
作者&投稿:再扶 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)


1. Animals are man's best friend, we should treat them, many animals can make our contribution to mankind to use them that is possible, but we want to look at how the issue of the use of animals, for those who are hurt on the animals, and I was firmly oppose the use of animals at the same time when we have to think about their predicament, not just focus on their own interests. This is my point of view. 2. I think that the right to see more TV, film, play these computer games are beneficial to child development, children can learn from these things some useful knowledge, you can get the inspiration from which growth and development of their mental development is very necessary. But remember to be the right play, can not let the kids over the fans in it. 3. I think this is beneficial, technological development can shorten the distance between people to people, can enhance the people in between the convenience, improve our communication, but also allows easy change of our work. When the Progressive era must rely on science and technology, without which how can we do? If not we will be unable to made a lot of things, it is difficult to communicate. Therefore, the technological development is quite necessary, which is conducive to human questioning of the show. 4. I think music and physical education are useful, first of all to learn music, it can enhance the individual skills that can reflect the individual learning accomplishment, and now many people to express themselves through music, emotions, in people to pay to stay in many of the music we can also see them feel the spirit. As the spirit of sport today, sports is indispensable, the students carry out some physical activity is quite necessary, it can enhance our physical, when we had a good question the quality of the body that we can better contribute to the motherland .


Traditional研究在发行范围主要集中于三个问题: (1)分配中心的优选的地点和仓库, (2)在分布式网络的存货和分派和(3)运输和发送算法。
Such模型由运筹学的研究员学习了(或)几年。 例如, Geoffrion和Graves (1974)学习一家主要食物企业的多元商品的仓库地点问题; eppen和Schrage (1981)学习在分布式网络的存货分派决定; 并且后勤学概要研究的Bramel和SimchiLEVI (1997)礼物。 这些年来或者研究员开发了解决使企业简化他们的供应链生产发行问题的大规模事例的有效的解答方法学。 Arntzen (1995)等描述这样一个模型的实施重新建造的在12月。
The互联网为物品的发行提供了另一种渠道。 事务对消费者和企业间的电子商务的流行,几家企业例如亚马逊必须开发他们的一个全面分布式网络
business. 清楚地,用户是被分散,并且在许多情况下,顾客也许买需要在别处交付的物品(例如礼物)。忽略费用和共同作用与发行和运输有关证明了致命到在这事务的几名早期的搬家工人。 特别是,受此最影响的企业是网上菜市场(象Peapod和Webvan)和家庭交付企业
(象Kozmo和HomeRuns)。 这主要发生了,因为这些企业必须涉及许多紧的交货时间窗口(主要顾客首选)除其他后勤复杂之外,使极端难通过在发行和运输的共同作用获取效率。


传统研究领域的分布主要集中在三个问题: ( 1 )最佳位置的分销中心和仓库, ( 2 )存货和分配中的分销网络,以及( 3 )运输和路由算法。

这种模式进行了研究,研究人员在行动研究(或)有好几年了。例如,杰欧弗里奥恩和格雷夫斯( 1974年)研究multicommodity仓库选址问题的一项重大食品公司; Eppen和施拉格( 1981 )研究存货分配决定了分销网络;和Bramel和Simchi -列维( 1997 )本概述物流的研究。在这些年里,或研究人员已经研究出有效的解决办法的方法解决大规模的情况下生产分配问题,使企业精简其供应链。 Arntzen等。 ( 1995 )描述了实施这种模式恒再造上。


商业。显然,客户群是比较分散,在许多情况下,客户可以购买商品,需要提供其他地方(如礼品) 。忽视的成本和协同相关的分配和运输已经证明了致命的早期推动者这项业务。特别是,公司已受影响最严重的是这样的网上杂货店(如Peapod和了90 ) ,并送货上门的公司

(如Kozmo和本垒打) 。这主要是因为这些公司不得不处理许多交货时间紧窗户(主要是客户的首选)此外,其他后勤的复杂性,这使得极难获得通过协同效率的分配和运输。

1.大家好!今天由我来教大家英语.Hello everyone, I will be your english teacher today.我觉得这里突出的是“我”而不是“教”所以用这种方法。2.大家跟我读一遍.Please read with me.3.先相信你自己,然后别人才会相信你。Believe yourself first, and then other people will believe in you.4...

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1.为什么汤姆去查看信箱时发现信箱的门是开着的?A 邮递员忘记锁上它了 B 信箱的门经常就是开着的 C 汤姆开的 D 邮递员没时间去给它锁上 所以我觉得这题应该选A 2. Does he do his homework at school?3. Let's give a computer game to him.4. What time did\/do you get up in ...

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这首歌叫《 Angel Baby 》歌词:It's just like heaven Being here with you You're like an angel To good to be true But after all I love you, i do Angel Baby My Angel Baby When you are near me My heart skips a beat I can hardly stand on My own two feet Because i ...

我已经记住您下面回复的信息了 I have noted the information you answered below.讲解如下:有问题,因为note做动词有如下用法和意思:(来源:柯林斯英汉双解大词典)8.V-T If you note a fact, you become aware of it. 注意到 例:The White House has noted hispromise to support any attack...

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英语高手们 帮帮忙啊 翻译一段话 谢谢了 请不要拿翻译器啊
Siheyun all a house surrounded by, among the yard, when it rains, the design of the roof because siheyuan courtyard on water. In the central tunnel will have set the sink, or dark canal, connected to the corner and into the courtyard outside the city building dark canal or...

英语高手们 来帮忙翻译下 谢谢了
Hi,Sorry to disturb you guys again. First I want to claim that I only applied once and my user name is "sean 147","tom258" doesn't belong to me. I bought my computer from one of my friends, so I'm wondering if he used my information to apply for an account. It ...

双台子区19372674493: 请各位高手帮忙翻译下这篇英语作文,谢谢,急需TV vs. the newspaper TV seems to enjoy even greater popularity than before. Some people claim that TV has... -
俞劳艾诺:[答案] 电视和报纸 电视看起来比以前更受公众欢迎.有人抱怨说,电视已经以其巨大的公众冲击力控制了传媒市场;另外一些人甚至预言说在将来电视将会取代印刷传媒.但是当我们近距离研究这两种媒体形式的特点时,结论也许会有所不同.报纸和杂志有着...

双台子区19372674493: 求英语高手帮我把下面这篇文章翻译成英文,谢谢!我最感激的老师 我最感激的老师是我的小学班主任--吴老师.他是我数学的第一个启蒙老师.我至今都还记... -
俞劳艾诺:[答案] I appreciate most of the teachersI am most grateful that I'm the most grateful is my primary school teacher-the teacher-teacher Wu. He was my first teacher of enlightenment of mathematics.I still reme...

双台子区19372674493: 求助帮忙翻译下面这篇文章 英译汉,望英语高手帮忙翻译,注意语法(不要网站或翻译工具翻译的) 帮帮忙啦~The Threat to KIRIBATIThe people of Kiribati... -
俞劳艾诺:[答案] The Threat to KIRIBATI 基里巴斯要面临的威胁The people of Kiribati(pronounced Kir-uh-bas)are afraid that one day in the near future ,their country will disapear-literally.Several times in the past few...

双台子区19372674493: 急急急!求各位英语高手帮忙!请帮我把下面这一段翻译成英语吧,非常感谢. -
俞劳艾诺: This article from the "head /...

双台子区19372674493: 请各位高手帮忙翻译下这篇英语作文,谢谢,急需 -
俞劳艾诺: 观众如果想再看一遍,他们会更加深自己的文学修养电视和报纸 电视看起来比以前更受公众欢迎.有人抱怨说,电视已经以其巨大的公众冲击力控制了传媒市场;另外一些人甚至预言说在将来电视将会取代印刷传媒.但是当我们近距离研究这两种媒体形式的特点时,结论也许会有所不同.报纸和杂志有着内容比电视节目更详细的优势以供人们选择和浏览.电视会给观众带来更加生动的场面,颜色和声音,这一点是事实.很多人发现当他们坚持读报或看杂志时.但是影响会很快消失.另外一个印刷媒体比电视的优势是它们可以提供给行动着的读者.你不可能在任何时候任何地点扛着一个电视旅行,但你随身带着报纸或者杂志永远都是实际的.第三个优点是印刷传媒会带给读者深刻的教育意义,就得去找寻电视记录

双台子区19372674493: 英文帮助翻译词句.请英文高手帮忙把下面的话翻译成英文:1、哦!非常感谢!2、这么晚打扰您真不好意思.3、为什么呢?4、祝您天天开心、工作愉快!晚... -
俞劳艾诺:[答案] 1,Oh!Thank you very much! 2,so late I am sorry to disturb you. 3,Why? 4,every day I wish you a happy,happy!Good night!

双台子区19372674493: 急!!!!请各位英语高手们帮我翻译一下这篇英语短文,在线等!!!!谢谢了!!! -
俞劳艾诺: 幽默往往能显示出一个人的特性(特征).如果你能带着幽默感看待一切事物,那你是一个令人感兴趣的人, 人们和你在一起也不会感到枯燥乏味.同时有幽默感也能展示出你是一个有涵养的人.拥有幽默感能让你健康,快乐,因为幽默总能让你斗志高昂,在心理和身理都对你的健康有好处.拥有幽默感便改变了你眼前的整个世界的色彩.当你有幽默感时,你也能交到很多的朋友.人们跟你在一起都会感到很开心,因为你可以帮助他们以完全不同的角度和更开阔的视野看待事物.你给了人们力量去面对这充满了竞争的世界.

双台子区19372674493: 请英语高手帮忙翻译下面英文摘要 -
俞劳艾诺: 里面有手工..Hydraulic cylinder of the hydraulic system is the implementation of components, and hydraulic motors, are to be hydraulic mechanical energy into the energy conversion devices, collectively referred to as liquid motive. Hydraulic cylinders ...

双台子区19372674493: 请英语高手帮忙翻译下面文字,谢谢! -
俞劳艾诺: The gross weight of a box of goods is 212.8 kg, a 20-foot container is loaded with 48 boxes of goods, gross weight of a 20-foot container cargo of 10,214.40 kg, instead of 10214.00 kg. The entire shipment of 2226 boxes, the total weight of 473,692....

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