
作者&投稿:崔径 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

1.lisa can go to bed early to take a rest.

2.she should eat an apple at once.

3.he can drink some water.

4.she can listen to music to reduce the press ure.



您好, 请参考:

Life contains but two tragedies. One is not to get your heart's desire; the other is to get it. -George Bernard Shaw

人生有两大悲剧:一是得不到你想要的,另一是得到你想要的。 - 萧伯纳

贱息:对自己儿子的谦称。 黑衣:赵国侍卫所服,用以指代宫廷卫士。


1, the veteran Shu Qi cheap interest rates have to make ... ... is willing to make the number of black, to guard the palace ("Touch Zhao Long said the Queen Mother")
2, QIN there is spare capacity in the system disadvantages ... ... took advantage of, exploited the world, splitting mountains and rivers ("On the Qin")
3, Shigenobu dark, Wu Gu, and take the Japanese concept of sub-Ying Ting, until sunrise ("Goldenthal Mountain in mind")
4, Feng Sheng Zhao arrest, bathing Thanh Hoa ("Statement")
5, the veteran special today are not Yushi, is self-step, day three or four years, Yi Mao less food, and also in the body ("Touch Zhao Long said the Queen Mother")
6, Shuzi deficiency and seek ("Banquet")
7, as the case so thick, so full property ("Biographies of Lian Po Lin Hsiang-ju")

1、很多人都关心环境污染问题。Many people are concerned about the pollution of the environment.2、你能在图书馆找到一系列的英语阅读材料。You will find a series of English reading metarial.3、在国外工作几年后,他决定在美国定居。He decided to settle down in America after he have been...

B:是的,这本书上写有呢,你一起要看吗?Yes. It is all introduced in this book. Do you want to read it with me ?A:不了,我等下还有课,不过今天非常感谢你跟我讨论这些有趣的发明知识 No. I have classes to take later. Any way. Thank you very much for talking with me ...

准确的手工翻译 1.It is a valuable work. I do not think anyone writes so well that he cannot learn much from it.它是一种有价值的工作。我不认为有人都写得如此好,以至于他不能从中学到东西。2.He had not the good breeding to see that simplicity and naturalness are the truest ...

”释义:那些难以得到而容易失去的东西,是时运;时运来了却又转瞬即逝的东西,是机遇。 因此,那些大人物们时常顺应时势去改变社会,有智慧的人一定会抓住机遇采取行动。眼下将军您正逢难得的时运,遇上容易失去的机遇,然而,遭逢时运不去占有,面临机遇不采取行动,将以什么去享有大名呢?

只是那个食古不化的老头硬要把它留下。 11.像你这样怎么可能会闯得出一番事业来呢? === 英文: 1. The sad memories always in my mind refuses to go away 2. When I was *** all and that many children often hang around the open space now has bee a place where high-rises 3. Are you...

1. 你在悉尼有多久?How long did you stayed in Sydney?【若现在还在悉尼,则用How long have you been in Sydney】2.他今天不是和你在一起吗?he was together with you today,wasn't he?【我觉得这里用反义疑问句式最合适了】3.杭州以西湖闻名遐迩。Hangzhou is famous for West Lake.4...

谢谢你们的关心,谢谢你们的捐助。Thanks for your concern, thanks for your donation.我们中国这次救援行动迅速.有力.有效.全面.细致,The China rescue efforts are prompt,forceful,effective,all-round and meticulous 我们的领导人.解放军.人民都非常可爱!!!Our leaders,People's Liberation Army ...

我有一个大衣。 My overcoat is old.我的大衣是旧的。 I want a new jacket.我想要一个新的外套。I make a jacket out of it.我做一件夹克走出来。 I love my new jacket.我爱我的新外套。I have a jacket.我有一件夹克。 My jacket is old.我的外套是旧的。 I want a new sweater...

1. XXX is a global, non profit organization aiming at improving the entrepreneurial ability.2. XXX has created a forum for informal communication among businessmen.3. Respect for the religious, moral and political differences.4. Conscientious in the performance of its duties with its ...

1.I haven't contacted with people in shanghai for a long time.(如果是公司的部门,people可换成the apartment)2.Does the US company you mentioned have any office in China?3.Do you have related data of their products?4.I'll ask them if they are looking for new products ...

甘德县19588955205: 请英语高手翻译句子请大家帮忙翻译下面句子,请不要用软件翻译,谢谢!1:得马上请医生来.2:他们因工作出色而受到表扬.3:没有人在昨天的事故中受伤... -
狐贫安塞:[答案] 1:得马上请医生来.1.We must go for a doctor at once.2:他们因工作出色而受到表扬2.They were praised for their good work.3:没有人在昨天的事故中受伤3.Nobody wounded in the accident yesterday.4:不能把这些...

甘德县19588955205: 请高手翻译以下句子(中文翻译英文)请输入手机号;交多少话费;欢迎光临;谢谢光临,慢走;对一下号码;不客气. -
狐贫安塞:[答案] 1、Enter your mobilephone number,please!请输入手机号;可以直接说:Your number,please!2、How much would you pay?你要交多少话费?也可以直接说:How much?钱不可数,用much.3、Welcome to our place!欢迎光临!简...

甘德县19588955205: 请英语高手帮忙翻译几个句子
狐贫安塞: 这食物太凉了,我受不了,请你用微波炉帮我热一下好吗? The food is too cool and I can't stand it.Could you warm it up with a microwave oven for me? 这床单上有块污渍...

甘德县19588955205: 请英语高手翻译这几句话
狐贫安塞: 1 我是你在Om上认识的中国女孩 I'm the Chinese girl you met on Om 2 这是我第一次用英语写E mail,如果又语法错误请谅解 This is the first time I've written an e-mail, please excuse me if there is any grammatical mistake 3首先让我介绍一下我自...

甘德县19588955205: 请各位英语高手们帮忙翻译一下这几句话!(中译英) -
狐贫安塞: do our promises can really go the entire life? i think it can't so we can say "i love you" now but please do not say"i love you for ever" can you really do that? that's too difficult young of us, can promises go for ever?字典上给出的一个关于海誓山盟的翻译是a solemn pledge of love译为一个对爱情隆重的承诺.但是一般来说海誓山盟直接用promise(誓言)就可以了

甘德县19588955205: 请英文高手帮忙啊~~~请帮我翻译一下这几句话,不胜感激!1. Limits of liability not less than: Commercial General Liability - general aggregate $2,000,000, ... -
狐贫安塞:[答案] 应该是责任保险条款吧:1、责任险保额不得低于:一般商业责任险(也有译作:综合商业责任险)-保险总额$2,000,000,产品完全运作险(也有译作:产品完成业务险)- 保险总额$2000000人身及广告责任险$1,000,000每次事...

甘德县19588955205: 请英语高手翻译一下.想请请英语高手帮我翻译一下下面的句子.先谢谢
狐贫安塞: 海阔凭鱼跃,天高任鸟飞. 我的世界 我精彩 一切皆有可能! the sea is large enoough for the fish to spring and the sky is high enough for the birds to fly. My world, my stage. Anything is possible.

甘德县19588955205: 请高手帮忙翻译下这些句子 -
狐贫安塞: 3. To negotiate pricing, delivery and payment terms with the selected suppliers and to sign the contracts (subject to approval). 4. To prepare the monthly and annual procurement plan according to the production/work status of the production ...

甘德县19588955205: 请高手帮忙翻译一下句子我得英语很差,现在有9个句子不是很会翻译,
狐贫安塞: 1.除了去公园以外,这个夏天我就没有出过公寓.(apart from) I just stayed in the apartment apart from going to the parks. 2.这些科学实验的结果对于我们非常有价值,...

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