
作者&投稿:仁瑗 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
英语翻译 高手请进~


去香港的旅游者又会是怎样的呢?他是否能获得从书本上即能得知的信息?他可能阅读到这样一些信息:香港是一个拥挤的城市,每个人拥有不少于200平方米的空间,但是让他感受更深的是空间的不足。他可能阅读到这样的事实:每公里道路上有近200辆车,但看到这么多车停在路边将是一个更加生动的一课。来港游客将永远不会忘记的对比 - 高大的现代化建筑的笔直垂直线和居住船的流动线条。

The popular 40-second Superman Ride was the most exciting thing about my trip to Six Flags amusement park in New England!
The ride was the best of the few hours that my friends and I spent there.
We all went on the Superman Ride in pairs.
I was with Val.
The waiting line seemed never-ending, but was actually only 15 minutes.
When it was time for the ride, I felt knots in my stomach and almost changed my mind!
The "drop" of 23 metres looks extremely high. The whole track is more than one mile long.
The billboard says that you go 320 kilometres per hour on the ride.
People told me it would take longer to climb the hill than the rest of the ride. I was scared to death!
Finally, we got into the car, went uphill for 20 seconds, then heard a sudden big screech.
We looked straight down. We saw a faraway track and a small loop.
The screeching sound stopped and the car lurched forward.
We rushed downhill and off our seats for one second until we got to the loop!

1. This report explained in details about the process of how environmental pollutions resulted in the extinction of some species.
2. To be honest, I personally prefer biased criticism over fake praise.
3. Marry represented all the staff to protest the manager. She argued that it is cruel to restrain staff's freedom, moreover, this action will, in the end, destroy company's reputation.
4. What exactly leads to the abuse of one's power, especially those who are in the high ranks?
5. I don't agree that success only depends on intelligence. In fact, many good qualities such as sincerity, honesty, humor, and loyalty can all help us succeed.
6. It is strange that audience did not crack up hysterically over this joke. Are they acting serious on purpose?


1 This report detailedly tells us that how does creature die from the environmental pollution.

2 To be honest with you, I think subjectively that comment with acrimony is better than the goodness from dissemblers.

3 Mary quarrels with the manager as a leader of all workers, she says control people's freedom is heartless, and it would make the honour of our company go down.

4 What makes people abuse their power in a illegal way and especially the people who work in government ?

5 I don't think that success just shows how intelligent you are, actually it also shows your quality, such as loyalty.

6 It is oddly enough that this jok unexpectedly doesn't bring any laughing even smiling, is it possible that the audiences is faking serious?






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1。您需要吗?Do you need it?2。希望你能喜欢!I wish\/hope you like it.3。您愿意在国外代理和销售我的产品吗?Would you like to be our agent and help sell our products in foreign countries?4。古老而美丽的中国艺术!The ancient and elegant Chinese art.5。无与伦比!Unparallelable...

最近我在努力学习呢 因为六月有很重要的升学考试 T T I've been studying pretty hard recently, exam's coming in June.我每天也有很多作业要写呢TT.TT I've got hips of assignments to do every day.我知道SMC那天大家玩的真的很High 很羡慕你能去呢 I know everybody was having a good ...

请把你的命运和我们的绑在一起 we will all have one purse"- 我们每个人都必将获得金钱。”my child,do not walk in their way,我的孩子,千万不要与他们同流合污 keep your foot from their paths;远离他们吧 for their feet run to evil,因为他们的步伐正奔向罪恶 and they hurry to shed...

50. 请要求她不要在吃饭的时候读书。(Please ask her not to read books when she is eating.)51. 你永远都会喜欢圣诞节袜子,到老都如此。(You will love the Christmas stockings till when you are old.)52. 人们听到这著名的歌手在唱一首美妙的歌。(People hear this famous singer ...

原来的日文本身就不完整,尽所能给你翻译了。1、キ的倾向 倾向于xx 2、かく言う自分もさよう 说是那么说其实自己也那样 3、路地(ろじ)胡同 4、通力(つうりき)无所不能的力量。5、どなる 怒吼 6、さし向かえば 两个人面对面的话 7、海藻(のり)のついだ煮(佃煮(つくだに)?

1,初步设计完成, 工程概算由我委核定后, 由吉林省商水水利部审批, 报我委备案.After the preliminary design has been completed, the project estimate will be checked and verified by our committee before sent to the the Ministry of Hydraulic Power for approval by Jilin Provincial ...

英语翻译高手,达人 请进~~~
Cancel in terms of the contract The department of law is originally class 11 Zhang Ke Counselor: Yan Bing [Summary ]It is an important basic system on a contract law that the contract is cancelled, but the provisions on cancelling the terms and cancelling the consequence in ...

呜呼!加西亚·洛尔卡的!译诗是笔译的最高境界,不是本人强项,试译如下:至SIGUIRIYA GITANA的诗 吉他琴 吉他琴 开始哭泣。黎明的酒杯 碎成玻璃。吉他琴 开始哭泣。要使它停息 枉费心机。无法停息 单调的哭声 在茫茫雪地 宛似风的呜咽 宛似水的抽泣 要使它停息 枉费心机。他为远方的东西 哭泣 为南方...

第二的翻译正确 首先,that we've ever had 修饰的是tool 因为从常理推断,我们不可能现在才有"最"贫困的情况,that we've ever had表示"最***"如果修饰贫困,应该解释为:因特网完全可以成为战胜我们有史以来最贫困情况的最强有力的工具"其次,翻译一和二,有很多个不同,前半句,我想你应该能够区别...

日语高手请进!!!日本朋友给我发邮件来,帮忙翻译下!! 跪谢!!!
返信遅くなってごめんな( ̄_ ̄;)很抱歉我回信晚了。じゃあコウって呼ぶな、宜しくーノノ那么,我就叫你kou(可能是黄、高等姓),请多多关照!オウ、日本语について详しく教えてやるから!(*‘д´)b 日语方面我会很详细的教你,所以请放心!んー・&#...

都安瑶族自治县19623007592: 英语翻译高手请进! -
路贸欣维: less transportation is required for every dollar's worth of imports or exports.为减少进出口成本,需减少流通运输.

都安瑶族自治县19623007592: 英语翻译 高手请进 -
路贸欣维: give away 赠送;分发 cut off 切除,切断;中断 give back 恢复,反射 send away 送走 make up your mind 下决心 he asked for permission to leave 他请求准许离开 throw away 扔掉

都安瑶族自治县19623007592: 英语翻译!高手请进
路贸欣维: All the class are here. Everyone gets to school on time. It is very hot today,

都安瑶族自治县19623007592: 英语翻译,高手请进!急需,能翻译个就几个!!谢谢啦~~
路贸欣维: 1 My friend: I wish you a Merry Christmas and a Happy Happy day! Your classmates 2 Dear XX: Oh, what will happen in Happy Christmas, Happy Do not forget! Your friend

都安瑶族自治县19623007592: 英语翻译高手请进~ -
路贸欣维: 首先这句话的意思是:我们的医疗服务条件不好,本来计算机技术是可以改变这些恶劣情况的,但是我们还没用上.前半句是结果:we have inferior medical service, 后半句是原因because... 后半句又是一个定语从句:主句是the computer technology is not being used. "that could change it"是用来修饰computer technology的,是怎么一个计算机技术呢?是本来可以改变这种医疗状况的计算机技术.这里it是代词,指代前半句提到的医疗条件不好的这么一个情况.

都安瑶族自治县19623007592: 英语高手请进翻译下
路贸欣维: 1,they are policewomen 2,our school has many women teacher 3,these are some factories for pape-making.

都安瑶族自治县19623007592: 英语翻译高手请进!!!
路贸欣维: For over 30 years, Anthony Robbins has dedicated his life to modeling the most successful people in the world. Through access to their experience, he has discovered and simplified the core distinctions and strategies that can be applied ...

都安瑶族自治县19623007592: 英文翻译~高手请进~ -
路贸欣维: You have the right to remain silent. (If you give up this right to remain silent, ) Anything you say can and will be held against you in a court of law. 我用的是电影《肖申克的救赎》里面的原话.你可以综合参考一下baidu百科“米兰达警告”词条.

都安瑶族自治县19623007592: 英文翻译 高手请进
路贸欣维: 我们中的一些人: 需要我帮你完成家庭作业:Some of us: I need your help to complete homework: 擅长英语: 所有男孩:Specializes in English: all boys: 和爸爸谈谈它: 打球:And his father talk about it: play: 许多男孩: 红衣少年:Many boys: Hongyi juvenile: 我们中的所有人呢: 到火车站:We do all in: the railway station:

都安瑶族自治县19623007592: 英语翻译高手请进,帮帮忙!!...
路贸欣维: I feel lucky to have meet you 我觉得很幸运遇见你 You are a great friend 你是一个非常好的朋友

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