
作者&投稿:诸单 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)


Mom,hold on your hats.是什么意思?
一个二个都理解错了...这是俚语...hold on (to) one's hat一般是当心,留心,注意,或像原文的意思:听好了,都是可以的 hold on to one's hat一般有两个常解 一是表示:坐稳; 当心 二是表示:听着(表示有惊人的消息)

what colour are your hats?They are black and grey. colour为什么不+...
因为colour是不可数名词,加了S后变成的 colours是另一意思了,完全没关系的意思

These are my hats.(变成一般疑问句)
Are these your hats?

每行对应中文翻译如下:此电子邮件确认您的蒸汽帐户密码已被 成功地改变了。这是您的新帐户信息:--- 帐户:时钟 密码:1 ---

take off your hat是什么意思
【例句】Take off your hat to your yesterdays.向昨日挥手告别。In English, if you say you take your hat off to someone, you are expressing admiration for something that they have done.在英语中,“向某人脱帽”,实际上是表达了你对某人的崇敬与赞扬之情。也可以简单说成hats off to ...

It's also important to choose accessories that will enhance your interview attire - not overwhelm it. 参加面试时佩戴的东西,少即是多。不要佩戴过多是很重要的——制造过多的关注对并你不好。同样重要的是,选择的首饰可以提高你的面试着装——而不是盖过你的服装。 Keep the cologne and perfume to a...

we are the good guys—the black hats lost.我们是那些好人——黑帽子坏人输了。hats off to ——used to express admiration for someone who has achieved something or done something praiseworthy 向…致敬 hats off to them for agreeing to work for the day to raise money.向同意在筹款日...

what a lovely two hats翻译成汉语
What a lovely hat your are wearing!还是What a lovely hat you are wearing!这两句有差别么?语法上是没有问题的,也可以How lovely hat …

《尘缘》演唱 陈思成 编辑 莫失莫忘 愿意忘记过去 才能留住时间 莫让回忆悄然 斑驳如花容颜 繁华似昨天 握不住谁能看得穿 梦醒哪个时空 传说这段爱恋 只有路过伤痛 才能靠近永远 谁让我的心弦 鸣自你的指间 万丈红尘中谁在喊 谁为谁轻叹 堕入火焰随爱 涅盘才是神仙 望长安 是前世的情缘 忆江南 ...

逄仁15995131670问: 是what's your major 还是what's your major in -
屯留县妇乐回答: what's your major?正确,这里major为名词,意思为你的专业是什么?也可用What do you major in? 这里major为动词,意思是学什么专业.

逄仁15995131670问: whatsyourjob怎么读 -
屯留县妇乐回答: What's your job?不是中式英语.你是做什么工作的;你做什么工作?双语例句 1. Key phrases and sentences what's your job? 重要的短语和句子你做什么工作? 2. Yes, I do. It's very interesting. What's your job? 是的,我喜欢.它非常有趣.你做什么工作?

逄仁15995131670问: what is your major? 这个怎么不用are 了 啊 -
屯留县妇乐回答: 因为your major 这个主语是单三

逄仁15995131670问: 是what's your major ?还是what's your major in?为什么呢?谢谢回答!
屯留县妇乐回答: what's your major?就可能了. 不需要用in,画蛇添足... 如果你想说特定时期是什么专业那么可以在in 后加上大学名. 如:What is your major in university?

逄仁15995131670问: what is your major?这个怎么不用are 了 -
屯留县妇乐回答:[答案] 因为your major 这个主语是单三

逄仁15995131670问: 1.Whats your major? Why did you choose this major?我是临床药学的,我当初选这个专业是因为我认为这个专业是联系医生和药师的重要桥梁,它很重要,我该怎么用英语回答? -
屯留县妇乐回答: I am major in clinical pharmacy, i think it is very important because i see it as the bridge to communicate with doctor and pharmarcist when i first to chose the major

逄仁15995131670问: What's your major and why do you choose it? -
屯留县妇乐回答: 这句话的翻译是你的专业是什么,你为什么选择它? 你可以回答 My major is English,which can make me happy and let me know a lot,so i like it very much. 祝你进步噢~

逄仁15995131670问: TPO 6听力 what's your major urge you to have one yet? -
屯留县妇乐回答: What's you major=你主修哪个科目 urge you=促使你 to have one=根据原文,one在这里是one of the flyers,就是career fair的宣传单张 yet=那样的话,然而……许多意思 所以句子分成两部分:What's your major + urge you to have one yet?可以翻译成:你主修什么科目要到招聘会那里去了?(直译就是:就是拿一张招聘会的flyer) 你可以根据下文得出这个结论:I haven't declared a major yet....这样就一目了然了.

逄仁15995131670问: 口语试题what is your major? why did you choose it?什么意思啊,怎么回答,兄弟们帮帮忙 -
屯留县妇乐回答: 你的专业是什么,为什么你会选择它? 可以这样回答 my major is accounting ,because I like it and I 'm interested in it 我的专业是会计,因为我喜欢这个专业,并且很感兴趣,

逄仁15995131670问: — What's your major?1 I'm majoring in English 2 I'm English 3 I'm class three 4 I don't know -
屯留县妇乐回答:[答案] 1.当然选一 了 问你什么专业 1.是英语专业 2.我是英国人 3.我三班的 4.我不知道

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