what colour are your hats?They are black and grey. colour为什么不+S

作者&投稿:真满 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
what colour are your hats?They are blacik and grey.~

你的帽子是什么颜色的 他们是黑的和灰的



你的笔是什么颜色的? 黑白相间的。




因为colour是不可数名词,加了S后变成的 colours是另一意思了,完全没关系的意思


白山市17789444319: What colour are they?这么说对吗?能不能说What colours are they? -
梁忠布拉: 不行. colour是不可数名词,不能加s.What colours are they?这么说是错的.还是用What colour are they?好.

白山市17789444319: What colour are they?这么说对吗?能不能说What colours are they?什么时候用What colours are they? -
梁忠布拉:[答案] 不行. colour是不可数名词,不能加s.What colours are they?这么说是错的.还是用What colour are they?好.

白山市17789444319: what colour are they可以变成what are they colour? -
梁忠布拉:[答案] 不行,只能用:what colour are they? 疑问词作定语时,被修饰词必须紧随其后.

白山市17789444319: What colour is it是什么意思 -
梁忠布拉: What colour is it? 它是什么颜色的? 拼音双语对照 双语例句 1 Hi, Liyan. I have a new pencil. What colour is it? 喂,李燕.我有个新铅笔.它是什么颜色?2 It's near the door. A: What colour is it? 它在门旁边.A:它是什么颜色的?

白山市17789444319: what colour are they?回答是什么?what do they like eating?what can they do?doyour classmates like them too? -
梁忠布拉:[答案] 1.They are + colour 2.They like eating + sth. 3.They can + 动词或动词短语 4.Yes,they do./ No they don't.

白山市17789444319: what colour are they 可以变成what are they colour吗 -
梁忠布拉:[答案] what colour连在一起,表示“什么颜色”,改为后一种说法就没有意义了. 这类型的例子还有: Which shirt do you like

白山市17789444319: Whatcolourarethey?这么说对吗 -
梁忠布拉: 这是中式英语,他们是啥颜色? 以英语来说应该是What is the colour of the flowers (dresses, pictures,etc)? 想问这些they的颜色? 关乎什么人事物问法不同,应该特别小心,如果问人们的肤色就很不礼貌;

白山市17789444319: what colour is it?翻译成英语 -
梁忠布拉: 它的颜色是什么 希望对你有所帮助,有不会的可以再问,祝学习进步!您的及时采纳是对答题者的尊重!O(∩_∩)O

白山市17789444319: What colour are [ ] ( you )要填什么?为什么要填这个.我只知道动词后面用宾格What colour are [ ] ( you )要填什么?为什么要填这个.我只知道动词后面用宾格 -
梁忠布拉:[答案] 填you或者yours都可以,只是意思不同罢了. What colour are you?你是什么肤色? What colour are yours?你的(某物)是什么颜色/

白山市17789444319: What colours are they?与 What colour are they?一样吗? -
梁忠布拉: 自然不一样,第二句只有一种颜色,第一句明显知道有很多种不同的颜色.

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