
作者&投稿:益齿 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

Thank you for giving me such an interesting story book.

I am surprised to see so many children kicking football on the beach.

I am shocked that he often tell lies.

In Spring, it usually rains and the weather is cool and wet in my hometown.

The people on vocation are lying on the beach and feel very relaxed.

Every of us are shocked by the terrible weather.


1.If you study hard,you'll get good marks.
2.If you watch TV for too long,your parents will be unhappy.
3.If we hold a birsthday party for him,everyone will come.
4.If it doesn't rain tomorrow,I'll go to the park with you.
5.If she is free ,she'll help you.
6.If he has a oversleep,he'll be late for the tour/trip.

He has designated five(5) people to deal with this matter.

Poverty cannot be the only reason for the increase in crime rate.

He only had time to take these photos.

I hope he will become the assistant manager.

The police has found many items in his possession that does not have proof to be his belongings.

(我也不太清楚你这句话的中文意思 什么叫绵延 是diameter嘛?)
This desert stretches as far as close to 100 meters long.

1. He has set mind on 5 people
handling this event;
2. Cause being to poor , to be able to not
understand that the crime rate
rises only;
3. He has stopped time enough to have several picture
taken only;
4. I hope that he is able to be appointed as for the
deputy general manager;
5. The police has discovered him owning
many valuables having no way to
explain a source;
6. This desert is continuous for almost 100 mile;


1、He appointed five people to deal with this matter.(appointed通常表示任命)
2、Only poverty can not account for the cause of the increasing crimimal ratio. (account for意为解释……的原因)
3、He paused for only a while that is enough to take several pictures.
4、I hope that he will be appointed to be the vic-manager.
5、The police found it is difficult to trace the source of lots of his worthy things.
6、This desert extends almost 100 meters.

1. He had recognized 5 personally handle this event 2. Merely is poor, but also cannot understand the crime raterise the reason 3. He only stopped has sufficed according to severalphotographs time 4. I hoped he can appoint as deputy general manager 5. The police had discovered he has very many valuables all tobe unable to explain the origin 6. This desert is continuous the nearly 100 miles

1.He orderd five people to deal with this thing.
2.The reason why the crime rate is increasing still couldn't be understood if we only explain it as poverty.
3.He stayed here for only a few minutes to take some piatures.
4.I hope he would be appointed to the vice-general manager.
5.The polices had found he owned many precious articles which he couldn't explain how he had got them.
6.This desert is continuous near 100 miles.

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2.仅仅是贫穷,还不能理解犯罪率上升的原因 (我不太明白你这句话的中文意思```)Poverty cannot be the only reason for the increase in crime rate.3.他只停了够照几张相片的时间 He only had time to take these photos.4.我希望他会被任命为副总经理 I hope he will become the assistant...

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望向氨溴: Go to school by bike~ The subway to work ~~ Walking to park~~~Take the bus home~~~Eat a quick breakfast~~~Heading for the school ~~~In North America~~~rely on~~~A taxi~~~worries~

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