名著精读《飘》第三章 第4节

作者&投稿:麻鬼 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
~ Gerald had e to America from Ireland when he was enty-one. He had e hastily
as many a better and worse Irishman before and since
with the clothes he had on his back
o shillings above his passage money and a price on his head that he felt was larger than his misdeed warranted. There was no Orangeman this side of hell worth a hundred pounds to the British government or to the devil himself; but if the government felt so strongly about the death of an English absentee landlord’s rent agent
it was time for Gerald O’Hara to be leaving and leaving suddenly. True
he had called the rent agent “a bastard of an Orangeman
” but that
according to Gerald’s way of looking at it
did not give the man any right to insult him by whistling the opening bars of “The Boyne Water.”
21岁那年杰拉尔德来到美国。他是匆匆而来像以前或以后许多好好坏坏的爱尔兰人那样,因为他只带着身上穿的衣服和买船票剩下的两个先令,以及悬赏捉拿他的那个身价,而且他觉得这个身价比他的罪行所应得的还高了一些。世界上还没有一个奥兰治派分子值得英国 *** 或魔鬼本身出一百镑的;但是如果 *** 对于一个英国的不在地主地租代理人的死会那么认真,那么杰拉尔德·奥哈拉的突然出走便是适时的了。的确,他曾经称呼过地租代理人为"奥兰治派野崽子"不过,按照杰拉尔德对此事的看法,这并不使那个人就有权哼着《博因河之歌》那开头几句来侮辱他。
The Battle of the Boyne had been fought more than a hundred years before
to the O’Haras and their neighbors
it might have been yesterday when their hopes and their dreams
as well as their lands and wealth
went off in the same cloud of dust that enveloped a frightened and fleeing Stuart prince
leaving William of Orange and his hated troops with their orange cockades to cut down the Irish adherents of the Stuarts.
For this and other reasons
Gerald’s family was not inclined to view the fatal oute of this quarrel as anything very serious
except for the fact that it was charged with serious consequences. For years
the O’Haras had been in bad odor with the English constabulary on account of suspected activities against the government
and Gerald was not the first O’Hara to take his foot in his hand and quit Ireland beeen dawn and morning. His o oldest brothers
James and Andrew
he hardly remembered
save as close-lipped youths who came and went at odd hours of the night on mysterious errands or disappeared for weeks at a time
to their mother’s gnawing anxiety. They had e to America years before
after the discovery of a *** all arsenal of rifles buried under the O’Hara pigsty . Now they were successful merchants in Savannah
“though the dear God alone knows where that may be
” as their mother always interpolated when mentioning the o oldest of her male brood
and it was to them that young Gerald was sent.
由于这个以及别的原因,杰拉尔德的家庭并不想把这场争吵的毁灭结果看得十分严重,只把它看作是一桩有严重影响的事而已。多年来,奥哈拉家与英国警察部门的关系很不好,原因是被怀疑参与了反 *** 活动,而杰拉尔德并不是奥哈拉家族中头一个暗中离开爱尔兰的人。他几乎想不其他的两个哥哥詹姆斯和安德鲁,只记得两个闷声不响的年轻人,他们时常在深夜来来去去,干一些神秘的钩当,或者一走就是好几个星期,使母亲焦急万分。他们是许多年前人们在奥哈拉家猪圈里发现在一批理藏的来福枪之到美国的。现在他们已在萨凡纳作生意发了家,"虽然只有上帝才知道那地方究竟在哪里"----他们母亲提起这两个大儿子时老是这样说,年轻的杰拉尔德就是给送到两位哥哥这里来的。
ling n. 先令(货币单位)
Have they pay you five shilling?
ntee[.æbsn'ti:] n. 不在者,缺席者,缺勤者
The custodian of a minor child's estate; the custodian of an absentee landlord's property.
年幼孩子财产的监护人; 地主外出时其地产的看管人
ade n. 帽章
rent n. 信徒,追随者,拥护者 adj. 附着的,粘连的
The movement is gaining more and more adherents.
tabulary adj. 治安队的,治安管辖区的 n. 治安队,军事警察,治安官管辖区
e-lipped adj. 闭口不言,沉默的,寡言的
nd n. 差使,差事
I'll go there to do an errand.
nal n. 兵工厂,军械库,储藏
There is an arsenal in this city.
ty['pigstai] n. 猪圈,肮脏地方
He laid big stones at his house and began to build a pigsty.
rpolate vt. 加入(额外的事)

If I may interpolate a ment
before you continue your speech ...
很抱歉打断你的演讲,请让我插句话 ...
1. He had e hastily
as many a better and worse Irishman before and since
with the clothes he had on his back
o shillings above his passage money and a price on his head that he felt was larger than his misdeed warranted.

【难句解析】before and since是相对于He had e hastily的时间来说的;最后一句的that指的是o shillings above his passage money and a price on his head;

this and other reasons
Gerald’s family was not inclined to view the fatal oute of this quarrel as anything very serious
except for the fact that it was charged with serious consequences.

【难句解析】be inclined to “倾向于...”;view ...“将...看做...”;be charged with“充满,承担,被指控”;

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名著精读《飘》第三章 第4节
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城关区17892015955: 外国名著《飘》
答制减味: 《飘》以南北战争的南方社会为背景,以主人公思嘉的三次婚姻为主线,谱写一部壮美动人的爱情史诗.倔强的思嘉是战后美国精神的象征,面对被战火毁掉的家园,她坚定不屈,豪不妥协;面对亲人的死亡,她擦干眼泪,努力振作;面对爱人的离去,她毫不气馁,从头再来.她爱土地,并像土地一样承受苦难,饱含激情...《飘》曾经拍成电影,叫做乱世佳人,楼主也可以去看看.

城关区17892015955: 文学名著赏析《飘》,求帮助,三千字左右,望格式标准一点儿,感激不尽··· -
答制减味: 《飘》是一部非常好的作品.它表达出来的思想是不用说的,这跟大多数名著一样闪耀着思想的光辉.另外,我觉得它是我见过的小说当中描写人物外貌与心理最出众的,这是相当出色的.它的描写手法让人惊叹,让我如痴如醉,爱不释手! ...

城关区17892015955: 外国名著《飘》简析 -
答制减味: 一个憧憬并执着追求爱情的女人, 却不得不在生活的压力面前一次次的被叛自己的内心.一个固执的、简直是执拗的女人, 也正因此而没有意识到自己的爱情.一个被物质的困乏吓坏的女人, 在追求物质, 却无可指责, 因为这样的一个女人也是处心积虑的想要帮助自己爱的人, 却一直在小心翼翼的维护着这个男人的尊严.可悲的是当自己真正爱的人在一次次被伤害后离去.幸运的是这个在困难面前从不放弃的女人总是给自己希望.“My life will go on."这是一个完整的女人, 是一个有缺点的完整女人. 虽然只是一个作者的人物缩影, 不仅包含了作者自己的人生经历, 也有很多女人的身影在里面!

城关区17892015955: 《飘》的读书笔记 -
答制减味: 作者是美国女作家玛格丽特·米切尔.她于一九00年出生于美国左治亚洲的首府亚特兰大市.一九一四至一九一八年间,她就读于华盛顿神学校,一九一八至一九一九年在马塞诸塞州的史密斯女子学院读过一年书.一九二二至一九二六年间在《...

城关区17892015955: 小说《飘》的主要内容 -
答制减味: 作者玛格丽特.米切尔成书应该是在中年以后.只有青春逝去的女人才会以极大的深情怀想起年轻的岁月,而她年轻的岁月应该是美国南方奴隶制最好的岁月.她笔下的郝思嘉初次登场:雪白的肌肤,双眉是两道惹眼的斜线,绿色的眼睛象猫一样...

城关区17892015955: 世界名著《飘》是一本怎样的书?
答制减味: 飘,又名乱世佳人. 这本书相当好看.以美国南北战争为背景,一位非常迷人的种植园主的大女儿斯卡利特-奥哈拉与放荡不羁的商人雷特-巴特勒扑朔迷离的经典爱情故事.尤其是最后一章最好看,当斯卡利特说到:tomorrow is another day 时,全书结束,留给读者自己去想象他们的结局. 建议楼主可以看下它的同名电影<乱世佳人>,由好莱坞明星费-雯丽主演

城关区17892015955: 小说《飘》的主人公白瑞德的角色分析 -
答制减味: <飘>这部著名小说,花了整整1000多页的笔墨,才使女主角郝思嘉最终认识到,她从来没有停止过爱白瑞德.但她觉醒得太晚了:漂亮的白瑞德终于走了.永远地走了吗?《飘》的作者玛格丽特·米切尔给世人留下了一个悬念,致使崇拜她的人分成了两派:一派认为郝思嘉将重新找到白瑞德;另一派则认为她已永远地失去了他.作者对此却不以为然,只是说:“本书的结局已印在书页上,我已无任何补充.”“读者可以以自己的理解去想象本书故事的续篇.”米切尔在世时毫无揭开本书之谜的意思,也不愿续写这一传奇性的爱情故事. 我固执的认为白瑞德是世界上最好的男人!而我,在一次次为《飘》感动流泪后写了一首歌词,给白瑞德.

城关区17892015955: 《飘》的读书心得 -
答制减味: 《飘》的读书心得 《飘》是我在中专时读过的一本好书,现在再看,感觉是如此的不同.《飘》是美国著名女作家玛格丽特.米歇尔创作的一部具有浪漫主义色彩、反映南北战争题材的小说. 讲述的是一个以美国南北战争为背景的爱情故事.我...

城关区17892015955: 名著飘的读书笔记怎么写 900~1000字 谢谢 -
答制减味: 读一本好书,可以影响一个人一辈子.读了《飘》这本书,的确令我醍醐灌顶、受益菲浅.全书不论是华美流畅的语言描写,还是个性鲜活的人物塑造,都达到的登峰造极的地步.真不愧是世界文学的瑰宝.其中,女主人公的爱情观,使我感受...

城关区17892015955: 小说 飘 的读后感 -
答制减味: 第一次读《飘》的时候,还在大学里,看完后,留下最深的印象,应该是作者的写作功力和那些精彩的对白.第二次,是在参加工作后,那段时间极其烦闷,于是读了很多的小说,《飘》是其中的一本,当时感叹思嘉命运的坎坷、南北战争所带...

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