
作者&投稿:居咸 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)



1. The body sizes vary greatly among different species of the bats. Wingspread of the flying-fox can reach to 1.5 meters, whereas that of Kitti’s Hog-nosed Bat is only 15 centimeters.

2. Generally, megabats eat fruit or nectar while most microbats eat insects.



2.如果这样的会议上,我选择做一个天使。 来忏悔我的罪过。



不在强者中生存,就在弱者中灭亡.강자중에서 생존하지 않으면,약자중에서 멸망한다....

你是一个整天忙着工作而无暇顾及生活的人吗?你是否整天忙着工作而忘记了发展兴趣,忘记了享受生活。那么你应该记住这么一句话:只工作不玩耍,聪明孩子也变傻。You are a busy all day work to care and life of the people? Whether you're busy with the work and forget the development ...

王后温和说道,我给你介绍我的女儿,我把所有的臣民都当成自己的孩子一样对待,但是我对我女儿比我对我自己还要好 当Tao听金钟之声敲响上千次后,一个年轻,优雅而又十分美丽的女孩走进了房间。她的面孔向百合花一苍白,长发如瀑布一样垂直在后背,带着一种非常忧郁的气质,她缓缓的坐在王后身旁的一...

1 抵用券 vouchers 2 吸管 straw 3 调料 seasoning;flovoring 4 听装可乐(主要突出“听装”二字)canned coke 5 续杯 refill 6 点心勺---dessert spoon (中匙;点心匙)中柄勺---middle handle spoon 长柄勺---long handle spoon 汤勺---spoon 刀---knife 叉--- fork Do you need invoice?

many good qualities such as sincerity, honesty, humor, and loyalty can all help us succeed.6. It is strange that audience did not crack up hysterically over this joke. Are they acting serious on purpose?希望这些对你有帮助。因为只有单句,有些翻译可能与你现有的文章稍有出入。

Today is the third day, tomorrow to end the work.We get up at 6:00 am and 6:30 to eat breakfast, because to open the morning session, so breakfast in the hotel restaurant to eat. 10 minutes after eating breakfast at 7:00, they return to their respective conference room ...

6]面对矛盾与挫折,只要我们勇于去面对,成功就会离你越近。As long as we are bravely faced with the conflict and setback, the success will be closer to you.[7]对于当代大学生树立正确人生观、价值观等问题的总结 as to the conclusion for the contemporary college students establishing ...

从前有一只青蛙,它一直坐在井里,沉醉在头顶一方蓝天的美景中。There was once a frog, it has been sitting in the well, basking in the beauty of the blue sky overhead side.忽然有一天,一只黄色的十分可爱的小鸟从远方飞来,落在井沿上。 Suddenly one day, a very cute yellow birds ...

参考一下吧~~要一点时间,呵~(1)In the process of chasing life ideal and aim,it is always accompanied with variety of problems and encumbrances...在追求人生理想、人生目标中所会遇到种种问题与阻碍 (2)Doesn't life need ideals???人生不需要有理想么?(3)Is there any conflicts between...


文安县15178029098: 英语翻译句子!~~~高手进!~~答好有加分!~~~1新年的到来2.有许多的烟花在天空绽放3.非常热闹4.大声喊5.夜空6.我没有去睡觉 -
子车傅骨力:[答案] 1 New Year's coming 2.Have a lot of fireworks in the sky shine 3.Very lively 4.Shout 5.The night sky 6.I did not go to sleep

文安县15178029098: 英语高手请进.翻译句子: 1.你在英语上有困难吗? - __ - you - ____ - _____ - _____ - ____ - English? 2.今天他的姐姐和妈妈都不在家. - __ - his sister - _____... -
子车傅骨力:[答案] 翻译句子: 1.你在英语上有困难吗? Do you have trouble in learning English? 2.今天他的姐姐和妈妈都不在家. Neither his sister nor mum is at home. 注释:neither…nor…两者都不

文安县15178029098: 英语语句翻译!高手请进! -
子车傅骨力: 1.夜深人静,这将永远是一个主要因素没有受伤.2.如果这样的会议上,我选择做一个天使. 来忏悔我的罪过.

文安县15178029098: 英语高手请进帮忙翻译几个句子
子车傅骨力: 1 我们以前在这里见过 we have met each other here before 2 我妈妈不喜欢我随便给人电话号码 所以我不方便接电话 my mom asks me not to tell my phone number to others, so i am not convenient to answer the phone. 3 你不会中文我们学习起...

文安县15178029098: 英语高手请进..翻译句子:1.这座桥大约30米长.The bridge is about - _____ - _______ - _______.2.五星红旗的左上角有一颗大星和四颗小星.There is a big ... -
子车傅骨力:[答案] 翻译句子: 1.这座桥大约30米长. The bridge is about thirty meters long. 2.五星红旗的左上角有一颗大星和四颗小星. There is a big star and four small stars at the upper-left corner of the Five-Star Red Flag. 3.李洁坐在Sally 的旁边. Li Jie sits next to Sally....

文安县15178029098: 英语翻译高手请进!翻译句子!(急!!我在线等!!) -
子车傅骨力: 1、If time permits, we will go swimming. 2、She likes eating sweets before sleep so much, that she is putting on weight 3、Mr. Lu xun make a contribution to Chinese modern literature . 4、The chemical factory lies in the suburb of the city. 5、...

文安县15178029098: 英语高手请进 翻译句子
子车傅骨力: 1 when the teacher came in, I happened to be doing homework 2 when they talk about the book, I happened to read 3 when the teacher asked that question, I happen to know the answer 4. Don't be late for school, I get up early 5 his wife with his ...

文安县15178029098: 英语翻译高手请进 I haven't slept better.这句话怎么翻译,最好带着分析, -
子车傅骨力:[答案] 我睡了个好觉. have not . better以前没试比这好的. 也就是说,以前没这次睡得好

文安县15178029098: 英语高手请进~~~翻译句子~~~ -
子车傅骨力: 我不想我的房子四面高墙,窗户密不透风.文明之风能自由吹拂,而我也不会被狂风刮的站不住脚.

文安县15178029098: 英语高手请进 翻译下 -
子车傅骨力: 1:冰淇淋2: large, many 3: to eat ice cream 4: Health Food 5; to picnic 6: a group of friends 7: Make a list of 8: She does not like ice cream 9: you and a group of friends went to a picnic 10: to buy food Make a list of

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