
作者&投稿:百莘 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

这恐怕是出现在计算机上专用术语把。hats意思是“随机编码”,hats your name就是“请给你的姓名随机编码”。如果用常用意思解释,可能有两种情况。1、应该写作 hat your name,意思是把你的名字隐藏起来;2、应该写作 Hats, your name,意思是 “翰兹是你的名字”...

where is your blue hat?你的蓝色帽子在哪里?hat n. 帽子; (帽子所表示的)职位,职务;vt. 给…戴上帽子,为…提供帽子;vi. 供应帽子; 制造帽子;复数: hats 过去式: hatted 过去分词: hatted 现在分词: hatting 第三人称单数: hats ...

1 Are these your hats ?2 Where is her English ?3 There is a green jacket on the chair.4 My English book is under the radio.5 I think your maths notebook is in your younger brothers' room .加油!不明白再问!如果帮到你,请采纳,谢谢!

hold on to your hats是俚语吗
hat是帽子的意思,一般有好的意思,也有表扬的意思。如一个人球踢的好,连进3个,可以称为帽子戏法.hold on是保持的意思,hold on to your hats意思是把你的帽子把持住,保持良好的状态,继续好的状态.有时候也有坐稳,当心的意思。一般是在美国俚语里经常用 ...

Are these black hats yours ?.


Hats题目参考答案 1. Do you like to wear hats?Although hats help shield your hair and face from direct sunlight, to be honest I don’t really like wearing hats daily. My hair is always a mess after I take them out. Instead of wearing hats, I think I prefer bringing ...

you或your在哪种句子里与are搭配,哪种不会?? 请详解。。请举例...
you are这里are是谓语动词特殊形式“是”动词,连接后面的形容词或者you下定义的同位语 your 是不会加are的,它是“你的”的意思,后面加东西,比如你的雨伞:your umbrella

hat是什么意思 hat是指什么意思
Hat作为名词时,是指帽子、职位、角色。hat作为动词时,是指戴上帽子、提供帽子、供应帽子、制造帽子。Hat的第三人称单数是hats,hat的复数是hats,hat的现在分词是hatting,hat的过去式是hatted,hat的过去分词是hatted。Hat的例句:I'm wearing two hats tonight─parent and teacher.我今晚身兼两职,...

与「帽子」hat 有关的7个英文惯用语!
e.g. At the meeting, I was wearing my business hat.3.Hang on to your hat! 把帽沿抓紧!有预告可能的惊喜或惊吓之意。4.Hats off to ___! 绅士通常会脱下帽子以表达向某人致意、致敬的意思。e.g. Hats off to John! He did a great job!5.To pull a rabbit out of a hat...

芝薛17065993964问: 是what's your major 还是what's your major in -
潼关县佳申回答: what's your major?正确,这里major为名词,意思为你的专业是什么?也可用What do you major in? 这里major为动词,意思是学什么专业.

芝薛17065993964问: 1.Whats your major? Why did you choose this major?我是临床药学的,我当初选这个专业是因为我认为这个专业是联系医生和药师的重要桥梁,它很重要,我该怎么用英语回答? -
潼关县佳申回答: I am major in clinical pharmacy, i think it is very important because i see it as the bridge to communicate with doctor and pharmarcist when i first to chose the major

芝薛17065993964问: 是what's your major ?还是what's your major in?为什么呢?谢谢回答!
潼关县佳申回答: what's your major?就可能了. 不需要用in,画蛇添足... 如果你想说特定时期是什么专业那么可以在in 后加上大学名. 如:What is your major in university?

芝薛17065993964问: 一篇英语作文主要内容:1.where are you form?2.why did you choose this university 3.what's your major?why did you choose it 4.how do you pay for school?5.... -
潼关县佳申回答:[答案] I am from China.I chose this university because it is very famous.I paid for it about RMB20000.I thought speaking English is the most difficult.I really want to be fluently,but I haven`t made it yet.

芝薛17065993964问: What's your major and why do you choose it? -
潼关县佳申回答: 这句话的翻译是你的专业是什么,你为什么选择它? 你可以回答 My major is English,which can make me happy and let me know a lot,so i like it very much. 祝你进步噢~

芝薛17065993964问: 英语高手进来下这两句是一个意思吗what's your degree and what's your major?这两句话是一个意思吗,一个英国人说,这两句话都是一个意思表示你学什么... -
潼关县佳申回答:[答案] 差不多,但是有侧重,第一个问的是学位,第二个问的是专业,举个例子-你什么学位啊?-汉语言文学硕士你学的什么专业啊汉语言文学自己体会一下语言有习惯的,不能这么说,我们骂人“狗改不了吃粑粑”,但是老外夸人“lucky do...

芝薛17065993964问: TPO 6听力 what's your major urge you to have one yet? -
潼关县佳申回答: What's you major=你主修哪个科目 urge you=促使你 to have one=根据原文,one在这里是one of the flyers,就是career fair的宣传单张 yet=那样的话,然而……许多意思 所以句子分成两部分:What's your major + urge you to have one yet?可以翻译成:你主修什么科目要到招聘会那里去了?(直译就是:就是拿一张招聘会的flyer) 你可以根据下文得出这个结论:I haven't declared a major yet....这样就一目了然了.

芝薛17065993964问: — What's your major?1 I'm majoring in English 2 I'm English 3 I'm class three 4 I don't know -
潼关县佳申回答:[答案] 1.当然选一 了 问你什么专业 1.是英语专业 2.我是英国人 3.我三班的 4.我不知道

芝薛17065993964问: What are you studying for跟what's your major是一个意思吗 -
潼关县佳申回答: What are you studying for?你研究的是甚麽?或者 你学的是甚麽?what's your major?你的专业是甚麽?要看具体语境才知道.另外补充 What subject are you studying ? 你学的是甚麽专业?

芝薛17065993964问: what does your major mean? -
潼关县佳申回答: 单纯问major的话只要谈心理学就可以了呀.I am very interested in studying human behavior. Psychology major helps me gain an in-depth understanding of factors which influence human behavior, and methods which can help to cure psychological problem such as depression.

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