
作者&投稿:朝侨 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

Am I really nothing at all in your eyes?

你直接用有道吧,so easy

1, starting from the household electricity,

Save each unit of electricity to stop appliance pollution.
Each family should strive to do the following:
a, the incandescent lamp into the fourth generation of LED green light source, in the same light, its power consumption is only one-tenth of incandescent, but life is 50 times that of incandescent lamp.
b, to use chlorine-free green appliances and solar domestic appliance, such as: the use of solar power generators, solar cookers, solar lights, solar cap, solar flashlight, solar dryers, solar water heaters, floor heating systems, both saving and environmental protection, but also safe and convenient, both for the country to contribute to energy saving environmental protection, and also allows the family to guide a new wave of green students still living.
c, air-conditioning to consider when choosing the best number of room-sized piece. And summer air-conditioning temperature set at 26-28 ℃.
d, refrigerator storage of food should not be too full, food refrigerator and food between the wall and the box should be left between the gap of more than 100mm. Close to the wall than the efficiency of 20% per day.
e, washing machine's power consumption depends on the length of time, generally synthetic fibers and wool silk fabrics washed 3 to 4 minutes, washed cotton fabric 6 to 8 minutes, wash clothes very dirty 10 for 12 minutes.
f, TV not to open a very bright, the volume should not be too large, because each increase of 1 watt audio power, would increase by 3 to 4 watts of electricity power.
g, using ahead of the best wash rice cookers, cooking with warm water or hot water, it can saving 30%.
h, immediately after use Unplug rice cooker, when the pot temperature dropped to below 70 ℃, it will automatically power on and off, not only will shorten the life of electric charge.
i, a layer of ordinary glass windows as long as the paste special energy-saving membrane, the indoor temperature drop at least 3 ℃, if the sun is more intense, the temperature difference will be further broadened, more obvious energy saving effect. It is reported that after using this energy-saving film, not only filter UV, 30% energy saving, and using a 20-year period.
Second, the family mobilized,

Overall strengthening of environmental protection awareness of energy saving ideas.
First of all, parents set an example to do good boy. Parents are their children's first teachers. As the great plasticity of the child, imitating strong words and deeds of parents can influence a child. Therefore, parents must firmly establish its own energy-saving environmental awareness and constantly improve their own quality initiative in "green energy from ourselves and from day to day little things", the energy conservation permeate all aspects of family life for children in energy-saving environmental protection lead by example. Second, efforts to foster the children's energy and environmental protection. Parents can take advantage of weekends and holidays, and brought the child to some scenic spots to experience the beautiful environment, and then brought the child to place a number of serious environmental pollution, so that they can see garbage everywhere, open sewers and the scene. Through this comparison, let the children experience the dangers of environmental pollution. Finally, for children to create a good atmosphere for energy-saving environmental protection. In daily life, parents should environmental awareness into action, depicting the formation of the child in good environmental practice. Such as shopping, pay attention to choose pollution-free green products; from yourself, do a good job of family health, efforts to create a clean living environment. In this way, children through education, on the one hand to strengthen the parent's own energy-saving awareness, on the other hand has really reduced the family's expenses, but also for China's energy-saving environmental protection to contribute to the so-called "advantages large infinity".
Third, saving the life of every drop of water, efforts to reduce water pollution

With the rapid economic growth and increasing population, efforts to alleviate the problem of insufficient resources, and continuously improve the ecological environment and realize sustainable development, has become a very urgent task. China is one of the 12 water-poor countries, the world's freshwater resources per capita amount of water less than 1 / 4, so water conservation is urgent.
According to statistics, the total of 17 million according to city resident population of more than 600 million households are concerned, if the monthly savings per kWh of electricity a year, saving 60 million degrees can the city, the equivalent of a small power plant power generation; if saving a ton of water per month, saving 60 million tons a year the city can be equivalent to a city of 80 million people a year in the life of water use.


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赫要黄芪: Thirty not confused, this is the beginning of the journey when the portrayal of heart. It seems both men and women are afraid years of baptism, the same hope in this wonderful world, meet the right people to do the right thing. Probably don't want to ...

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赫要黄芪: First of all, question time, who can tell me what the map is? (Map of the world) then this one? (Map)and here? Map of Xiamen City, well, here is what we call hometown .(Xiamen City, beautiful scenery Figure) beautiful! Okay, now let us return to the ...

新安县19128117058: 哪位英语高手帮我翻译一下这段对话,不要翻译器的,最好是地道的美语,谢谢 -
赫要黄芪: A It seems that you have already made a new life goal B Of course. The time is running, and people are growing up. However stupid a people used to be, he will be sober one day.A But what's my life goal?应该比较地道了.还有问题追问哦亲~

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赫要黄芪: The reason why I choose the accounting major is because I am steady and delicated person with strong-minded persistence.Meanwhile, I am optimistic and easy going to get along well with person as well as the sense of responsibility and could be endured pressure.希望对你有帮助.

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赫要黄芪: 文化的概念显现出复杂和多面性的特点,人们早就从数个学术领域探究过它,如人类学(Pieterse, 1995)、社会学、哲学(Lloyd&Thomas, 1998)以及管理学(Richards,Goedhart, & Herrijgers, 2001).同时另有一些研究分析了旅游者和文化之...

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赫要黄芪: To see whether a woman self-confident, after looking at her up remover. To see whether a man self-confident, to see him after falling out of love. Look at a man's taste, depends on his socks. To see whether a woman pampered, to look at her hand. ...

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赫要黄芪:[答案] 因为一个人,爱上一座城.走了一个人,空了一座城.Because of a person,fall in love with a city.Walk a person,a city is empty.Because a person,love a city.Go one,empty city.fall in love with a city because o...

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赫要黄芪:[答案] I want you to know that in this world there will have a person waiting for you forever .Whenever,regardless of you in any place,you knew in any case there will have this kind of person waiting for you.

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赫要黄芪:[答案] Among the many characters i most appreciate his courage.Things happen that we always set too many goals for us while we often fail to practice for one reason or another.We tend to find excuse for our ...

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