
作者&投稿:务胖 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

a 是否从一个测量规则翻译成另一种改变原始邮件的信息内容?
b 采用汇率应该用于编制预算的目的呢?





Hi, this is a message from China in the year of 2013. I am a student. In our time, when it comes to the North Pole, the first thing that crosses our mind is the plump polar bear, a smart, cute yet grumpy animal.I wish people in your generation would still be able to meet such lovely creature.



全神贯注concentrate on
熬夜stay up
养老院home for the aged
挡道的in one's way
如果……怎样what if
与……相处get along with sb
提出put forward
发带hair band
与……保持距离keep a distance with
陈列set out
意见一致be in agreement
一般而言 generally speaking
从容take it easy
乐意做be pleased/willing to do
梦想to dream of

去百度搜索中英互译 只要输入中文就会快速翻译成英文 很方便

focus on 全神贯注
stay up 熬夜
beadhouse 养老院
cleaner 清道夫
if...sb will do 如果...怎样
get on with/be together with sb 与...相处
put forward 提出
hair band 发带
keep distance with 与....保持距离
display 陈列
meeting of minds 意见一致
In usual 一般而言
easiness 从容
be willing to do 乐意做
dream 梦想


全神贯注give one's whole attention [mind] to ...;
熬夜 stay up
in the way 挡道的,阻碍的
what if 如果……怎样
与……相处 get alone with
put forward /apply for /give/advance 提出
hair band 发带
stay away from /keep in touch with 与……保持距离
陈列 display
be in agreement 意见一致agree upon 意见一致
一般而言 generally speaking
(不慌不忙; 镇静,从容) calm; unhurried
be glad to do/ be willing to do 乐意做

concentrate on
stay up late
old people's home
in the way
If... how
get along with
come up with
hair band
keep in touch with
display on
agree on
generally speaking
take it easy
be willing to do
dream of

focus on 全神贯注
stay up 熬夜
beadhouse 养老院
cleaner 清道夫
if...sb will do 如果...怎样
get on with/be together with sb 与...相处
put forward 提出
hair band 发带
keep distance with 与....保持距离
display 陈列
meeting of minds 意见一致
In usual 一般而言
easiness 从容
be willing to do 乐意做
dream 梦想


with full concenrtation/attention,
stay up late,
nursing house,
if so...then what,
get along with,
keep a distance from,
be agree with/reach an agreement/agree in,
in general,
take one's time,
be willing to do,
dream of,

【My sweetheart, happy birthday. Wish you all the gook luck forever !】已为你翻译好,请查收,满意敬请采纳,O(∩_∩)O谢谢~~

8, my dream?Is... 9, finally I remember, my dream is to protect our dream, let all people's dream come true.艾维特,你们在干嘛?In 1, the victor, what are you doing?2、看上面,我要去你家,把梦想存起来 2, see above, I would go to your house, to dream save3、...

wrong.“你上次磨斧子是什么时候?”老板问。“磨斧子?我没时间磨斧子呀,我一直忙着伐树……”"When was the last time you sharpened your axe ?" The boss asked."sharpen? how can i get the time for sharpening the axe ? I have been always busying in the tree things..."...


(希伯来文)意为"追随者"。感谢第一夫人,JACQUELINE给人的印象是黝黑,苗条,美丽神秘-富有,优雅善于社交的女子,迷人的魅力无法挡。JAMIE (法语)"我爱";JAMES的女性型式。JAMIE是个受欢迎的中性名字。名为JAMIE的女孩通常是可爱,感性顽皮。JANE (希伯来文)悲怜上帝;也是JOHN的女性名词。并不令人惊讶...

For help.Need help.Ask for help.

有哪位英语牛B的仁兄,仁姐帮个忙把下面的翻译成英文 摩诘, 义山, 佛...
Moroccan population, Yi Shan, the margin of Buddhism, experience, Buddhist Was born in Early, Late Tang poet Wang Wei, Li Shangyin. The life of two years, the environment vary considerably, but the contacts between the two since Buddhism, Zen poem shows often, they are puzzled ...

1.爱情最终没有能成一辈子的事。不用这么不高兴,记得曾经快乐过就可以了。2.快乐和爱情并没有什么联系。你根本不用在这方面想太多,只要每天展现你灿烂的笑容就足够了。3.可能我不太懂得什么叫做利益,我也希望我不会懂 。。。

Abstract— Fingerprint recognition is one of the most important technologies of the biometrics identification. 抽象的指纹识别是生物识别鉴定中最重要的技术之一。As a convenient, fast and security method for personal identification, it has been widely used in many fields. 作为一种方便,快速,...

全神贯注concentrate on 熬夜stay up 养老院home for the aged 挡道的in one's way 如果……怎样what if 与……相处get along with sb 提出put forward 发带hair band 与……保持距离keep a distance with 陈列set out 意见一致be in agreement 一般而言 generally speaking 从容take it easy 乐...

兴安盟15114847978: 帮忙把中文翻译成英文 -
偶闹脂清: 1.By the time the party ended, he already ate five pieces of cake.2.She is a writer as well as a mother, therefore she is widely accepted by children.3.The secretary led me to the manager's office and told me to wait for a moment.4.Baseball is known ...

兴安盟15114847978: 帮忙把汉语翻译成英语
偶闹脂清: you all are forever remembered by me by heart

兴安盟15114847978: 帮忙 把汉语翻译成英语 -
偶闹脂清: 人工翻译 LED: Sara, I will take the flight that departs for Japan at 2:30 today. Can you come pick me up?Sara: Sure thing! By the way, the weather in Japan is not very warm. Make sure you dress well!LED: yup. So, tell me, how's the weather over ...

兴安盟15114847978: 帮忙翻译一下,把中文翻译成英语 -
偶闹脂清: 周末到了,愿你能做个好梦,睡个好觉!Weekends is coming, wish you have a good dream and sleep!

兴安盟15114847978: 帮忙把汉语翻译成英语 3.我知道你,知道你不知道我, -
偶闹脂清:[答案] I know you,don't know me, don't you know I know that you don't know.(应该是的吧,英语老师翻译的) 希望能帮LZ一点忙.

兴安盟15114847978: 帮忙把中文翻译成英语. -
偶闹脂清: More than 20 days' holiday was over. Tomorrow I will begin my work .

兴安盟15114847978: 帮忙把中文翻译成英语
偶闹脂清: 1. can open people's mind 2. the minority of people use monochrome television 3. Television enhances our understanding and experience 4. The benefit of watching television: it provides information that helps us understating the rapid change of ...

兴安盟15114847978: 帮忙把汉语翻译成英文 -
偶闹脂清: Imperceptible found like you, but did not have the courage to express, afraid you heartless declined! 楼主我帮你翻译的 希望能够帮助你

兴安盟15114847978: 帮忙把中文译成英文
偶闹脂清: As long as I'm still awake, I would have to go! 请采纳,正确答案

兴安盟15114847978: 帮忙把汉语翻译成英语,谢谢哦 -
偶闹脂清: My name is ****, from numerical control class 101, and i am your senior shoolmate.I like english and hope to learn english together with you.Wish you a nice future!

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