
作者&投稿:管仇 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

多年以来,中美文化都一直存在很大的差异,很多人在美国生活的时候,多少都会对这种文化差异感到不适应,英文中有个词叫culture shock (文化休克),描述的正是这种“不适应”.
For many years, sino-american culture always there big differences, a lot of people living in the United States, many of these cultural differences will feel not adapt, called a word in English culture shock (culture shock), describing it's the kind of "no adaptation.
American culture can be compared to a peach, thin skin, juice, nuclear hard.
"Thin skin" on behalf of the American culture interpersonal relations in easily cuts and establish, like tear a thin layer of peach skin.
"Juice much" describe uniqueness and richness of American culture, and everyone can express oneself unique personality, no one will because of your uniqueness and feel strange.
"Nuclear hard" is symbol of American culture emphasize independence, equality, privacy, frank such core values.
Independence, are the united nation's special character, they believe, to oneself destiny convinced, rely on their own philosophy creed.
American young kids sleep alone in a room, in the growth process, parents emphasize cultivate children live independently ability. Older americans with children live together, children regularly to visit them, but won't like Chinese people which all three generations. Therefore, the overwhelming majority of the Chinese people will think it is not filial piety, but actually is not so, americans have their own independent living space, and not willing to let others disrupting my life, so don't tell americans don't dwell with the old man is not filial, otherwise he'll think you're very absurd.
Equal, American society is more prominent characteristics. Work no difference in degree of nobility, restaurant waiters, and university classroom teachers are equal, they are all take money to serve others.
Facing engaged in reinvigoration of people, such as attendant etc., don't show contempt for words and actions, for you in equal status. But in China, parents of children, children in the above position for parents is always agrees, common saying says "sticks in bottom out," in China's education child abuse and corporal punishment is the method. However, the parents and children's position is equal, parents in enter child room before knocking, education child can only be to persuade, hit a child, it is illegal to abuse child crime prosecutions. Therefore new immigrants in the U.S. ten million cannot take education child abuse way, careful pay legal price.
例如,我们中国人说话委婉而间接,给出的回答经常模棱两可,大部分信息都是由环境语言、身体语言、表情语言、或其他非言语信号方式传递,较少用直接而明确的语言来表达。这样一来,在与美国人的交往中容易造成困难或误解,因此 和美国人交往时尽量要避免费解、模棱两可和啰嗦的说法。
Frank, is another American character characteristic. Americans talk straight, don't like to beat around the bush, answer general clear directly.
For example, we speak Chinese euphemism are indirectly, the answer often ambiguous, most information are made by environmental language, body language and facial expression language, or other nonverbal cues style to deliver, in a less direct and clear language to express. Thus, the americans intercourse easily cause difficulties or misunderstanding, and thus americans contacts to avoid as far as possible when hieroglyphics, ambiguous and windbag statements.
中国人见面时询问对方要去哪儿是很正常的事情,但是在美国这已经侵犯到了别人的隐私。去美国人家里拜访必须先打电话预约,如果贸然前往也会侵犯到别人的隐私。此外,收入、体重、年龄、健康状况、成绩、 婚姻、爱情、政治观点等等这些都是美国人的隐私。
Privacy, in American life is very important, sometimes for Chinese people even some extreme.
Chinese when meet ask where to go is very normal thing, but in the United States this has infringed arrived people's privacy. To an American family visit must call first appointment, if rushed to also can invading into other people's privacy. In addition, income, weight and age, health, results, marriage, love, political views and so on these are American's privacy.
So, I think the privacy already are a kind of American culture.

My occupation
My occupation is a teacher in a kindergarten.
When I was young my ideal is to be a teacher, I saw the teacher standing on the podium, feel that they are the world's most powerful people, what all know. Parents teach me, I often listen to, but the teacher said to me, I will listen.
Then slowly grow up, know the teacher did not know everything, be equal to anything, my ideal also changedmany times. But life is such a wonderful, sometimes going around, back to the original place. Finally, I worked as a teacher, but also a teacher in a kindergarten.
Choose this occupation when only think fun, feel every day with the children together, singing, dancing, playing the piano, painting, painting, it is the happiest job.
But really it is not so one thing, the first kindergarten education is not compulsory, so National Park is very few,and the primary school does not match the number,number of children and many, so many children in class, inmany cases, not only to ensure the safety of children, but also to ensure the comprehensive development of childrenis actually very not easy thing. Imagine as the European and American countries give children freedom, is almost impossible, because that means it may be dangerous.European and American kindergarten general every classof 15 children, with 4 teachers. Our country park was the highest when the class children reached 40, with 3teachers, and if the teacher was sick, is likely to become the two teachers with 40 children, from 7 a.m. to 6 p.m.have to adhere to, when the length of up to 11 hours. The working strength is very big. But also to write lesson plans,reflection, thesis, summary, arrangement of class environment, making activity material, write releases,prepare lesson, expert demonstration lesson, open day,organized six one activities, teacher's day, new year's DayConcert Rehearsal program, to prepare for the nationalassessment, reception leader to visit, and I'll stick to English class and, if you catch a good teacher to be your partner is better, my class leader to me with this year'steacher is not reliable, not only lazy, but also often leave,whenever I think about this, my heart has to die.
Second, do not understand the society, now onlinereported a lot of kindergarten teachers of child abuseevent, I think, this situation may exist, but it is very few, at least in my kindergarten, not that I had contact with the teacher. I love children, can understand some naughtybehavior in children appeared in the special stage of age, Ithink their behavior are to be noticed by the teacher, some because of curiosity to explore and discover, in short, they are angels, both pure and good, they made a mistake isunwittingly, can be corrected by appropriate guidance, and should not take drastic measures. Some reports will nowkindergarten teacher has demonized, so when we wereparents work will encounter some difficulties.
Finally, there is the problem of the one-child parents,children now are, in the home is little emperors and empresses, by parents spoil heaven, stand a little bit offrustration and suffering, let alone is the PE lesson careless Kepeng, even made a mistake the teacher slightly a little harsh bear no, sometimes I wonder, are you really can protect your child's life? What was the love child or harm children. The children grow up, you can withstand futurestorm? Children need education, parents also need. As a teacher I have the responsibility to guide parents to learn the correct concept and method of education. This is one of my key to do the work in the future.
Although there are so many complaints and complaints,however, when I see the children warm smiling faces, they see the attachment to me, so troubles seem to disappear in smoke. Let us forget the pain and trouble, to enjoy the children and I together, happy and happy moment.
This is the beauty of our kindergarten, the kindergartenplayground, this is a beautiful flower corridor and oceantunnel, this is our beautiful classroom, this is my production of large sharks and the children, this is in the snow day and children together make a snowman, snowball fights. This issome of my work.
This is the excited children makes me appreciate them take the building blocks.
In short, the children, you are the real angel, your smiling face is not false, you give me a love so true, I love you, I willaccompany you to the wonderful childhood.


今日は~ XXX社の王でございます、いろいろほんっとにお世话になりました

突然、メールでをお邪魔をするなんて、申し訳ございません(这句是我帮你加的~ 是日本书信礼仪~ 第一次写信要说的,意思是:唐突给您发邮件,很是抱歉)

另外我想跟您商谈一下我个人休假的事情。我因工作比较忙有近一年的时间没有回家了,春节即将到来,我想回去看看我的父母。因老家离北京比较远,所以我想跟您申请一个假期(1月21到1月24,2月1日到2月6日 共10天),希望能得到您的支持。也希望在今后的工作中能继续得到您的帮助和指导,同时我也会努力的工作,配合项目的所有人员把项目做好。



私はあなたと私个人の休暇を取った事を少し打ち合わせたいです。私は仕事が忙しくして1年近くに家に帰っていなかったため、春节に间もなく来て、私は帰って私の両亲を见てみたいです。故郷が北京まで比较的に远いため、だから私あなたの申请と1つの休暇期间(1月の211月まで24、2月1日~2月6日 共に10日)、あなたの许可を望みます。


私はXXX会社の王。私は一年ぐらい帰省しませんでした、亲は逢りません。だから个人の休暇をいただきます。この时间は1月21日から2月6日までです。田中さんの支持を得ることを望みます 。私もがんばれ!



その他に私はあなたと私个人の休暇を取った事を少し打ち合わせたいです。私は仕事が比较的に忙しくして1年近くが家に帰っていなかったことがいるため、春节に间もなく到来して、私は帰って私の両亲を见てみたいです。故郷が北京まで比较的に远いため、だから私はあなたと1つの休暇期间(1月の211月まで24、2月1日〜2月6日 共に10日)を申请したくて、あなたの支持を得ることができることを望みます。今后の仕事の中であなたの助けと指导を引き続き得ることができることをも望んで、同时に私の同じく努力することができ(ありえ)た仕事、プロジェクトの所有人员に协力してプロジェクトをしっかりと行います。




1.Thomas Jefferson devoted himself completely to the drafting of "The Declaration of Independence" despite his personal sorrow and trouble.托马斯·杰斐逊不顾他个人的悲伤和烦恼,全身心的致力于《独立宣言》的起草 2.As the most influential US president, Franklin Roosevelt left a legacy which ...

突然、メールでをお邪魔をするなんて、申し訳ございません(这句是我帮你加的~ 是日本书信礼仪~ 第一次写信要说的,意思是:唐突给您发邮件,很是抱歉)この年末の际、前もって新年のお祝いを差し上げます、另外我想跟您商谈一下我个人休假的事情。我因工作比较忙有近一年的时间没有回家...

帮忙翻译几句话 中译英 我翻译了一下,请大家给我修正一下
1、很抱歉在百忙之中打扰您,我有几个问题向您请教,不当之处,请多多包涵;I am sorry to disturb in your busy schedule, I have a few questions to ask you, inappropriate, please forgive me 2、我的工资扣除五项保险一项公积金后是是4800元,工资比去年增长了800元;I deducted from the ...

Thought of is one kind of happiness Wants to be one kind of misfortune I can the forever happiness Occasionally misfortune The star knew You are forever lucky!With you in already the full year, actually truly in the together dayactually was the pitiful several months together!You s...

17. 我英文翻译的不准确,希望你不要介意 My English translation is not very accurate. Hope you don't mind.18. 会员卡有效期会顺延2个月 The expiry date of the membership card will be extended by a period of two months.19. 希望我们可以常联系 Hope that we can maintain frequent ...

1.How's your life in Beijing?2.How's your work?\/How's your work going?3.Where are you going to for (your) honeymoon trip?4.Lily just gave birth to a baby,but I didn't know whether it is a boy or a girl yet.(注意:在不知道是男还是女的情况下,要用 it)5....



急急急!!!帮我翻译几句话,要地道点、口语点~~~不要用网上的翻译工具,谢 ...
Yang: Aunt, is not, this is my old schoolmate.Aunt: You! This has any embarrassedly. The old schoolmate, aunt Iunderstands!Yang: Is not really such which you thought! Has calculated, with you,says does not pass. You are busy,!Aunt: Oh...Yang: You did not mind that, ...

帮下忙 翻译几句话 英译汉 谢谢啦!

常州市19150492297: 请帮忙翻译几句简单英语(中译英)不要翻译器 谢谢^^鱼住在海洋、河流或者湖泊等一切有水的地方它们用鳃呼吸 它们用鱼鳍帮助自己游泳不同种类的鱼吃... -
骑胀对乙:[答案] Fish lives in all the places where water is found,such as oceans,rivers or lakes.They breathe through gills.They use fins to help them swimming.Different types of fish need different kinds of food.

常州市19150492297: 几句英语翻译.不要用翻译软件.根据所给的提示词将下面的句子翻译成英语.1.你能给我打电话真是太好了.(it)2.李平努力学习以便他能通过考试.(so that)3.... -
骑胀对乙:[答案] 1.It's so kind of you to call me. 2.Li Ping works hard so that he can pass the exam. 3.You are not supposed to smoke here. 4.My teacher speaks not only English but also French. 5.Hurry up, the moive is going to be on. 6.Jim's father gave up smoking last ...

常州市19150492297: 帮忙翻译几个句子(不要翻译器翻译的哦) -
骑胀对乙: 1.you are the ``` in my heart.2.i take great pity in witnessing the story end, so does every one else as i believe.3.when i am confronted with drawbacks, having y...

常州市19150492297: 帮忙把这几句话翻译成英文(不要用什么在线翻译工具!!!) -
骑胀对乙: I will teach you some simple and useful Chinese,and my English is poor,I hope you can help me English well.When do you arrive the airport?And what is the flighe number?I will recieve you!That is all.Please reply as soon as possible.Your freind:Jerry

常州市19150492297: 翻译几句句子,不要翻译器翻译的!! -
骑胀对乙: Do you know ... ? You are my love, forever Do you like me? Like ?Do not like? Perhaps you will choose dislike But I will always love you in silence until forever

常州市19150492297: 请帮忙翻译几句英语 汉译英 不要翻译器 -
骑胀对乙: There are a lot of pockets on the backpack for tissues and meal-boxes.Stars are objects in the sky that can shine.Stars are far away from us.Only at night can we see stars.

常州市19150492297: 帮忙用英语翻译这几句话~~(不要用网上翻译) -
骑胀对乙: Headteacher Ms Li makes/made(看时态) a speech at eight in the evening. From eight ten to night o'clock, we sing/sang and dance/danced. After that we play/played games until half past nine. Finally we exchange/exchanged presents and leave/left messages from nine thirty to ten.

常州市19150492297: 急求帮忙翻译几个句子,请不要用翻译器直
骑胀对乙: 他好丈夫的形象被严重地损坏了. 价格很稳定,这个市场十分兴旺. 他们对她的哥哥感到怀疑且愤怒. 史帝芬霍金虽然身体上残疾了,但他的精神十分强大.

常州市19150492297: 找朋友帮忙翻译 几句英文.希望口语化,不要机器翻译 -
骑胀对乙: 你好!参考如下: 1 I want to learn more about computers so that I can use them more conveniently. 2 I also like biology to protect the wild animals in China. 3 After the basic education, I will choose a major to further my study and then make some inventions.地道的翻译就不能直译. 百度教育团队【海纳百川团】为您解答 如满意,请点击“选为满意回答”按钮,谢谢!

常州市19150492297: 帮忙翻译几个句子,不要用网上的那些翻译器,要人脑翻译啊. -
骑胀对乙: 你好~ 1.In order to catch up with the bus,we get up early. 2.It is a cute puppy , so all of us like it very much. 3.A book is made of papers. 4.Paper is made of woods. 5.Do you satisfy with the result? 6.Can you please tell me how to play guitar? --人工翻译-- 以上由╰低⌒调〃为您解答! 如有疑问,欢迎继续追问;如果对我的答案满意,请务必采纳~谢谢O(∩_∩)O

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