
作者&投稿:谢战 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

我对每一个都曾经经历过这件事的人感到抱歉,has to在这里分成has和go through,has表已经做过是完成时,go through在这里为句型“经历”的意思



and连接,been a stay-at-home mom and been baked cookies,逗号后面的不是一般现在时,是一般过去时。


a/one hell of a... 是一个固定搭配,意思是:极度的, 难以容忍的, 糟糕的, 极好的;这个用法相当于它的另一个意思,同fucking,damned,god-damned等词的用法,常用在口语中,意为“糟糕的,该死的,见鬼的,他妈的”
1.He is a hell of a good soldier. 他绝对是一个出色的士兵。
2.I had a hell of a good time yesterday. 我昨天玩得很愉快!
3.I had a hell of a time yesterday, making everything into a mess.

hell 感叹词 int. 【俚】(用于咒骂)混蛋,见鬼,该死

hell of
adj. 极度地(可怕地)

I've always found him one hell of a nice guy.
It's a hell of a bind.


The next morning hangover hurts me dead

I had one hell of a hangover the next morning.

Syria’s chemical weapons: Distrust and verify 叙利亚的化学武器的不信任和验证 NEVER surrender the initiative. In handling Bashar Assad’s use of chemical weapons in Syria, Barack Obama has twice broken this basic rule of diplomacy. First the president submitted his administration’s ...

taking forever and a day 把永远和一天划等号(意思就是不珍惜时间)10,他被哈佛录取了,他本来想去的但是他忘记及时把录取通知书送过去,他真的错过了这个机会! missed the boat 错过机会 12,我知道你觉得这部分问题比较难,但是当你看到下一个部分,你会觉得更难!jumping out of the ...

13.许多中国人试图用不同的方式提高他们的英语。Many Chinese tried to improve their English by using different ways.14.这些演员在舞台上显得轻松自如。These actors appear relaxed and freely on the stage .15.我们应该尽力在奥运会举办之前取得进步。We should try our best to make progress ...

1.When we got up, the host was still asleep, so we had to make breakfast by ourselves.2.I had to walk ten minutes to get to the port, took a thirty-minute-ride by ferry, changed to a train and last got off at the stop "Cenrtra" and walked another ten minutes to...

什麼都不要求就要求完美.名词从句: That the earth is round is a fact.地球是圆的是一个事实.副词从句: When we are young, we are full of hopes and anxieties.当我们年轻的时候, 我们充满希望即热忱.觉得在翻译之前, 不管是对中文还是英文都要有一定的了解唷~参考资料:老师教的....

请教老师一句英语句子理解。No necessity
句子主干No necessity results in neglect of children.应翻译成 没有必要造成孩子无人照管。全句可翻译成 没有必要为生计背井离乡而导致孩子们疏于看管 全句=there is no necessity to make a living away from home resulting in neglect of children.其中resulting in neglect of children.是...


一个女人家对自己的美貌也转不了多少念头喽。”解释:have sth.to do这一结构中的have意为“有”,即“有某事要做”。 比方说:I have my dinner to cook.这里的饭是我做的。请想学英语或想学好英语的朋友们,赶快加入小博士英语群110820509。本群服务宗旨:为群成员解答疑难问题。

关于英语口语翻译的句子!!!答上 重赏~~~!!!
please talk slowly.I don't do well in English.Please talk more slowly. I'm not good at English.Don't speak so quickly.I'm weak in English.怎么说都行 都一样 还有,也可以这样说:Please speak slowly.Because my English is very limited(或poor).这样的句子口语与书面语没有太大...

一、card and book 在这里是一个整体的概念,应该是为了某种特殊的用途(根据上下文判断具体什么用途)而一起使用的一个概念。所以动词用单数第三人称形式。二、不可以,因为该句子是特殊疑问句,书面问题必须符合英文的语法规则。三、OK,with pleasure.在这里可以翻译成“没问题,我很愿意。”或者“没...

罗田县17360988634: 请教一句英文翻译 -
本曹丙谷: no one will be any the wiser 没有人会任何知道的

罗田县17360988634: 请教一个英语翻译问题,谢谢! -
本曹丙谷: life course是要翻译成“人生历程”或类似的意思的.course这个词有两个常用的意思,一个是课程; 一个是航线、路线.life course这里的course就是航线,生命的航线就是 “人生历程”.

罗田县17360988634: 请教英语高手帮忙翻译一句话 -
本曹丙谷: the most different of human brain and computer is the boundless creativity .或者 the boundless creativity is the most different of human brain and computer .o(∩_∩)o

罗田县17360988634: 请教一句英语翻译 -
本曹丙谷: Her freshman year professional ranked second, ranking 4th graders "

罗田县17360988634: 请教一句英语的翻译 多谢总之,也就是说,您这次付给我们1000元的火车票费用就可以了 -
本曹丙谷:[答案] In a word,that's to say,it is enough that you pay us 1000 each yuan for the train fee this time.

罗田县17360988634: 请教一句英语句子的翻译 -
本曹丙谷: should ....翻译成 万一....而且用到了倒装. If the use of rewards should fail, 指万一这个事情失败了

罗田县17360988634: 请教一句英语翻译
本曹丙谷: 不正确 错误以下有三点 首先你前面用 过去完成时had forced 后面却是 from last week 没有这种说法 建议 from 改成 since 其次 中文是 强迫“自己” 你的英文里 自己 哪里去了? me是“我”不是自己 建议改成 myself 最后 中文里 是 “问”问题 ...

罗田县17360988634: 请教一句英语翻译 -
本曹丙谷: 1 Her freshman year professional ranked second, ranking 4th graders.2 Her freshman year professional ranking is grade 2, comprehensive ranking is grade 4.两种

罗田县17360988634: 一百分悬赏!请教一句英语翻译
本曹丙谷: 1)两句都没有语法错误,但第二句的to be 是多余的.2)紧张的用nervous(神经紧张)更准确,因为tense是绷紧,肌肉紧张.实际应该是神经紧张.This boy tends to be nervous when he is on the stageThis boy is always nervous on the stage

罗田县17360988634: 请教一句翻译成英语 -
本曹丙谷: Happiness is only real when shared.......是电影In to The Wild最后一句 被分享的幸福才是真正的幸福.不知道适合不适合 The secret to real happiness is sharing it.得到真正幸福的秘诀就是将它分享.如果要指译的话:Only sharing can bring about true happiness. True/real happiness comes from sharing.

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