
作者&投稿:弭威 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
初中英语题 翻译句子(词数不限)~

1. I am serious about playing the piano
2. There used to be a supermarket here.
3. Parents were sadden by the success of my brother
4 Although I stayed up until midnight yesterday, I don't feel sleepy at all now.

这个我也觉得是D,你可以问下你的老师。。 给你个截图看看

1,你到18岁才能学开车. you can't learn how to drive until you are 18.
2,教室里面很脏乱,请清理一下 The classroom is in a mess. Please clean it up.
3,我不能够选择要买那一副眼镜,两个我都戴的很好看 I can not decide which glasses I should buy ,for both of them look good on me.
4,每天晚上每个人至少需要8小时睡眠 One needs to have at least 8 hours' sleep every night.
5,今天你几点钟完成的训练?What time was it when you finished the training today?
6,应当允许我们花时间去看望老人 Please permit us to spend some time to visit the elderly people.
7,应该允许他一周在报社志愿服务一次Please permit him to do some voluntary job once a week.
8,应当允许一些学生有周5下午的假期,去志愿服务帮助别人Students should be allowed to have some spare time on Friday afternoon to help others voluntarily.
9,有时这些爱好会妨碍学业 some hobbies will hinder the school work.
10,他在校游泳队而且他想要当一个专业运动员 He was in the school swimming team and wanted to be a professinal athlete .
11.在男子组比赛中获胜的是一名来自西安的中年男子。Among the winners of the men's competition is a middle-aged men from Xi'an.
12.歌手们来自全国各地,年龄各异。Singers are at different ages from all over the country.
13.许多中国人试图用不同的方式提高他们的英语。Many Chinese tried to improve their English by using different ways.
14.这些演员在舞台上显得轻松自如。These actors appear relaxed and freely on the stage .
15.我们应该尽力在奥运会举办之前取得进步。We should try our best to make progress before the Olympic Games .
16.你听说过《北京说英语》节目吗?Have you heard of the program Beijing Speaks English p?
17.这个节目为北京人提高学习英语的兴趣提供了很好的方法。The program provides a good way for Beijing natives to be interested in learning English.
18.也许你还能交到一英语为母语的朋友。 Maybe you can make friends with a native English speaker.
19.这两个获胜者都很谦虚,他们认为他们并不比别的歌手唱得好。 The two winners are both modest. They don't think they sang better than other singers.
20.你会找到你喜欢的学英语的方法的。 You will find your favorite ways to learn English.

1、我没有足够的睡眠I don't have enough sleep.
2、我没有足够的时间做回家作业I don't have enough time to do my homework.
3、吃得太多使你不健康Eating too much makes you unhealthy.
4、跑步和游泳对你有好处Running and swimming are good for you .
5、我想知道如何解决它I want to know how to solve it.
6、目前画画是我最喜爱的业余爱好At the moment ,painting is my favourite hobby.
It is very important to work hard and hand in my homework on time.
8、 作业上花费了如此多的时间,以致我找不出时间用于我的爱好
I spend so much time doing my homework that I cannot find any time for my hobbies.
9、 我只是不能决定何时做作业,何时花时间在我的业余爱好上
I just cannot decide when to do my homework and when to spend time on my hobbies.
10、 你能教我如何在这两者之间获得平衡吗?
Can you please teach me how to achieve a balance between the two?
11、 对 热爱现在已经变成了大问题
My love of football has become a big problem now.
12、 我们喜欢待在外面踢足球到很晚We like staying out late to play football.
13、 真不理解他们为何如此严格I really don't understand why they are so strict.
14、 我们在业余爱好上花点时间是重要的
It is important for us to spend some time on our hobbies.
15、 能帮助我们放松并使我们的生活丰富多彩
This can help us relax and make our lives colourful.
16、 真不知道怎么办?I really don't know what to do.
17、 能给我提点建议吗?Can you offer me some suggestions?
18、 你没有足够的时间做你的回家作业
You do not have enough time to do your homework。
19、你似乎有很多业余爱好You seem to have a lot of hobbies。
20、你似乎在篮球方面花很多时间It seems that you spend a lot of time playing football。
It is not wise to spend hours playing football after school or stay out late。
22、 早点回家比较好It is better for you to go home earlier。
23.我们总是从老师那里得到很多作业I usually get a lot of homework from teachers.
24.我没有很多时间为考试复习I don't have much time to revise for tests.
25.有太多的作业要做There is too much homework to do.
26. 虽然我知道作业是重要的,我(还是会)生气
Although I know homework is important ,I get angry.
27.路上交通总是很拥挤There is always a lot of traffic on the road.
Many students can't decide when to work and when to play.
30.我真不知道先做哪一个 I really don't know which to first.
31.我有时感到有压力I feel stressed from time to time.
Can you tell us who to talk to and where to get help?
We believe it unnecessary to give students tests every week.
34.这些学生认为顾老师是最好的老师The students consider Mrs Gu the best teacher.
35.我们已经证明他是错的We have proved him wrong.
36.苏似乎高兴得多了Sue seems much happier.
I also told her to .pay no attention to the students who laugh at her.
Although she does well in the exams, she has problems .
39.我告诉她在体育课上怎么办I told her what to do in PE lessons.
40.听到此事我感到遗憾I'm sorry to hear that.
41.他们应该考虑他们擅长的事情They should think about the things they are good at.
Thanks for listening to my problem and giving me your advice.
431.有几种解决压力的简单办法There are some simple ways to deal with stress.
44.我们不知道何时工作、何时玩We do not know when to work and when to play.
45.事实上和我同龄的很多学生都感到有压力In fact many students of my age feel stressed.
Some of them are not sure how to deal with this problem.
47.父母可能认为看电视没有用Parents may not think watching TV very useful.
If you don't know who to talk to ,you can always write to me.
Keeping your worries to yourself can make them worse.
(1)Talk to your best friend when feeling sad.
(2) Talk to your best friend when you feel sad.
Mary often helps her mother to wash clothes.
Why don’t we go to fishing at West Lake?
I disagree with you.
I have so many homeword to do .
She is good at swimming.
What time shall we go and say goodbye to our teachers?
The people here eat rice all the year.
My favourite sport is football.
My grandmother is a nurse in a hospital.
Your name is Li Dan, isn’t it?

2.Calss is very dirty, please clean it


1 考试前 我非常紧张 I am very nervous before the examination.2 露丝今晚不应该参加聚会 Lucy shouldn't attend the gathering tonight.3 孩子们应该早点睡觉 Children should go to bed early.4 我妹妹正在她的房间里听音乐 My sister is listerning music in her room.5 对我们来说 学会自学...

1.I have to help my sister do some housework.2.I am not feeling too well, I need to go see the doctor.3.Please come join our party. You will have a great time.4.Tom can't go to the party. He has to prepare for a chemistry test.5.Vince can't go to the party....

1、他人特别好,我们都很喜欢他。He's very kind and we all like him 2、昨天什么事让你哭的那么难过?What made you cried so sorrowly yesterday?3、你在哪吃的饭?Where did you have meal?5、你们在讨论什么呢?What are you discussing on?6、谁在厨房做饭呢?Who is cooking in the ...

1. 许多人缺少的不是美,而是自信的气质。2. 谁若想在困厄时得到援助,就应在平日待人以宽。3. 势利的朋友,迟早会离你而去。4. be glad to 乐于„„5. We are supposed to protect animals.6. I’m writing to you because I want to work as a ……7. 花费 spend … o...

1、世界正在变得越来越小。The world is getting smaller and smaller,2、你能开得更快点么? Can you driver faster?3、学英语时,听和说一样重要。When learning English, listening and speaking are both important.4、工作越努力,得到的结果越好。The harder you work, the better result yo...

clen up the room together now.6.You should play football on the playground.7.I trust him.8.We enjoyed ourselves at chrismast eve.翻译句子:1.in a flash 2.in different ways 3.stand for 4.Don't make 5.at least 6.came out 7.better not 8.got through 9.in peace 10....

1. 让我们从现在起就努力学习。Let us work\/study hard from now on.2. 广播说下午可能有雨。你最好出去时带把伞。The radio says it may rain this afternoon. You better bring an umbrella when going out.3. 在一万米比赛中,他累得没能冲过终点线。He was too exhausted to even cross...

求助:初中英语翻译 汉译英
1.Go across the park of the Central Street, you'll see a hotel on your right.2.Go along the road by taxi from the airport until you see a library on your right, and my home is right next to the library.3.Jilin is a city with many nice places.

熬夜 stay up late 令某人感到惊讶的是 To one's surprise 别着急,别紧张 Don't worry. Don't be nervous.从容,慢慢行动 Take it easy, take it easy.搂抱 cuddle 关小,调低 Turn off 关掉 Turn off 过去常常做某事 Used to do sth.你那样说是什么意思 What do you mean to say that...

18.也许你还能交到一英语为母语的朋友。 Maybe you can make friends with a native English speaker.19.这两个获胜者都很谦虚,他们认为他们并不比别的歌手唱得好。 The two winners are both modest. They don't think they sang better than other singers.20.你会找到你喜欢的学英语的方法的...

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丽江市13733273315: 求助英语翻译麻烦大家帮我翻译成英文句子,初中水平 1.他们感到高兴 2.我们知见他正在河里游泳 3.他问了我一个问题 4.那个男孩死了 5.学生们每天打扫教... -
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和萍米氮: 1. rushed 2.both and.不要阻止孩子们尝试他们的新想法. Don't stop the children trying their new thoughts2.我请求妈妈不要生我的气了. I asked my mother not to be angry with me 完成句子,次数不限:1.我们到过长城两次. We have been to ...

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和萍米氮: 4.when do you often go to sleep? 7.I often go to school at half past seven. 8.very long 不是 very longer 9 句子都是语病 12 go home

丽江市13733273315: 求解几道九年级英语翻译句子题. -
和萍米氮: 1、汤姆长大后将成为一名专业歌手.Tom is going to be a ( professional) singer when he ( grows) up.2.翻译成汉语.Though making things ,with over own hands may take much time ,some people ,now known as DIYers-do-it-yourselves,enjoydoing it very much.虽然通过自己的双手去制造东西或做手工可能要很多时间,但是有些人,像现在的DIY爱好者都非常享受其中.

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