
作者&投稿:占侨 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

美式发音\/notɪd\/ 详细释义:adj. (以…)见称,闻名,著名;v. 注意; 留意; 指出; 特别提到;词型变化:名词:notedness 副词:notedly 短语搭配 1. noted for 因……而著名 2. be noted for 值得注意;应注意;因...闻名 3. well noted 注意;知晓;注意到 4.exceptions noted o...

...confirm upon receipt. 什么意思啊? Well noted with thanks._百度...
1、Will confirm upon receipt.释义:收到后会回函确认。2、Well noted with thanks.释义:明白,多谢!这句话通常用于非正式场合,比如聊天,聚会等等,在该句话中,well noted 的语气加重,语句言简意赅,在日常生活中使用恰当。

well noted and will proceed accordingl

Well noted your msg with Thanks?是什么意思呢?

出于礼貌应向对方表达已经收到对方来函这件事,而又没有什么特别需要回信的内容,就会回这句话。但是这并不是特别礼貌的或者尊敬的说法,只是轻微的表示知道和感谢,最好不要用于回复上级、客户或地位比自己高的人。同样的情况下,更为尊敬的说法可以说成:Well noted with much appreciation\/gratitude....

well noted on below and shall update the arrival time accordingly什么...
well noted on below and shall update t...的中文翻译 well noted on below and shall update the arrival time accordingly 注意在下面,并应更新相应的到达时间

回复邮件时候 Well noted with thanks( 知道了,谢谢! )用西班牙语要怎 ...
Ya lo sé ,gracias (我知道了,谢谢) gracias单纯的就是”谢谢“ 或者 万分感谢 muchisima gracias

同样的情况下,更为尊敬的说法可以说成:Well noted with much appreciation\/gratitude.如果是药物在服用的时候说的 "with a meal", 意思就是指可以在进食时服用。 一般就是指不能空腹吃。 你可以在马上要吃饭之前服用, 或者在饭后马上服用, 也可以吃几口饭再吃。如果是在其他场合出现的, 比如说...

他写了很多著名的作品 He wrote a lot of famous works 重点词汇 很多a great many; a great deal of; a large number of; plenty of 著名famous; well-known; celebrated; noted 作品works; writing; opus; production

1、If not to the sun for smiling, warm is still in the sun there, but wewill laugh more confident calm; if turned to found his own shadow, appropriate escape, the sun will be through the heart,warm each place behind the corner; if an outstretched palm cannot fall butterfly...

励往19130028461问: Noted with thanks 什么意思 -
怀安县石斛回答: 商业文书或信函用语,表示“已知悉,并表示感谢”,相当于中文口语中的“收到,谢谢”. “Noted with thanks”是比较随意的说法.一般来说,在商务场合,收到别人的信函或者通知后,出于礼貌应向对方表达已经收到对方来函这件事,而...

励往19130028461问: well noted with thanks. -
怀安县石斛回答: 回答如下 这里是被动语态,其实是sth is well noted,省略的是be动词. With thanks就是状语,我认为是方式状语,如何被noted的

励往19130028461问: well noted 是什么意思?
怀安县石斛回答: well noted是“好的,明白了”的意思. 以前在外贸公司给英国客户写邮件里面常用到这个.

励往19130028461问: 邮件中的well noted是什么意思
怀安县石斛回答: 一般是你告诉别人什么事情以后,别人回信用well noted告诉你,他/她已经明白/知道了,一般还会对你表示感谢.

励往19130028461问: well noted是什么意思 -
怀安县石斛回答: well noted 注意到 双语例句 1 Your desires are well noted. 你的欲望也指出. 2 Your objection is noted. 你的反对我注意到了.

励往19130028461问: thanks well note!是什么意思? -
怀安县石斛回答: Q:WELL NOTED在E-MAIL中是什么意思? A:这句话的意思是“知道了”.常用在当对方给你发E—MAIL告诉你事情已办妥你给他的回复中.

励往19130028461问: Will confirm upon receipt. 什么意思啊? Well noted with thanks. -
怀安县石斛回答: 1、Will confirm upon receipt.释义:收到后会回函确认.2、Well noted with thanks.释义:明白,多谢!这句话通常用于非正式场合,比如聊天,聚会等等,在该句话中,well noted 的语气加重,语句言简意赅,在日常生活中使用恰当.扩展资料:confirm:证实,证明;使感觉更强烈;使确信;批准; 确认;认可 receipt:收条; 接收;收到;收到的款项,收入 will:谈及将来;(表示愿意)愿,要,会,定要;烦劳别人做事时用 v.想要;希望;愿意;喜欢 v.立定志向;决心;决意;想要(某事发生);立遗嘱将(财产等)赠与(某人);立遗嘱赠与 n.意志;毅力;自制力;意愿;心愿;遗嘱

励往19130028461问: “尊敬的”用英语怎么说? -
怀安县石斛回答: 尊敬的英文:respectful、honorific. 一、respectful 英 [rɪˈspektfl] 美 [rɪˈspɛktfəl] adj.恭敬的;有礼貌的;殷勤的 1、The onlookers stood at a respectful distance. 旁观者站在一定的距离之外,以示尊敬. 2、We were brought up to be ...

励往19130028461问: 回复邮件时候 Well noted with thanks( 知道了,谢谢! )用西班牙语要怎么说? -
怀安县石斛回答: Ya lo sé ,gracias (我知道了,谢谢) gracias单纯的就是”谢谢“ 或者 万分感谢 muchisima gracias

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