
作者&投稿:旁冉 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

As the curtain ___ ,the famous singer came out.The fans ___ an...
回答:答案为A。此句句意为;幕布拉开,著名歌手走上舞台。歌迷们全体起立,狂欢起来。rise和raise是同义词,但rise是不及物动词,而raise是及物动词。另:rise有“升起”“站起来”的意思;raise有“举起某物”“升起某物”的意思。又如:The sun rises in the east.The audience rose to welcome...

名著精读:《小妇人》第三章:劳伦斯家的男孩 第7节
Jo saw a big red headed youth approaching her corner and fearing he meant to engage her she slipped into a curtained recess intending to peep and enjoy herself in peace. Unfortunately another bashful person had chosen the same refuge for as the curtain fell behind...

《奥赛罗》是莎士比亚的四大悲剧之一,下面是精彩的评论Othello: trust no one(奥赛罗:相信任何人) Silly motto for Othello: sure, don’t trust Iago…but do trust your own wife.But it seemed curiously apropos in regard to Bart Sher. My wife and I subscribed for the last time to t...

伦敦,我的丽人 她不是落日余红 不是透过银桦树帘撒下斑驳光影的苍绿天空 也不是寂静之功 她不是草地上鸟儿的欢跳 也不是掩盖尘嚣的黑夜浓浓 让我动容 然而,当月亮缓缓爬上树梢 置于繁星的怀抱 我感觉到她 和她洒向人们的光耀 伦敦,我的历任 我将攀上那些枝条 直到月光笼罩的树梢 我沸腾的血液...

Fneral marches to the grave.In the world's broad field of battle,In the bivouac of Life,Be not like dumb, driven cattlt!Be a hero in the strife!Thrust no future,howe'er pleasant!Let the dead Past bury its dead!Act-act in the living Present!Heart within, and God o'er...

The manor, Picasso thrall pri *** is hovering dance, wear blue tailcoat gentleman, wear pearl of young women, she invented, originally life can be so bright affectionate. Back home, but face a wood's hu *** and, a little-used *** all garden, so she wept. As meteor, ...

color, she decorate and arrange everything in the bedroom in white, like bedsheets, windows and doors, computers and even her own blouses. I love my almighty girfriend, in my eyes, her value exceeds more than US$200 million and she is priceless.希望以上的翻译对你有帮助。

At the spring equinox, mountain peach tree branches, 1000 million as the flame generally bloom. 34、永远,永远都只是一场永远。或许,还只是一个梦和期待而已。能够拥有着了,才是今生相遇后的最美。 Forever, forever is a forever. Maybe, it's just a dream and look forward to it. Can have, is ...

求The Curtain Falls(Kevin Spacey演唱版本)这首歌的中文翻译

Your smiling eyes are just like the sparkling stars hanging on the curtain of my heart。你明白么,有个人时时想念着你,惦记你,你含笑的眼睛,象星光闪闪,缀在我的心幕上,夜夜亮晶晶。 18、You know my loneliness is only kept for you, my sweet songs are only sung for you。你可知我百年的孤寂只...

钦邓17071911220问: 英语强调句的用法 -
阿克苏市儿童回答: 强调句型的构成是:It is (was) + 被强调部分+ that (who) + 句子的其他成分.被强调的部分放在 It is (was) 之后,其它部分置于that之后.被强调部分可以是主语,宾语,表语或状语.强调的主语如果是人,可以由who代替that. 1. 被强调的成分举...

钦邓17071911220问: Was the cut serious 翻译一下呗
阿克苏市儿童回答: 伤的很严重…

钦邓17071911220问: 初二英语 -
阿克苏市儿童回答: 1.has been sent 2.was cut,has been 表示因果关系 对现在的影响 3.be passed , was read 4.was seen , running 5.was made, to study 6.happened 7.were not to be done 虚拟语气表示假设

钦邓17071911220问: 10.It was so cold that the travelers had the fire - ---A- - all the night. A. burning B. to burn -
阿克苏市儿童回答: 呵呵 have sth done 指的是使什么东西保持一种状态.(特别注意:是被动的) 如have my hair cut 剪头 其实应该翻译过来的意思是: 让我的头发剪 这里,头发是被动. 但是,fire 是火,这个词没有被动,因为燃烧是火本身的性质,不能说火被烧,而是火自己在燃烧. have sth doing 就是让什么东西保持一种状态! 像火这样的单词还有:paper,smell,feel等 我估计你可能没明白,但只能这么解释.多学学体会体会自己就明白了.

钦邓17071911220问: 高中必修一英语重点词组全汇总
阿克苏市儿童回答: 我们用单词书背单词是一种无视觉影像的刺激,这种刺激不如听觉刺激明显.下面是... itis/was+序数词time+that+hasdone/haddone….某人第几次做.事unit2becauseof由...

钦邓17071911220问: The tree was cut by workers two days ago.变为特殊疑问句? -
阿克苏市儿童回答: 您好!变为特殊疑问句需要看您就哪一部分提问: 如果是就时间进行提问,表达如下:When was the tree cut by workers? 如果是就人提问,表达如下:By whom was the tree cut two days ago? 如果是就物提问,表达如下:What was cut by workers two days ago? 望采纳!

钦邓17071911220问: 英语达人帮帮忙,谢先~ -
阿克苏市儿童回答: 英语动词有两种语态:主动语态和被动语态.主动语态表示主语是动作的执行者,被动语态表示主语是动作的承受者.如: Many people speak English.(主动语态) English is spoken by many peop...

钦邓17071911220问: 选词填空,汉译英 -
阿克苏市儿童回答: 1.when while一般情况下引导的是可以延续的动作,came不能延续 2.was washing 当电话铃响的时候,Nancy正在洗她的脸 3.when 理由同第一个 4.in front of is 在你面前的是教室 in front of是指在外部的前面,in the front of是外部前面library shop...

钦邓17071911220问: The fish was cut into pieces.(改为一般疑问句) - ------------------------------------
阿克苏市儿童回答: Was the fish cut into pieces?祝你学习进步,更上一层楼!有不会的可以再问我....

钦邓17071911220问: 英语改被动语态:①She used the knife to cut the apples②We will repair the machine tomorrow
阿克苏市儿童回答: the knife was used by her to cut the applesthe machine will be repaired by us tomorrow

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