
作者&投稿:包贵 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

荣获2006-2007年度优秀三等奖学金 I also get the scholarship for which excellent 3 in fiscal year 2006-2007 waits in honor.

荣获2006-2007年度优秀学生称号 I also get student's excellent title in fiscal year 2006-2007 in honor.

荣获2005-2006年度优秀团干称号 I also get an excellent company in honor and do a title in fiscal year 2005-2006.

荣获2005-2006年度第十届华南杰出助学奖学金 I also get a scholarship of study aid in which the 10th stage Huanan in fiscal year 2005-2006 excels in honor.

荣获XX大学抗震救灾优秀志愿者称号 I also get candidate's excellent title of seismic hazard relief of a XX university in honor.

• 英语技能:CET 4,具有良好的听说读写能力
The ability of the reading and writing is heard with English skill :CET4 of personal information and a good thing.

IT 技能:国家计算机三级网络技术,熟悉C语言及C++程序设计 软件, IT skill: After I'm familiar with state network technology of a third class of a computer and software of program design of a C language and C++.

能够熟练操作Office系列办公软件,能简单运用photoshop等软件进行图像处理(打字速度快) Paperwork software of a skilful operational Office series can use software of photoshop and process the image easily (Typing, it's fast.)

个人爱好:股票投资,轮滑,唱歌,篮球及乒乓球。 A hobby: An investment of a stock certificate and a wheel slip and sing, and, basketball and table tennis.

担任职务:学生会干事,班上团支书 I take charge of work: A person in charge and a class of a student meeting go to a branch clerk of a young men's association.

重、 I estimate personally: They're young, and brightness, spirit and physical strength are filled, and and there is will of the very strong business; After the individuality is quiet.

具高度责任感,善于与人沟通,能够在高压力下和时间限制下进行工作 ,做事认真踏实, In the communication which is equipped with an expensive sense of responsibility, and is a person, "Be excellent.", at the bottom of high pressure, if, after time can restrict work to the bottom, and to do a fact calms down seriously.

有计划性,有较强的学习适应能力。有很强的管理能力、组织协调能力和团队精神. There is strong learning more than I always plan ahead, and adapts oneself to the ability. There is very strong management capability which organizes the ability of the 、 harmony and group spirit.

实习/活动 /Activity is practiced.
将所学理论与实践相结合,了解并掌握股票分析的相关知识,形成了良好的投资理念 Securities combine practice with theory of investing and studying actual fighting each other, and, understanding, SO, please, related knowledge of an analysis of a stock was controlled and an idea of a good investment was formed.

Influence to a capital market of a Chinese policy is observed, it's mastered and professional learning is promoted.

中国平安保险公司实习生 Student apprentice of Chinese Heian insurance company
I'm engaged in knowledge of marketing, the knowledge which learns art and manages property, the function of the life insurance, a point, knowledge of a product of insurance and a business of the marketing of a life insurance, do market research, visit the telephone approximately and call on a client.

 担任教练和销售员
Chengdu Unusual Tribe Limited company holds concurrent jobs to hold the post of the training and the seller

负责初级班的教学,从零起点到能正确滑行和做简单的花样动作 Is responsible for the elementary class the teaching, to can slide correctly from the zero beginning and make the simple pattern movement

销售儿童轮滑鞋,并取得8月份公司个人销量第二和团队销量第一的成绩 Sells the child skidding of the wheels shoes, and obtains in the August company individual sales volume second and the team sales volume first result


Dear Teacher: Hello, everybody!
I am a pre-undergraduate classes xxx, my thesis advisor is xxx teacher, my thesis entitled "Children on the activities of oral communication ability." The paper is careful in weeks under the guidance of the teacher, the teacher said this would like xxx high respect and sincere thanks! Now I put the background of topics, writing the basic ideas and problems of the teacher to report to you the following:
Today's society, accelerating the pace of life, communication is increasingly well-developed spoken in people's lives and the production of the more extensive and frequent expression of the people are mostly the main spoken language. Oral Communication is one of people's lives are important contents, which directly affects the advance of the entire nation. Can even say that a person can not be written expression, oral expression, but can not will not. To improve the whole nation and the level of oral communication, we must start from early childhood. However, in real life, I found that the current children's oral communication ability is not satisfactory, children's language is very disappointing.
Accordingly, I am on the "oral communication activities, child care," the related issues of investigation and research. Through investigation and understanding of today's oral communicative competence in the social status of children, such schools often carry out oral training activities; whether the emphasis on training teachers, children's oral communication ability; oral capacity to train children in the course of a contradiction is resolved. Through the problems and disadvantages of thinking and analysis, I assume by constructing a new form of oral communication training - Oral Communication. Children generally like to allow for the oral communication activities to create a broader learning platform; allow children to carry out communication activities around the practice, in the event a more systematic, efficient, easy to master the oral communication of relevant knowledge, improve relevant skills .
Full-text is divided into five parts, namely the introduction, the creation of a relaxed atmosphere activities, so that children at communication, and create a rich type of activity, so that the child be happy to communication, for all practical activities of guidance, good at communication and part of the conclusion.
Through practice and exploration, I am pleased to see that the child's verbal skills have improved significantly. Every time the language of oral communication are more standard, rich, and others communication skills, dealing with people and so has the development capacity. Practice shows that: A year ago, those who do not love communicating with people, shy expression, communication difficulties of children, who is eloquent, bold spirits. But my research has just begun to be unremitting efforts. Children vary widely, be individualized to be effective. I want to explore actively and seriously study young children and teaching materials, regular reflection, constantly sum up experience, while good at absorb other people's success, guide my teaching. Please teacher great weekend!

Dear teachers: hello!
I am the XXX, preschool education this regular professional training of my graduation thesis guide teacher is XXX tutor, my graduation thesis topic is "activities cultivate children oral communication ability. This paper is on the teachers under the guidance of the completion, the teacher said to XXX highest respect and heartfelt thanks! Under the background of my writing papers, basic thoughts and the shortcomings of the report to your teacher is as follows:
In today's society, the pace of life, communication tools are also increasingly rich, oral English in people's life and production, and frequently used widely in the expression of most people are speaking. Oral communication is an indispensable important life content, it directly influences the entire national progress. Even a man can not written expression, but cannot not speaking. To improve the whole country and national level, the oral communication from kindergarten to grab. However, in real life, I found that children of oral communication ability is insufficient ideal, the child's language expression is disappointed.
Accordingly, I would "activity cheeper oral communication" problems related to the investigation and study. Through the investigation about today's social status of preschool oral communication ability, such as schools are often develop oral training activities, Teachers are fostering children's oral communication ability, The children in oral communication ability training process whether can solve contradictory. Based on the existing problems and shortages of thinking and analysis, I imagined by constructing a new kind of oral communication forms of training, communicative activities. To let the infant universal love to create a broader oral communication platform of learning, Let children around the communicative practice activities in activities, comparative system, quick and easy to master relevant knowledge of oral communication, improve their skills.
The article is divided into five parts, respectively, free activities citations atmosphere, make children communication, create rich form of activity, make the child to communication and practical activity, sociable and closing section.
Through the exploration and practice, I was delighted to see that the child had significant oral communication ability. Each language of oral communication is rich, and others, the ability to communicate, others are the development ability, etc. Practice shows that a year ago, those who do not love to communicate with people, to communicate, communication is difficult child, is now eloquent, bold and lively. But I just started, the study also must unremitting efforts. Children can vary, must according to effective. I shall actively explored, study and teaching children, often for teaching reflection, constantly sum up experience, and the successful experience of absorbance others, guiding me teaching work. Please give your comments!

Is it not enough to have one girlfriend? Why did you fell into love another girl? I stilldon’t understand why that you can do all of this.6.我想念我的家人,我想念我在老家的床,我想念我妈妈做的饭菜。I miss my family, I miss my bed in hometown, I miss my mom's food...

I will not die so soon because I am still young and I haven't had enough of fun with my life yet.8.你明知道我会骗你,为什么你还要问我?You are sure to know that I will lie to you. Why are you still asking me?9.其实我一直都有一个疑惑,究竟在梦里遇到的陌生人,在现...

4.环境让我变成一个绝望的人 Circumstance makes me feeling hopeless.5.我爱他,但是我再也没有多余的力气去证明我是无辜的。我花了两个星期的时间去解释,我也尝试过一切办法,我以为他不会再对我那么冷漠。但是这一刻我才知道,一切都是徒劳的,完了就完了吧,我也不可以做什么 I love him, ...

3.悲伤,你总伴随我人生,我想离你远去,不再受你的折磨,而你却若即若离跟随者我,像一个我喜欢的变心的恋人那样,既不让我离去,却又不完全接纳我。当我想远去之际,你却过来,弄乱我的思绪,让我身不由己又回到你的身边,接受你的折磨。Sadness, you seem to follow my life. I want to b...

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I'm gloomy 我不知道我为什么要装 i don't know why i have to be pretended 我好烦,真的好讨厌他们,却要装着喜欢!i'm bored, pretending to love them while hating them 他们好幼稚!天真 they are all naive,knowing nothing.我要装开朗,甚至……还有八卦!i have to pretend to be ...

Beijing is a serious water shortage in the city. , Protection of water resources is a major current issue. Beijing in Beijing, mostly from outside sources, has its "source" and "flow" between, therefore, should be considered as a whole structure of water resources in Beijing. ...

Love 爱情 I love you not because of who you are, but because of who I am when I am with you.No man or woman is worth your tears, and the one who is ,won't make you cry.The worst way to miss someone is to be sitting right beside them knowing you can't have them...

although only insist to learn English for 10 years, at this point, I take her. She gave us the first lesson on course to our first lesson, mainly about grooming and etiquette, probably I know, but she said do may easily, but do it is difficult, when these grooming etiquette...

麻烦帮我译成英文,谢谢! 你好,可翻译为:Only for the most important person in my heart. To the most important person in my heart. 满意请采纳,谢谢!谁能帮我译成英文,谢谢了。 I was born in Hohhot, Inner Mongolia in 1984, has since been living and studying here. ...

绥芬河市13397684374: 麻烦帮我译成英文,这两句:1、只为心中最重要的人!2、给心中最重要的人!麻烦帮我翻译成英文, -
经周普拉:[答案] 可翻译为:Only for the most important person in my heart. To the most important person in my heart.

绥芬河市13397684374: 暮光3中最后Jacob对Bella说的话:“我会为你做任何事 对于我来说 那就像呼吸一样简单” 我英语不好、、 麻烦大家帮我翻译一下、、 不甚感激、、要原版... -
经周普拉:[答案] I will do anything for you,for me it is as easy as breathing 翻译的 不是原版 .·.··· 也许你会给分我呢 ..

绥芬河市13397684374: 麻烦帮我用英语翻译一下
经周普拉: Are you happy? Please smile, with good mood!

绥芬河市13397684374: 麻烦帮我翻译成英语~! -
经周普拉: I think the students should do the housework, we should not focus only on student learning, but also not do any work, the all-round development, on the one hand, doing household chores can foster the ability of our ability, on the other hand, we will be ...

绥芬河市13397684374: 麻烦人工翻译成英文!不胜感激 -
经周普拉: Hello: I have recently encountered a very serious problem, the following is a description of the problem! I was in Beijing time March 21, 2019 in Beijing Haidian District Domfonton to carry out the examination, the examination is: Vcap. Here are my ...

绥芬河市13397684374: 麻烦帮我翻译成英文!!谢谢!!
经周普拉: You don't know I'm watching you, because you're always watching her.

绥芬河市13397684374: 请帮忙将如下文字译成英文,不甚感激,谢谢 -
经周普拉: We do appreciate your understanding and support ,all the shipment plans will be according to your arrangement.Meanwhile, we are grateful for your invitation,we will try our best to spare time to visit your company,to enhance the mutual ...

绥芬河市13397684374: 请帮忙将如下文字译成英文,不甚感激,很感谢您的理解与支持,一切出货计划将依照贵司的按排进行.同时,谢谢您的邀请,我们会尽量抽空去拜访贵司,... -
经周普拉:[答案] We do appreciate your understanding and support ,all the shipment plans will be according to your arrangement.Meanwhile,we are grateful for your invitation,we will try our best to spare time to visit ...

绥芬河市13397684374: 英语翻译麻烦帮我用英语翻译一下:我们必须小心别人的圈套,应为一旦进去了就很难再出来这个句子.感激不尽!语法一定要正确哦! -
经周普拉:[答案] we must watch out for others' snares/traps,because/since once we get trapped we can hardly survive. 语法肯定正确!能力有限!

绥芬河市13397684374: 英语翻译小弟不甚感激! -
经周普拉:[答案] 一般的 Can you tell me your address?非常礼貌委婉的 Could you please tell me you address?非常非常非常客气的(客气得过分了有点 ...)I'm wodering if it's possible for you to tell me you address?...

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