
作者&投稿:贠戴 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

为什么汉语不能成为世界语言 写篇英语作文120字左右 谢谢
Recently, there was a discussion among some of my classmates concerning the reason that Chinese is not capable to be used as a universal language around the world. Opinions are divided into several groups.Firstly, a language is taken as universal only when it is simple to study ...

seek out opportunities=take (填一个单词) of opportunit

关于be in favour of的问题
be in favour of 同意,支持 offer opportunites to……=give chance to do……提 be in favour of = be for = be on one's side 支持;in favour of out of favour be in favour with in sb's favour do sb a favour

Thanksgiving Day is the most truly American of the national Holidays in the United States and is most closely connected with the earliest history of the country. In 1620, the settlers, or Pilgrims, they sailed to America on the May flower, seeking a place where they could have ...

...with a university education. A. opportunit
应该是A ,有大学教育背景的人将来会有更多新的机会。其他的没道理啊。B必要性 ?C 现实性?D 可能性 都讲不通的

first you must not be afraid to talk to other people, since talking and communication is the foundation for a friendship. Secendly, you should participate in all kinds of activities to create more opportunites for finding new friends. Finally, to strengthen the relationship, you mus...

how you respond to the opportunities that come your way中how为宾语从句连接词,正常语序为 you how respond to the opportunites;句中that come your way为定语从句,修饰opoportunites。大意为:我考虑更多是 人们认为的运气可以归因于你对所碰到的机会是如何作出反应。个人理解,供参考。

In all our lives, we receive helping hands - some we notice, some we don't. Equally we ourselves have countless opportunites to provide helping hands - sometimes we would like our assistance to be noticed, sometimes we don't. Little of what we all achieve is without learning ...


成功 等待着你短文答案

居急18680327370问: opportunities什么意思 -
大安市复方回答: opportunities [英][ˌɒpə'tju:nɪtɪs][美][ˌɒpə'tju:nɪtɪs] n.机会( opportunity的名词复数 ); 适当的时机; 条件; 就业(或晋升、进步等)的良机; 例句:1.Asian investors typically look overseas for higher return opportunities. 亚洲投资者通常在海外市场寻求更高回报的机会.2.Opportunities should continue for hedge funds. 机遇还会继续垂青对冲基金.

居急18680327370问: opportunities是什么意思 -
大安市复方回答: opportunities 英[ˌɒpə'tju:nɪtɪs] 美[ˌɒpə'tju:nɪtɪs] n. 机会( opportunity的名词复数 ); 适当的时机; 条件; 就业(或晋升、进步等)的良机; [例句]I want to see more opportunities for young people. 我希望年轻人能有更多机会. [其他] 形近词: importunities

居急18680327370问: opportunities 什么意思 音标是什么
大安市复方回答: 机会的意思,音标不会标

居急18680327370问: opportunities的意思是?
大安市复方回答: 此词为opportunity的复数,良机、机会,它强调良机、机会是很恰当的.同chance

居急18680327370问: opportunities汉语啥意思? -
大安市复方回答: 机会.

居急18680327370问: opportunities的音标是什么 -
大安市复方回答:[答案] opportunity [ˌɔpəˈtju:niti] n.机会,时机 opportunities [.ɔpə'tju:nitis] npl.opportunity的复数形式

居急18680327370问: opportunities中文意思是什么?这句翻译成英语. -
大安市复方回答: n. 机会( opportunity的名词复数 ); 适当的时机; 条件; 就业(或晋升、进步等)的良机 [例句] Education now offers the lower classes access to job opportunities.教育如今为下层阶级提供了就业的门道

居急18680327370问: opportunities 怎么读 -
大安市复方回答: opportunities 是英语单词 读音音标: 英[ˌɒpə'tju:nɪtɪs] 美[ˌɒpə'tju:nɪtɪs]

居急18680327370问: opportunities怎么读 -
大安市复方回答: 英文原文:opportunities 英式音标:[ˌɒpəˈtjuːnɪtɪz] 美式音标:[ˌɒpəˈtjuːnɪtɪs]

居急18680327370问: opportunities什么意思 -
大安市复方回答: 机会.time or opportunity lost will return no more.机不可失失不再来.谚语.

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