
作者&投稿:喻恒 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)


Mid-Autumn Festival is China's traditional festival, and the Spring Festival, Dragon Boat Festival, also known as Ching Ming of China's four major traditional Chinese festivals.

Legend has it in ancient times, 10, 2001 in the sky the sun, the earth straight Kaode smoke, water dry, ordinary people can not live to see.

This matter has alerted a hero named Houyi, he boarded the Kunlun Peak, Wan foot Brief introduction, God opened arch, cooked up absolute shoot down the nine extra sun.

Hou Yi set guise Magic Power, by the respect and admiration of people, many of Chester Muming to Toushi learned. Treacherous Diaozuan, the intention unrighteousness Peng Meng also has come in mixed.

Soon, Hou Yi married a beautiful kind-hearted wife, named Chang'e. In addition to hunting Hou Yi-Yi, and his wife live together, people are envious of this Langcainvmao Enai husband and wife.

One day, Hou Yi to the Kunlun Mountains and friends seeking Road, which after the Wangmuniangniang Qiao Yu, told the Queen Mother obtained a packet of immortality drugs. It is said that Fuxia the drug can go to heaven instantly immortal.

However, Hou Yi reluctant to leave his wife and had temporarily handed over to the death-Chang collection. Chang will sink into the possession of the drug-Pack 100, was unexpectedly Peng Meng seen it.

Three days later, Houyilvzhong just go out hunting, Peng Meng pretend Xinhuaiguitai the sick, stay.

Hou Yi was left to be near people, Peng Meng Neizhai armed with sword into the backyard, coercion Chang surrender of immortality drugs.

Chang Peng Meng is not aware of their opponents, critical time of her act decisively, turned to open 100-Pack, with a death swallow the medicine go.

Chang swallow drugs, your body immediately Piaoli the ground, out of the window, flew to the sky. As Chang worried about her husband, it Feila from human to the moon on a recent cents.

Evening, Hou Yi returned home, the maid who had cried during the day what happened. Beitongyujue the Houyi, look up the night sky calls for wife's name. Then he surprised to find that today's extra Jiaojie bright moon, but there is a shaking of the shadow like Chang.

Hou Yi Chang quickly sent people to enjoy the garden, put on Xiangan, she usually put most favorite honey fresh fruit, in Yuegong Yaoji, a nostalgic their Chang'e.

People who heard the news that Changebenyue immortal, one after another on the display in Xiangan, to pray for good Chang'e auspicious peace. Since then, the Mid-Autumn Festival Baidoa, the custom has spread in the civil.

Look up to the moon rise, that some of them Heiying, in China it is Wu Gang legend in this cutting-gui. Tang, Wu Gang to perform cutting-gui the myth, legend of up to five Baizhang mid-laurel, which were not only tall laurel, but there is a miraculous self-healing function. A person surnamed Wu who just Xihe, for Qiaofu, love in the Tai Sin Road, but he still refuses to concentrate on their studies, the Jungmun furious, his stay in Yuegong, he Yuegong cutting laurel, and said: "If you cut down GUI The tree can be Xianshu. "However, Wu Gang each chop an ax, the ax and the tree from healing wounds immediately, day after day, Wu Gang attack the aspirations of Guangxi have not yet reached, Wu Gang Yuegong perennial cutting in Guangxi, Hom is not always inverted tree, and he constantly had to.

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Beijing is a serious water shortage in the city. , Protection of water resources is a major current issue. Beijing in Beijing, mostly from outside sources, has its "source" and "flow" between, therefore, should be considered as a whole structure of water resources in Beijing. For the protection of water resources in Beijing, needs to further strengthen regional cooperation, namely, management, economic, technological and cultural cooperation. The integrity of man and nature in "natural ethics" under the concept of construction, formation and development of "Beijing Water Culture" to "water culture" nourish the people, to better protect water resources in Beijing, which is building the "Green Beijing" specific performance, is the capital city of the people and create the world to achieve sustainable development, the source of life.

Beijing is a severe water shortage city. And protection of water resources is the important topic. Beijing water, mostly from outside Beijing has its "origin" and "flow", therefore, the Beijing water should be considered as an integral structure. For protection of water resources, the Beijing further strengthen regional cooperation, management, economy, technology, culture, etc. The integration of man and nature in the concept of "natural ethics" under construction, the formation and development of "water culture", in Beijing "water culture" nourish and better protect the Beijing water, this is the construction of "green Beijing "is the capital of the world, and make people realize the sustainable development of the city is the source of life.

beijing is a city absence of water seriously,protecting water is a impretant subject now.majority of water in city is get from cityout.

太多了 我不想翻译了,,,

Beijing is a serious water scarcity city. , protects the water resources is the current significant topic. Beijing water source mostly comes from beyond the border Beijing, has it “the source” and “the class” between relations, therefore, must regard as an overall construction Beijing water resources. In order to protect Beijing water resources, but must further strengthen the region cooperation, namely cooperations and so on management, economy, technology, culture. In human and natural integrity “natural ethics” under the idea construction, forms and develops “Beijing water culture”, nourishes the will of the people by “the water culture”, protects Beijing water resources well, this is also constructs “green Beijing” the concrete manifestation, is also the capital people as well as the making world city, realizes the sustainable development origin of life.

Beijing is a serious shortage of water in the city. and protect water resources is the major topics. beijing water from the outside of beijing, the "source" with "flow" the relationship between beijing and therefore, the water as a whole structure. in order to protect beijing's water resources still need to further strengthen regional cooperation, management, economic, technical and cultural cooperation. the man and nature of the comprehensive nature of the concept of "will-ethics" of construction, formation and development of the beijing culture, "water

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镜湖区15851841554: 烦您帮我翻译一段英文可以吗 -
端木琦宏威: Beijing is a serious water shortage in the city. , Protection of water resources is a major current issue. Beijing in Beijing, mostly from outside sources, has its "source" and "flow" between, therefore, should be considered as a whole structure of ...

镜湖区15851841554: 麻烦您帮我翻译一段话,英语,不长.
端木琦宏威: 意思是:面对无法预测的命运要保持冷静.对于任何人我都没什么好怕的.我不想骂你.

镜湖区15851841554: 麻烦帮我翻译一段英文
端木琦宏威: Let let's discuss about safety problems to clear, we should pay attention to safety, eliminate the accident from happening. If you arrive river to go swimming, may be an accident, so go swimming must have adult's company, to a safe place. If you go to...

镜湖区15851841554: 麻烦帮我用英语翻译一段话,谢谢 -
端木琦宏威: I still love you, though uttered that hate you, in fact, I just want to use this as a way to alleviate their suffering, yes, I can be very selfish .. I really love love you , The former I naive to think that we will go hand in hand last, but now I began to fear that, over ...

镜湖区15851841554: 麻烦帮我翻译这段英文,谢谢.非常急..希望哪个好心人帮帮我 -
端木琦宏威: 我会如此努力工作让你快乐,我想更了解你并且有一天能走近你,我不要其他人,我想和你度过我的余生,如果我不能看到你不能触摸你的手臂 但那并不意味着我不想到你身边 我知道那很难 但是我会让我们的事成为事实,如果你想要的话-----------------我自己翻译的,希望对你有帮助,呵呵

镜湖区15851841554: 急急急!麻烦帮我翻译一段英语? -
端木琦宏威: Waste in schools, it would waste resources to make forming bad habits we, not conducive to the moral; a waste of money, increasing the financial burden on parents. We want to get rid of these bad habits, don't waste any thing. Construction of economical society

镜湖区15851841554: 麻烦有哪位高人帮我翻译一段英文好吗?真的很重要!诚挚的感谢!
端木琦宏威: 中式英文啊~ 看来是这个意思喽: 因为你用英语给我发消息,那么我就用英语回复你........QQ,基本上我不看的,我只是在挂QQ而已.

镜湖区15851841554: 请帮我翻译这一段文字为英文!谢谢! -
端木琦宏威: China has joined to the WTO, Because of China's specific national conditions, large population, limited farmland,The per capita farmland is only 32% of the world average level;besides, the process of urbanization lags, large numbers of workers ...

镜湖区15851841554: 请好心人帮我翻译一段话,翻译成英文. -
端木琦宏威: I eat to have fun so much to return to a house so much from the...

镜湖区15851841554: 麻烦帮我翻译一下英文段落吧,感激不尽!!! -
端木琦宏威: 互联网带来了更接近世界一起提供便利廉价、 高效和安全的全球商业和通信.学者、 网络爱好者和私营企业工作了不懈努力,以这种革命性的媒介的成功为基础.但是,有的方式...

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