
作者&投稿:地斩 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)


Mortal Questions
参照 美国作者托马斯·内格尔著作《人的问题》

On February 14th, 1946, ENIAC, the world's first electronic digital computer, was born. So far, we have still been utilizing computers, which are a lot different from those 63 years ago with continuous innovations. Computers bring us great convenience including quick searches for information, help for study, and songs playing for relaxation when feeling tired.

Eniac the fist computer in the world was made on 14th,Feb. in1946. we are using computers until today,but they are more different from it before through 63yeas'improventment.it brings much conveience in our daily life-helping us find dates easier,helping us study.even when we are tired,we can listen to relex ourselves with it

February 14, 1946 gave birth to the world's first electronic digital computer ENIAC (eniac), until today, we are still using the computer, after 63 years of continuous innovation, the computer has a different past. Computers to our lives has brought great convenience, the computer allows us to more easily find information to help us learn, in our tired, they can relax songs through the computer

Eniac the fist computer in the world was made on 14th,Feb. in1946. we are using computers until today,but they are more different from it before through 63yeas'improventment.it brings much conveience in our daily life-helping us find dates easier,helping us study.even when we are tired,we can listen to relex ourselves with it

February 14, 1946 gave birth to the world's first electronic digital computer ENIAC (eniac), until today, we are still using the computer, after 63 years of continuous innovation, the computer has a different past. Computers to our lives has brought great convenience, the computer allows us to more easily find information to help us learn, in our tired, they can relax songs through the computer

On February 14th, 1946, ENIAC, the world's first electronic digital computer, was born. So far, we have still been utilizing computers, which are a lot different from those 63 years ago with continuous innovations. Computers bring us great convenience including quick searches for information, help for study, and songs playing for relaxation when feeling tired.

我不是来回答问题的 我是想说世界上第一台电子计算机不是ENIAC(埃尼阿克)
是ABC 贝瑞计算器


文中铺叙滕王阁一带形势景色和宴会盛况,抒发了作者“无路请缨”之感慨。对仗工整,言语华丽 已赞过 已踩过< 你对这个回答的评价是? 评论 收起 清晨DE幽香 2011-06-23 · TA获得超过128个赞 知道答主 回答量:64 采纳率:0% 帮助的人:0 我也去答题访问个人页 关注 展开全部 翻译是:汉代的...

英语shift our effort怎么翻译?

虽然与终军同龄,却没有机会去请缨杀敌;我也有投笔从戎的志向,很羡慕宗悫那“乘长风破万里浪"的英雄气概。如今我抛舍了功名富贵,万里迢迢去探望父亲。虽不是谢家宝树,却也愿学孟母择邻而居。 原文:他日趋庭,叨陪鲤对;今兹捧袂,喜托龙门。杨意不逢,抚凌云而自惜;钟期既遇,奏流水以何惭? 译文:不久便要...


《夜起》 黄遵宪 全文翻译
《夜起》黄遵宪全文翻译求大神帮忙!... 《夜起》 黄遵宪全文翻译求大神帮忙! 展开  我来答 6个回答 #热议# 空调使用不当可能引发哪些疾病?一柱擎天大牛70 2021-03-18 · TA获得超过5.9万个赞 知道大有可为答主 回答量:7.2万 采纳率:93% 帮助的人:3829万 我也去答题访问个人页 关注 ...

鲍春来鲍春来(英文名:sea),出生于湖南省长沙市,中国羽毛球运动员,世界冠军;苏迪曼杯和汤姆斯杯团体冠军成员。中文名: 鲍春来 外文名: sea 国籍: 中国 出生地: 湖南长沙 出生日期: 1983.02.17 身高: 190CM 体重: 78KG 运动项目: 羽毛球 所属运动队: 中国国家队 ...

岁暮 唐代:杜甫 岁暮远为客,边隅还用兵。烟尘犯雪岭,鼓角动江城。天地日流血,朝廷谁请缨?济时敢爱死?寂寞壮心惊!译文及注释 (一)译文:作客异乡,年关已经临近;边防前线,战争还在进行。警报传来,敌人进犯雪岭;军鼓号角,响声振动江城。前方将士,日夜流血牺牲;朝廷大员,可有一人请缨?国难...

却无处去请缨杀敌。 虽然和终军一样年已二十一,也有投笔从戎的志向。我羡慕宗悫那种“乘长风破万里浪”的英雄气概,如今我抛弃了一生的功名,到万里之外朝夕侍奉父亲。虽然称不上谢家的“宝树”,但是能和贤德之士相交往。 不久我将见到父亲,聆听他的教诲;今天我侥幸地奉陪各位长者,高兴地登上龙门。假如碰不上杨...


东平县17249191738: 急求:英语翻译!高手进!
战朋诺和: 3. I was going out shopping, suddenly began to rain. (Be about to do ... when)4. I rang the doorbell to wake my wife, but she was fast asleep

东平县17249191738: 急求英语翻译,谁英语不错的,进来帮个忙 -
战朋诺和: Hello, my name is...... My hobby is playing basketball, I like after class and students to playing basketball on the playground. I also like singing, in a lot of time I always like to wear headphones to listen to music, for me it is a kind of enjoyment, you like music? You like to find my surefooted. 原创答案

东平县17249191738: 英语高手请进.很急.求一句英语句子的翻译.会英语的请进.
战朋诺和: 有爱就有希望 yes, of course. 当然可以.

东平县17249191738: 高分急求英语翻译!高手进!
战朋诺和: He found it difficult to adapt to a new culture The harder you study, the more opportunities you will have in the future Many supermarkets by providing a free gift to attract customers The children would walk there rather than take a bus The new ...

东平县17249191738: 急求英语翻译,用英语表白.请英语好的帮忙翻译下.
战朋诺和: 你的一切都是如此完美.Every part of you is so perfect.我喜欢静静的欣赏你的美.I like appreciating your beauty quietly.你的手是凉的,那么请让我温暖你的手.Your hands are so cold,so please allow me to warm your hands.我是一个不会轻易说分手的人,你准备好和我恋爱了吗?I am the one who won't say good-bye easily.Are you read to fall in love with me?供参考

东平县17249191738: 求英语好的人翻译!!!!!很急的!
战朋诺和: Usually my room was in a mess. But in order to take photos, I tidied it up. I can say that I am the laziest boy in the dormitory. Because I usually go to bed the earliest and get up the latest. And also I don't like to attend the school's activities. So I always watch my roommates busy all the time, and I am free .

东平县17249191738: 急求英语翻译!!!!!!急!!!!!! -
战朋诺和: 我的回答:明天我不去上班了,明天烧烤,你下午跟我买东西去.I am not working tomorrow just for tomorrow's barbeque, you come with me this afternoon to buy the stuff.你们快点回来吧,我请你们吃东西 You guys gotta rush to come back as I have a nice treat waiting for you. 欢迎参考...呵呵...

东平县17249191738: 急求,英语句子翻译,英语好的进.网上弄的就算了 -
战朋诺和: When the woman knew that her child had been found, she was too excited to fall alseep.could you tell me how the earth is to be shaped and who creates human beings.As(according to太正式了) the chinese tradition, people should stay until 1 or 2 ...

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