
作者&投稿:印项 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)


You can try getting a dog because the dog is man's best friend. Dogs are very loyal to the human, which regards you as the most dear master, and the dog is very cute. You must take good care of it, and give it a comfortable and warm nest. Keeping the dog is not an easy thing to do,and you must do the job wholeheartedly. I suggest you look at some dog Cheats, which might be helpful for you.

The joint mirror check( arthroscopy) is to apply in the internal check of the joint 腔 of a kind of inside mirror, ask for help it can observe the slippery film, cartilage, the half month plank and ligamentses directly, passing the joint mirror technique to adopt the slippery film especially more for examined a patient various arthritis to provide the pathology according to.It rise in various diagnosis, treatment of slippery film 炎 and researches work other function that the means can't replace.It is not only for the information that the joint disease provides to keep the view, can carry on the excision and repairs that the pathological changes organize inside the joint under the condition of not open sex surgical operation at the same time, have pain and sufferings little, recover quickly, after reducing the 术 advantages, such as complications and the surgical operation expenses...etc.
The joint mirror brought the bad influence at the earliest stage from the one who need passed the orthoptic and huge mirror a system of the eyes mirror, develop to shot the elephant system to reflect portrait on the monitor through a television, make portrait clearer, and avoid to the operation.( if see the retina burn)In recent years the development of the optic fiber also for the joint mirror of small scaled turned to create the condition, develop the 0.5-1.8 mms from the joint mirror of the common diameter 4.5 mms, even be look like in the needle form joint mirror that 16 numbers inject the machine, thus make mirror check more simple, need to lend support to the condition more in order to simplify( if recover from illness the room, personnel equipment, device etc.), sometimes at the out-patient service can carry on the check, the expenses is also more cheap, the check joint is small to arrive to be like the 颞颌 and point joint etc..Though the elephant of 影 of the small scaled joint mirror has no common joint mirror probably clear, good enough to analyze to provide the dependable information for the clinic.

谁能帮我翻译一下“Sunday in the Park”一文?不胜感激!!

全文翻译是:今天是什么样的日子啊!我驾着小舟在江水中流。今天是什么样的日子啊!我竟然能与王子在同一艘船 承蒙王子看的起啊!不因为我是舟子的身份而嫌弃我,甚至责骂我。我的心里如此的紧张而停止不住,因为我居然看到了王子!山上有树木,而树上有树枝,(这人人都知道〉,可是我的心底这么...






International business activities is not only an economic activity, is also a kind of cultural activities. With the acceleration of the process of economic globalization, or between companies and between companies of transnational and cross-cultural business activities have become increasingly ...

既有高档佳肴,也有普通土菜。古镇渊源久远的饮食文化,更造就了三河土菜与点心融南汇北之长,又具有独特风味,堪称一绝,“玩在黄山,吃在三河”因为爱他 所以 了解它 所以谢谢 大家 今天 与我分享 我心中的 美丽的 家乡 以后 如果 大家 到安徽 来玩 我将告诉你们 更全面的咨询 ...

哪一方的君主是有道明君,能得民心?哪一方的将领更有能力?哪一方占有天时地利?哪一方的法规、法令更能严格执行?哪一方资源更充足,装备更精良,兵员更广大?哪一方的士兵训练更有素,更有战斗力?哪一方的赏罚更公正严明?通过这些比较,我就知道了胜负。5. 将领听从我的计策,任用他必胜,我就留下...

大观区18623423324: 谁能帮我翻译一下下面的这段文章? -
甫虾欣洫: 你的这段文字应该是易学范畴是论壬申生人命运的,这里涉及到许多易学的基础知识,象官、煞天禄、六十花甲纳音等等,说起来要扯上许多知识,如果你连这些都不知道,那我劝你还是先看看那些易学的知识!否则啊我说了,你也不了解!如果你知道了那些个基础!那这段文字就很简单了!友情提示你:看易学书,要抛开那些玄奥的名词,知道这个词叫法即作用就够了,否则啊!就看不清里面真正的东西了!!!

大观区18623423324: 谁能帮我用英文翻译下面的文章 -
甫虾欣洫: Autumn, a season of sorrow. Autumn, leaves begin to dance. when I stood under a tree, childhood memories are coming back to me unintentionally. But those times, will never come back again. Autumn, leave fell off the tree, just like a child who left ...

大观区18623423324: 英译中,谁能帮我翻译下面这篇英语文章It's a really difficult balance to strike, actually maintaining the quality but making sure as many young people as ... -
甫虾欣洫:[答案] 我不再等着出题了~哈先说一下:有些地方,你的翻译太过生硬,很多地方意译就可以,关键是把理解出来的意思用中文很好的表达出来.还有一点,有些词语的理解不到位.比如,practice也有“惯例”的意思.继续提高.你可以把我的...

大观区18623423324: 请帮我翻译以下文章,非常感谢!Fives years ago,David Smith wore an expensive suit to work every day."I was a clothes addict,"jokes."I used to carry a ... -
甫虾欣洫:[答案] 5年前,大卫·史密斯每天上班总是穿着一件昂贵的西服.“我是一件衣服的上瘾者,“开玩笑说.“我通常穿舒适的衣服陪我一起工作,所以我可能会改变,如果我的衣服有皱纹.“今天大卫穿了休闲裤子和球鞋去办公室.他几乎从不戴领带.“我的工作...

大观区18623423324: 谁能帮我翻译下面这篇文章,很急的,悬赏20分哦.The sun was shining quite brightly as Mrs.Grant left her house,so she decided not to take an umbrella with ... -
甫虾欣洫:[答案] 当Grant女士离开她的房子的时候太阳还很灿烂,所以她决定不带伞.她乘车去了小镇,不久就下雨了.当车子一个小时后到达市集的时候,雨还是没有停止.Grant女士心不在焉的起身拿起靠在她前面的椅子上的伞. 一个冰冷的声音大声的叫住了她,“那...

大观区18623423324: 谁能帮我把下面的文章翻译一下?不要百度上直接拉下来,很多错的Nothing I'd seen before prepared me for the moment the clouds withdrew with bowed ... -
甫虾欣洫:[答案] 我以前从来没有见过也没有准备过现在的情景,云彩低着头退去了,巨大的喜马拉雅在我的四周展现出来.我震惊的坐下了,没有呼吸,也没敢向其他的地方看去,很肯定上帝让我到地球的后门来让我见识一下天堂是什么样的.我清晰地得到了这个信...

大观区18623423324: 英语翻译帮我翻译以下文章,Disneyland is a famous amusement park in the USA.It was created by Walt Disney(1901 - 1966).Disney is best known for creating ... -
甫虾欣洫:[答案] 迪斯尼乐园是美国的一个著名的游乐园.它是由沃尔特·迪斯尼创建的.迪斯尼因为创作的米老鼠以及其他的卡通人物诸如唐老鸭、高飞、白雪公主而知名. 迪斯尼出生在美国.辍学之后,他靠卖报纸和送信维持生计.同时他在晚上钻研美术.最终,他得到...

大观区18623423324: 请大家帮我把下面的英语文章翻译成中文,最好生动一点!谢谢when i came to Singapore 2 months ago, everything was fresh to me ,but now, this feeling ... -
甫虾欣洫:[答案] 当我两个月前来到新加坡,一切对于我来说都是那么新鲜,但现在,这种感觉变得无趣.我任然记得我来这儿的第一个夜晚,在樟宜机场,小雨中弥漫着一种奇特的味道,那一晚我因想念我的父母而难以入眠.但我知道这对于一个身在海...

大观区18623423324: 大家麻烦用英语帮我翻译下下面的文章你好吗,这是我第一次用英语写信,通过写信和你交流,也可以提高一下我的英语水平,这样我的英语一定能进步 -
甫虾欣洫:[答案] Hi,how are you?It is my first time writting in English,and I hope I could improve by talking to you more

大观区18623423324: 英语翻译麻烦各位帮我翻译一下以下文章I Like to Be BusyMy name is Zhao Xiwen.My English name is Helen.I'm a student in tonghua No.13 Middle School.... -
甫虾欣洫:[答案] 我喜欢繁忙的感觉. 我的名字叫赵锡文,我的英文名叫海伦.我是同华第三中学的学生. 每天我很早就起来阅读,我喜欢朗读中... 我喜欢每天都很忙,我想我们应该认真学习让我们的祖国美丽和富强. 除名字的翻译有误差外,其他包对.

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