名著精读:《小妇人》第三章:劳伦斯家的男孩 第7节

作者&投稿:相石 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
~ Down they went
feeling a trifle timid
for they seldom went to parties
and informal as this little gathering was
it was an event to them. Mrs. Gardiner
a stately old lady
greeted them kindly and handed them over to the eldest of her six daughters. Meg knew Sallie and was at her ease very soon
but Jo
who didn't care much for girls or girlish gossip
stood about
with her back carefully against the wall
and felt as much out of place as a colt in a flower garden.
Half a dozen jovial lads were talking about skates in another part of the room
and she longed to go and join them
for skating was one of the joys of her life. She telegraphed her wish to Meg
but the eyebrows went up so alarmingly that she dared not stir.
No one came to talk to her
and one by one the group dwindled away till she was left alone. She could not roam about and amuse herself
for the burned breadth would show
so she stared at people rather forlornly till the dancing began. Meg was asked at once
and the tight slippers tripped about so briskly that none would have guessed the pain their wearer suffered *** ilingly.
Jo saw a big red headed youth approaching her corner
and fearing he meant to engage her
she slipped into a curtained recess
intending to peep and enjoy herself in peace. Unfortunately
another bashful person had chosen the same refuge
as the curtain fell behind her
she found herself face to face with the 'Laurence boy'.
n. 小马,无经验的年轻人
This colt is only o months old.
al adj. 快活的,高兴的,愉快的
He is a friendly jovial fellow.
[læd] n. 少年,小伙子
He is just a lad.
dle['dwindl] v. 减少,缩小
The number of people going to the cinema seems to dwindle steadily.
orn adj. 孤独的,悲惨的,凄凉的
She looked wretched and forlorn
despairing of the arrival of a friend who had promised to meet her.

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名著精读:《小妇人》第三章:劳伦斯家的男孩 第7节
Down they went feeling a trifle timid for they seldom went to parties and informal as this little gathering was it was an event to them. Mrs. Gardiner a stately old lady greeted them kindly and handed them over to the eldest of her six daughters. Meg knew S...

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名著精读:《小妇人》第三章:劳伦斯家的男孩 第14节
" said a friendly voice. And there was Laurie with a full cup in one hand and a plate of ice in the other. “我可以帮忙吗?”一个友善的声音问道。原来是劳里。他一手拿着装得满满的杯子,一手拿着放有冰块的小盘子。 "I was trying to get something for Meg who is ...

蚌山区13333498446: 《小妇人》小说目录是什么 -
成王些茵栀: 小说目录 第01章 朝圣第02章 圣诞快乐第03章 劳伦斯家的男孩第04章 负担第05章 友邻睦居第06章 贝思发现了丽宫第07章 艾美的耻辱谷第08章 乔遇上了恶魔第09章 梅格踏足名利场第10章 匹克威克社和邮箱第11章 试验 ...

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成王些茵栀: 《小妇人》的第三章就是以劳伦斯家的男孩命名的,也就是劳里,不知道是不是你要找的个男孩

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成王些茵栀: 关于小妇人,网上多数的都只只有前半部, 即:小妇人 第一章 朝圣 小妇人 第二章 圣诞快乐 小妇人 第三章 劳伦斯家的男孩 小妇人 第四章 负担 小妇人 第五章 友邻睦居 小妇人 第六章 贝思发现了丽宫 小妇人 第七章 艾美的耻辱谷 小妇人 第八章 ...

蚌山区13333498446: 小妇人 乔为什么不嫁给劳伦斯 -
成王些茵栀: 乔大而化之的性格不适合劳伦斯. 你可以想想书中劳伦斯对女性美的眼光和品位,再想想乔一向的风格,就会感觉他们如果真的在一起生活,天天相对会有多少矛盾.乔也并不喜欢日常的“交际”,如果她成为劳伦斯的太太后两人一起面对这些时,乔的表现一定会使劳伦斯难堪. 细细想想,诸如此类,还有很多很多. 作为朋友他们最合适不过,作为恋人真的太格格不入. 乔睿智的妈妈知道乔并不爱劳伦斯后满意的微笑可见一斑. 当然,我个人最喜欢乔和劳伦斯

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