
作者&投稿:厉趴 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

金丝猴栖居在四川、甘肃和陕西南部,面临盗猎、伐木、毁林开荒、生境退缩的威胁,但经过人类的保护后数量在增加,目前大约有1700只,让我们行动起来保护金丝猴,保护大自然。Dwelling in the Sichuan golden monkey, Gansu and Shaanxi Province in the south, facing poaching, logging, deforestation, land ...

lumbering animals to be cute, but giant pandas can be as dangerous as any other bear.Size About the size of an American black bear, giant pandas stand between two and three feet tall at the shoulder (on all four legs), and reach four to six feet long. Males are larger tha...

3、The ball fell straight to the feet of Klinsmann.球直接落到了克林斯曼的脚上。4、He looked straight ahead and overtook a lumbering lorry.他眼睛直视前方,加速超过了前面一辆慢吞吞行进的大卡车。5、Her ear, shoulder and hip are in a straight line.她的耳朵、肩膀和髋部呈一条直线。

沙漠化的原因 causes of desertification 沙漠化通常是由于人类对环境的破坏而造成的,其中包括:过度放牧,过度耕植,过度樵采,不合理利用水资源以及工商业发展中对环境的破坏。Desertification is usually the result of destruction to the environment by human beings, including excessive grazing, ...

直线地英语是straight,音标是英 [streɪt] 美 [stret] 。straight adj.直的; 连续的; 直率的; 整齐的 adv.直地; 直接地; 坦率地; 立即 n.直线; 直线部分;

猜字谜 你我各一半互相来征战
[woodcutting;lumbering] 采伐林木 3. 伐檀 fátán [Fatan] 篇名。《诗经》里的诗,通常拿开头一句里的两个字作为全诗的题目。檀,檀树,木质坚实,古代用作制造车子的材料 4. 伐罪 fázuì [uprising;attack the tyrant and relieve the people of their sufferings] 讨伐有罪的人 吊民伐罪 近者...


车子慢慢地走着①,在一个泥洼子里渥住了。老孙头一面骂牲口②,一面跳下地来看。(周立波《暴风骤雨》) The lumbering cart① got stuck in the mud. Swearing at his beasts②,Old Sun jumped down to take a look. 【缩为主语①和状语②】2、缩为同位语 — 缩为同位语后,通常置于其同...

set phrase "look for a steed with the aid of its picture" to refer to handling affairs mechanically in the outmoded ways without being flexible. Somethimes it is also used to refer to trying to locate something by following up a clue. This set phrase originates in Lumbering in...

My dear old friend,I must say, you are absolutely an all round genius. I really admire you!Your home is so close to the forest, apart from cutting your wood in there, do you play in it too?The environmental protection in your place is so good. Last time I went, I ...

宁饰19420549790问: 电影《兵人》中的插曲叫什么名字啊?》 -
台前县生物回答: 【原片名】Soldier 【中文名】兵人 【出品年代】1998年11月6日 【类别】科幻 动作 【主演】寇特罗素( Kurt Russell) 这部以战争为主题的影片充满了男性的刚阳之美,但片中的一段插曲,却给影片蒙上了一层淡淡的柔情,让人一下子跌入莫...

宁饰19420549790问: 请问平井坚的《古老的大钟》有英文版吗? -
台前县生物回答: 有英文版,好像有童声版和坚叔版两个版本.歌词如下:Grandfather's clock 作曲:Henry Clay Work 作词:Henry Clay Work My grandfathers clock Was too large for the shelf So it stood ninety years on the floor It was taller by half Than the old ...

宁饰19420549790问: 蒲公英的英文诗 -
台前县生物回答: 第一首:The sun laid eyes on you in spring Washed you with its colour to shine bright The wind then whispers in your ear And prepared you for a magical flight That's why you glow and shine And are first but never late As you swiftly fly in the wind ...

宁饰19420549790问: "相反的," 英语短语. -
台前县生物回答: 表示“相反的”英语短语包括: 1、相反的我 The Opposite Me ; Beside ; cover ; On the contrary; 2、正好相反的 polar ; be diametrically opposite ; diametric ; diametricdiametrical 3、性质相反的 incompatible 4、相反的一天 Opposite Day 5、相反...

宁饰19420549790问: ...height;And far away into the sickly light,From many a wondrous grot and secret cellUnnumber'd and enormous polypiWinnow with giant arms the slumbering ... -
台前县生物回答:[答案] 在雷上深, 截至目前为止,远远不及在糟糕的海, 他的古代,无梦的,uninvaded睡觉 Kraken睡着了:微弱的sunlights的逃跑 关于他的阴暗的方面,在他上方膨胀 巨大的海绵的发育和身高的千禧年. 又远迁至病态的光, 从许多奇妙的grot和秘密细...

宁饰19420549790问: 求英语作文(地震题材)如题,明天就要用了,越快越好! -
台前县生物回答:[答案] An earthquake comes like a thief in the night,without warning.It was necessary,therefore,to invent instruments that neither ... they all fell.Thus the rods by falling,and by the direction in which they fell,recorded for the slumbering scientist the strength of a ...

宁饰19420549790问: luminous glistening区别 -
台前县生物回答: 1) luminous ——ADJ【形容词】 Something that is luminous shines or glows in the dark. 发亮的【在黑暗中发光哦】例: The luminous dial on the clock showed five minutes to seven.时钟上发光的表盘显示当时7点差5分.2)glistening—If ...

宁饰19420549790问: slumber中文什么意思? -
台前县生物回答: slumber n. 睡眠, 沉睡状态; v. 熟睡, 打盹, 蜇伏, 睡著渡过(时间) slumber a...

宁饰19420549790问: 通俗一点的英文诗集,有推荐么~~ -
台前县生物回答: 泰戈尔的《飞鸟集》普希金 《我曾经爱过你》裴多菲 《自由诗》有名的 还有英国的著名诗人拜伦

宁饰19420549790问: 英语翻译请用英语随便翻译一首古诗. -
台前县生物回答:[答案] 游子吟 孟郊 慈 母 手 中 线, 游 子 身 上 衣. 临 行 密 密 缝, 意 恐 迟 迟 归. 谁 言 寸 草 心, 报 得 三 春 晖. A thread is in my... 春晓 孟浩然 春眠不觉晓, 处处闻啼鸟. 夜来风雨声, 花落知多少. Slumbering,I know not the spring dawn is peeping, But ...

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