
作者&投稿:彭庭 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

1.stir-fry cabbage

你这个工作量也太大了。。估计 200 分 也没有会把他们全翻译出来。。。


比如 。。。哎~~好难啊。。。山林小炒。。。

剁椒小芋头 steamed jerusalem taro with hot chilli
炝炒娃娃菜 stir-fried baby cabbage
杂锦炒饭 mixed fried rice
八宝粥 assorted grain porridge
花生酱西多士 peanut butter toast
罗宋汤 russian borshch
花旗参乌鸡汤 braised dark-bone chicken soup with american ginseng
茶树菇龙骨汤 tee tree Fossilizid soup
当归炖鸡脚 stewed chicken foot withChinese Angelica
杂锦鱼蛋 mixed fish roe
红油腐竹 dried beancurd stick with chilli oil
酸辣海带 sour and hot seaweed
泡椒凤爪 chicken foot with green chilli
香油茶树菇 tea tree mushroom with sesame oil
凉伴千张 cold mixed dried-bean curd layers
五香薰鱼 five spiced smoked fish
老醋花生deep fried peanuts with rice vinegar

咖哩炒饭 fried rice with curry
番薯粥 porridge with sweet potato
杂菜炒乌冬面 fried oodong noodles with assorted vegetable
南瓜汤 pumpkin soup
花旗参炖乌鸡 braised dark-bone chicken with american ginseng
海带炖老鸭 braised duck with seaweed
茶树菇 tea tree mushroom
砂锅掌亦 duck foot en cassrole
红油腐竹 dried bean curd stick with chilli oil
酸辣海带 sour and hot seaweed
干煸泥鳅 wok-fried loaches
泡椒凤爪 chicken foot with green chilli
凉拌千张 cold mixed dried bean curd layers
瓜霜花生米peanuts with icing sugar

翻译结果 Fried rice of coffee
Porridge of sweet potato
The miscellaneous dish is fried dark winter one
Soup of pumpkin
The colored flag joins and stews the dark chicken
The kelp is stewed the old duck
Mushroom of tea tree
The casserole is also slapped
Red oil dried bean
Hot kelp of acid
Fry loaches
Steep pepper phoenix's claw
A thousand cold and dressed with sauce
Melon frost peanut kernel

辅助翻译例句 1. 蛋炒饭
Fried rice with egg
2. 酸辣汤
Sweet & sour soup
3. 泥鳅从我手中滑走了。
The loach slipped from my hands.
4. 山坡上种了稠密的茶树。
The slopes of the hills have been densely planted with tea bushes.
5. 你喜欢看米老鼠和唐老鸭吗?
Do you enjoy "Mickey Mouse and Donald Duck"?
6. 南瓜通常被用来做南瓜馅饼。
Pumpkins are usually used as a filling for pies.
7. 我建议您点厨师的拿手菜:川式酸辣汤。
I'd suggest the chef's delight: sour soup Sichuan style.
8. 他们这里咖哩做得很好,你要的话可以买回家吃。
They do a very good curry here, you can take stuff out if you want.
9. 他们这里的咖哩菜烧得很那,如果你想买了带走,那也可以。
They do a very good curry here, and you can take stuff away if you want.
10. 如果涮油漆的刷子太湿,红油漆就会和房子上的白色混在一起。
If the paint brush is too wet, the red paint will run into the white on the house.

Stir-fried rice with curry
sweet potato porridge
stir-fried japanese noodles with combination vegetables
pumpkin soup
stewed black-boned chicken with ginseng
stewed duck with seatangle
Tea Tree Mushrooms
duck's web pot
soy sheet roll in chili sause
sour and spicy seatangle
Sautéed Shredded Loach
Chicken Feet with Pickled Peppers
soy sheet salad
icing peanuts


1、三杯草鸡 roast chicken 2、百香果 mixing fruits 3、冷面 cold noodles 4、干炒河粉 fry rice noodle 5、砖块奶茶 brick tea with milk 6、特调椰果蒟蒻 special mix coco 7、蹄筋烩饭 hoof and musle on rice 8、糯米粥 sticky rice porridge 9、贡丸汤 soup with tributing pills 菜名...

剁椒小芋头 ---Duojiao small taro 炝炒娃娃菜 ---Fried vegetables cook in soy baby 杂锦炒饭 ---Miscellaneous Kam-fried rice 八宝粥 ---Eight-treasure 花生酱西多士 ---Peanut butter toast of the West 罗宋汤 ---Borscht 花旗参乌鸡汤 ---Ukrainian American Ginseng chicken soup 茶树...

酸sour 咸salty 甜sweet 淡mild;light 辣spicy;hot 鲜delicious;tasty 煸stir-fry 炒saute 烤roast 炸deep-fry 红烧braise in soy sauce 茄汁braise in tomato sauce 爆quick-fry 煎pan-fry 清蒸steam 煲braise 焖stew 炖simmer

咖哩炒饭 fried rice with curry 番薯粥 porridge with sweet potato 杂菜炒乌冬面 fried oodong noodles with assorted vegetable 南瓜汤 pumpkin soup 花旗参炖乌鸡 braised dark-bone chicken with american ginseng 海带炖老鸭 braised duck with seaweed 茶树菇 tea tree mushroom 砂锅掌亦 duck foot e...

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1. 大豆酱 Soy Sauce 2. 甜辣酱 Sweet sauce 3. 辣孜然粉 4. 孜然粉 Cumin powder 5. 芝麻酱 Sesame paste 6. 蒜蓉酱(或大蒜酱) garlic sauce 7. 菌香汤(或香菇汤) Champignon Soup 8. 辣香汤 9. 三宝豆腐(或花样豆腐) various toufu 10. 猪血 pig‘s blood 11. 千张(...

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大东区13758309702: 哪位能帮我翻译一下以下几个菜名,谢谢了 -
花许艾格: 1.球型寿司=手球寿司=sushi balls 2.芒果沙拉 =マンゴサラダ=mango salad3. 蟹籽沙拉=蟹子サラダ=crab spawn salad4.三文鱼沙拉=サーモンサラダ=salmon salad5.天妇罗沙拉=天麸罗サラダ=tempura salad

大东区13758309702: 请帮忙翻译一下菜名 -
花许艾格: 中餐翻译的都比较怪-我不是说单词,而是几样东西在一起,翻译起来杂乱.所以代表并不能翻译的贴切.我来试试. 排骨海带豆腐汤 Seaweed Tofu with rib soup 瘦肉山药木耳 Black fungus and Gobo with lean meat 西兰花炒桃仁 Broccoli fried ...

大东区13758309702: 哪位能帮我翻译一下以下几个菜名,谢谢了
花许艾格: 1.球型寿司 Round Sushi 或 Ball Shaped Sushi 2.芒果沙拉 Mango Salad 3. 蟹籽沙拉 Crab Roe Salad 4.三文鱼沙拉 Salmon Salad 5.天妇罗沙拉Tempura Salad 很高兴能帮助你,谢谢!

大东区13758309702: 翻译些菜名,谢谢 -
花许艾格: 1. 大豆酱 Soy Sauce2. 甜辣酱 Sweet sauce3. 辣孜然粉 4. 孜然粉 Cumin powder5. 芝麻酱 Sesame paste6. 蒜蓉酱(或大蒜酱) garlic sauce7. 菌香汤(或香菇汤) Champignon Soup8. 辣香汤 9. 三宝豆腐(或花样豆腐) various toufu10. 猪血 pig...

大东区13758309702: 请帮忙用英语翻译下面的菜名谢谢1.荷香鲤鱼2.明炉鲳鱼3.风味茄子4.海鲜煲羊肚 -
花许艾格: 1.hollywood incense carp2.the silver pomfret furnace3.flavor eggplant4.can visithergirlfriend for seafood

大东区13758309702: 急....求菜名英文翻译...谢谢.... -
花许艾格: Dongpo pork Hot-and-dry noodles Wuchang fish DiaoZi heat soup Duck neck Three fresh bean skin

大东区13758309702: 中文菜名翻译成英文 -
花许艾格: 大蒜 garlic 洋葱 onion 茴香 fennel 卷心菜 cabbage 花椰菜 cauliflower 西兰花 broccoli 韭菜 leek 大葱 green onions 芹菜 celery 辣椒 chilli 甘薯 sweet potato 茄子 eggplant 南瓜 pumpkin 青刀豆 green beans 豌豆 peas 菜豆 kidney beans 豆芽 bean ...

大东区13758309702: 帮忙翻译日语、4个菜名 -
花许艾格: 和一楼的翻译方法不同,请参考!炸小虾:小海老フライ 东坡肉煮豆腐:豆腐豚肉角煮 兰花鲜贝:贝柱炒め兰花添い 酱油鸡 :鶏の醤油炒め

大东区13758309702: 翻译菜名帮助
花许艾格: Spaghetti bolognaise(意大利肉酱意粉) スパゲッティ・ボロネーゼ main courses(主盘) メインコース beef tenderloin steak(牛柳扒) テンダーロイン・ステーキ フィレ・ステーキ / ヒレ・ステーキ

大东区13758309702: 如何将这些菜名翻译成英语? -
花许艾格: 还是给你对好吧 Lunch : 橙香老南瓜 Hong old orange pumpkin 中式蘸酱黄瓜 Chinese cucumber sauce grilled 巴西烤仔排 Tsai Pai Brazil 百汁烩时蔬 100 juice at the center caters camphor 樟茶鸭 tea duck 什锦老坛子 mixed old earthen jar 香炝...

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