorable or advantageous circumstance or ...

墨江哈尼族自治县18983475166: chance 和 opportunity 有何区别 某些时候是否可以互换 -
臧贱刻免: chance多指偶然的机会,含有侥幸的意味在内;opportunity多指特殊的机会待的意味.两者有时可以互换.chance可表示可能性,而opportunity不能.如: (4)A strange chance had landed me upon the French coast . 一个奇怪的机会使我站在法国的海岸上. (5)She waited a long time without finding opportunity for a new departure . 她等了很长时间都没有找到新的动身机会. (6)There is a chance that he may be alive . 他也许活着也说不定.

墨江哈尼族自治县18983475166: opportunity of doing sth 和 opportunity for doing sth 的区别是什么? -
臧贱刻免: opportunity of doing sth. opportunity for (doing) sth. 都是做某事的机会 没有区别给几个例句:This gave him an opportunity of collecting his thoughts. 这给了他一个机会镇定下来.Austin viewed mistakes simply as an opportunity for learning. 奥斯汀把任何错误都看作是学习的机会This presents both a challenge and an opportunity for us. 这是我们要面对的一场考验,但同时也是一个我们可以掌握的机会.

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