
作者&投稿:始爱 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

楼主你好,以下是我的回答:新英汉大字典释义:曲终人散 The play came to an end and the audience dispersedthe end of a happy occasion网络释义曲终人散: THE SONG IS OVER;EXODUS;The day I lost my love;The song ends and people are leaving 希望你能满意,满意就采纳吧O(∩_∩)O~

1.The play came to an end and the audience dispersed -- the end of a happy occasion. 2.The music is over and people are gone.

首先别用 music, 因为从没有人这么说过,而且很别扭---i among mean my friends

如果你非要按 汉语 直接翻译,那你就用 the song ends...


对于curtain falls---Wilfred Owen有一首诗叫Anthem for Doomed Youth,我记得最后一段是curtain falls是说人死了。。。你是否确定用这个phrase?

最后,终曲人散 是不是和 天下没有不散的酒席 是一个意思呢?
leaves will fall and time cannot last forever

1.curtain falls 很有意境。。。
2.Happy times don't last. 很好的意译,但怎样加上 终/散?

echo 回音
diverge from离开;背道而驰
musical 和谐悦耳的/音乐的
eventual 最终的;最后的(或者ending)

Diverge from each other with ending musical echoes around ears!

显然,Diverge表“人散”,而“ending musical echoes(尾音的回声)”表“曲终”。(中文有余音绕梁之说,就是指奏完的音乐)

The people departs after the curtain falls.

The music stops with the curtain falling.

Happy times don't last, there's always departure for every party.

In the end people always leave, happy times don't last forever.

本人在国外,这几个比较口语化吧 =]

The song ends and we must part.
Diverging from each other with ending musical echoeing around our ears.你写的那个有语法错误。
The song is over and the people separate.

We set apart without anything shared togehter at last!

可以用Take a bow (行谢幕礼,习惯上有party结束离别的意思)。 例如:
It's time to take a bow (and say good night).

传统的翻译是:1.The play came to an end and the audience dispersed -- the end of a happy occasion.2.The music is over and people are gone.比较口语化的译法可以是:1.The people departs after the curtain falls.2.The music stops with the curtain falling.3.Happy times don't ...

求英语翻译:曲终人散 终人散”用英语怎么说
曲终人散 Audience scattered when the tune ended.

曲终人散翻译成英文 怎么翻译?
The music is over and people are gone

曲终人散 The play came to an end and the audience dispersed

对于curtain falls---Wilfred Owen有一首诗叫Anthem for Doomed Youth,我记得最后一段是curtain falls是说人死了。。。你是否确定用这个phrase?最后,终曲人散 是不是和 天下没有不散的酒席 是一个意思呢?如果差不多,我的翻译是:leaves will fall and time cannot last forever ...

英语翻译 很有深度的。翻译的好的加分
繁华落尽曲终人散,又是一朝醉夕阳。Busy fall all, and once drunk finalizing sunset.月朗星稀终守候,落花流水我心头。Month lang star dilute end waiting for my heart, vengeance.纵使千里人相隔,两心遥相守。Even though miles apart in people, keep away hearts.望不穿,流年错,阑珊般锦瑟...

Life eventually escapes, and betrayal or finalizing, death or leave.

life,such as drama,, have the song eventually eventually the person spread


翻译:曲终人散只有孤寂惆怅才是生活的原味.6、If I change shape, and you forget the time.翻译:若不是我变了摸样,便是你淡忘了时光。7、Whatever is worth doing at all is worth doing well 翻译:凡是值得做的事,就值得做好。8、It’s too late to move back, yet too early to ...

芮城县17215879935: {曲终人散}英文怎么写1 -
羿标爽尔:[答案] 曲终人散1.when the party's over2.THE SONG IS OVER3.and even though our stories at the end4.side the end终于曲终人散1.oh he goes the big finale曲终人散了1.music finished,people departed在曲终人散1.hear...

芮城县17215879935: “曲终人散”用英语怎么说?
羿标爽尔: Everyone leaves as the show has to come to an end 或者用一个形容词: recessional 我上面第一次翻译的那个没问题的

芮城县17215879935: 曲终人散 用英语怎么来意译? -
羿标爽尔: 这句话比较适合意译,可以说: It is time to say goodbye

芮城县17215879935: (曲终人散)用英文怎么说?求帮助........... -
羿标爽尔: 新英汉大字典释义:曲终人散 The play came to an end and the audience dispersedthe end of a happy occasion 网络释义曲终人散: THE SONG IS OVER;EXODUS;The day I lost my love;The song ends and people are leaving 希望你能满意,满意就采纳吧O(∩_∩)O~

芮城县17215879935: (曲终人散)用英文怎么说?我要简单点的翻译,最好带上解释........谢谢....... -
羿标爽尔: Concert is over and audience are leaving.

芮城县17215879935: 曲终人散的英文怎么说 -
羿标爽尔: The music is over and people are gone.曲终人散

芮城县17215879935: 求英语翻译:曲终人散 -
羿标爽尔: 先别用 music,因为我老师跟我说他看到很多后来的中国学生(初中毕业以后到国外的)写essay是总爱用很长的句子, 因为从没有人这么说过,而且很别扭---i among mean my friends 如果你非要按 汉语 直接翻译..你是否确定用这个phrase?如果差不多,那你就用 the song ends...不过我觉得没有必要硬按照汉语一个字一个字翻译,我的翻译是,而且读不明白.对于curtain falls---Wilfred Owen有一首诗叫Anthem for Doomed Youth,我记得最后一段是curtain falls是说人死了.?最后,终曲人散 是不是和 天下没有不散的酒席 是一个意思呢

芮城县17215879935: 曲终人散 怎么翻译为英文 -
羿标爽尔: 1.The play came to an end and the audience dispersed -- the end of a happy occasion. 2.The music is over and people are gone.

芮城县17215879935: 曲终人散 用英语怎么翻译?
羿标爽尔: people leave after the curtain falls 我是爱词霸沙龙里查到的哦

芮城县17215879935: 曲终人散英文谁知道?...
羿标爽尔: 请输入你的答案...The music is over and people are gone

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