
作者&投稿:宗肿 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

else 的所有格、双重所有格的用法
else 用法详解 1. 表示“别的”“其他的”,主要用于某些词语之后: (1) much, little, all(=everything),a lot, a great deal 等; Not much else is known. 其他的不太很清楚。 He taught us to put the interests of the people before all else. 他教导我们把人民的利益放在最重要...

And how else can it be? The deeper that sorrow carves into your being. The more joy you can contain. Is not the cup that hold your wine the very cup That was burned in the potter’s oven? And is not the lute that soothes your spirit, The very wood that was hollowed with knives?

===Black===Black is the nightAnd a witch's hatBlack is my Mom's hairAnd that witch's cat! ===More Green===Green are the branchesBudding in the sunAnd green are many vegetablesCan you tell us some?===Blue===Blue is the oceanBlue are my eyesBlue is the sky whereThe lonely eagl...

Observing his second daughter employed in trimming a hat, he suddenly addressed her with, "I hope Mr. Bingley will like it, Lizzy." 班纳特先生...But if we do not venture, somebody else will; and after all, Mrs. Long and her nieces must stand their chance; and therefore, as she will...

32、 David was out for a walk when it started to rain. He did not have an umbrella and he wasnt wearing a hat. His clothes were soaked, yet not a single hair on his head got wet. How could this happen?谜底:1、 a book 2、 the moon 3、 chicken 4、 stamp 5、 fire...

anyone划分音节为an'y'one。anyone解析如下:一、单词读音:英式发音:[ˈeniwʌn]美式发音:[ˈeniwʌn]二、单词释义:pron. 任何人,任何一个人 三、词语搭配:anyone who:任何人,凡是 anyone else:其他任何人 ask anyone:问任何人 anyone in particular:特定的人 anyone...

冒失 冒名顶替 冒险 感冒、冒号、冒险、冒险家、冒昧、流行性感冒、冒天下之大不韪、冒顿、冒犯、冒顶、冒名顶替、冒然、冒失、冒烟、冒牌、不揣冒昧、假冒、火冒三丈、冒充、冒失鬼、冒进、冒名、冒头、冒死、迎风冒雪、冒雨、仿冒、冒牌货、冒冒失失、冒领、冒火、冒尖、冒子、冒渎、披霜冒露、...

每行对应中文翻译如下:此电子邮件确认您的蒸汽帐户密码已被 成功地改变了。这是您的新帐户信息:--- 帐户:时钟 密码:1 ---

\/ Hurry up, or (else) you'll be late.(快点, 要不然就来不及了。) \/ However I cook eggs, the child still refuses to eat them.(不管我用什么方法煮鸡蛋,小孩还是不肯吃。) 2、分类:从句按其在复合句中的作用,分为主语从句、表语从句、宾语从句、定语从句和状语从句等。(参见以下各条)3、各从句...

we have class in our classroom it's very cold outside...what else do you want me to i have to make my bed every morning the students can listen to music outside.don't break the rules next time does he wear a hat or a cap where can you eat ...

米学19228602217问: What+名词词组+主语+谓语! 名词词组是可数名词、不可数名词还是可数名词复数? -
纳雍县抗肿回答: 当名词为不可数名词或复数名词时,就是“What+名词+主语+谓语!”.what fun it is!这个句子就是一个例子,fun为不可数名词. What bad weather it is today!(不可数名词)What beatiful flowers they are! (可数名词的复数)What a kind girl she is!(可数名词的单数)

米学19228602217问: 特殊问词+else和不定代词+else有什么不同 -
纳雍县抗肿回答: 按我的理解,您问题中的特殊疑问词准确地说,应当指的是特殊疑问代词吧?因为疑问副词没有这种结构. what else 别的什么东西 who else 别的人 something else 某些别的东西 anything else 任何其他的东西 nothing else 没别的东西 body组成的不定代词道理相同,只是把“东西”换成了“人”. 它们都是代词,只是含义不同,构成方式都一样.

米学19228602217问: 为什么what后可直接加happend -
纳雍县抗肿回答: What - 主语 happened - 谓语 有主语有谓语 - 完整的句子.

米学19228602217问: what do you consider happened to her为什么用happene -
纳雍县抗肿回答: What do you consider happened to her.用happened,而不是happen,是因为发生的这个what事件,降临到her头上的时候是过去的时间.而且她也总不能这么倒霉,天天都有灾难/事故发生到她的身上.宝贝勤学好问,天天进步!

米学19228602217问: 为什么what happen……不用助词,而how + 助词+……+come about+……需要加助词?那take place呢? -
纳雍县抗肿回答: 因为在what happen……句型中,what 是主语,主语位于句首时,后面直接跟谓动,无需用助动词 而在how + 助词+……+come about+……句型中,主语不在句首,因此句子要用疑问句语序,即将谓动 的一部分提到主语前,这时一般是...

米学19228602217问: whose else和 how else whose+else How+else分别是什么意思 -
纳雍县抗肿回答:[答案] whose+else,可以理解成 “其他,别的” 副词,类似用于anywhere,someone,what等词之后.其他的,别的: If I can't make a living at painting,at least I can teach someone else to paint...如果我不能靠画画谋生,至少我可以教别人画画. We had ...

米学19228602217问: 感叹句的结构 what+...... how+....... -
纳雍县抗肿回答: What + a / an + adj + ( 主语 + 谓语 )How + adj / adv +( 主语 + 谓语 )

米学19228602217问: on hearing about what had happene 为什么用on -
纳雍县抗肿回答: on 是 preposition 介词 介词除了to,其他后面的动词全加ing on hear+ing

米学19228602217问: what is happening可翻成什么事将要发生吗 -
纳雍县抗肿回答: What happen 是刚才发生了什么事 ? What's happening 是现在在发生什么事? 1,What's happen? 错误句子.is 和 happen 都是动词,作谓语,一个简单句不能出现两个谓语. 2,What happen? 错误句子.注意主谓一致及时态.“发生” 可能有三种情况,即过去发生(+ed),正在发生(+ing),将来发生(will),所以要有对应的时态. 3,What happened? 发生了什么事?指过去.问的是已经发生的. 4,What's happening? 发生了什么事?指现在,问的是正在发生的事,相当于 What's going on?

米学19228602217问: 英语 ·····+ else 这些的固定词组还有什么·····+ else 这些的固定词组还有什么 像what else 这样的 -
纳雍县抗肿回答:[答案] something/anything /nothing/everything else somebody/anybody /nobody/everyone else who/what/how/why/whose else

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