
作者&投稿:励狭 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

I learned in college that it's better for us not try to reach what's beyond our grasp,we need to be in down-to-earth fashion and work steadily,I'm looking for a company which can offer me opportunites to learn and improve so that I can do my share for the company in...

very often,opportunites come quietly and go
小题1:being noticed 小题2:that 小题3:on 小题4:or 小题5:Otherwise 小题6:one 小题7:unsuccessful 小题8:the 小题9:highly 小题10:their

In all our lives, we receive helping hands - some we notice, some we don't. Equally we ourselves have countless opportunites to provide helping hands - sometimes we would like our assistance to be noticed, sometimes we don't. Little of what we all achieve is without learning ...

射门最好地说明了这种比赛的碰运气性质:90%的射门(被称为“机会”,或在无望的情况下,称为“半个机会”;在法国称为opportunités)或被挡住,或因为射得太偏球直接飞上了看台。10 If the ball happens to be aimed about right and slips through the forest of hairy legs, it's sheer luck. The shooter...

science and technology in this country have generated more attative job opportunites for scholars returning from overseas.The waves of returnees will definitely contribute to this nation’s development, since they have brought back not only advanced science and technology but also pio...

3.你认为中国社会提供了相同的工作机会给女性和男性吗?为什么?你如何认为职业歧视和对女性或男性的老模式看法?I don't think the society in China gave the same opportunites to women as the men. Usually women have fewer opportunites because women need a maternity leave(产假)and they ...

There are lots of benefits to learn a foreign language, such as, to broaden your own view, expand your own knowledge. It enables you to easily get more information and news from abroad. It can provide you with more opportunites for employment and good work.However, how to ...

3. “But all the opportunities are accompanied with challenges though not all the challenge will make you succeed.”很简单的语法问题,but和though不能出现在同一句子里;·你在阐述一个道理,opportunites和challenges都应该不用the去特指;·而将句子改为”Not all challenges will make you ...

how you respond to the opportunities that come your way中how为宾语从句连接词,正常语序为 you how respond to the opportunites;句中that come your way为定语从句,修饰opoportunites。大意为:我考虑更多是 人们认为的运气可以归因于你对所碰到的机会是如何作出反应。个人理解,供参考。


长沙花18356889891问: opportunity的句式有哪些?有opportunity to do么?有 opportunity for doing么? -
龙海市尔同回答: 有this is a opportunity for sb. to do sth. 没有opportunity for doing

长沙花18356889891问: opportunity 的用法是什么啊?还有它后面加 to do ,of doing ,for -
龙海市尔同回答: 没有oing这玩意. opportunity是名词,n. 咱汉语中名词怎么用,英语中就怎么用.

长沙花18356889891问: 初三英语题英语高手进
龙海市尔同回答: to do opportunity=chance机会加to do

长沙花18356889891问: 求助!!把“增加……的机会”翻译成英语,chance和opportunity分别和哪个动词搭配比较好? -
龙海市尔同回答: increase chances of chance强调“可能性、几率”,opportunity一般是“机遇、时机”所以我觉得chance更恰当. 要非得用opportunity的话,一样用increase,opportunity用复数,比如increase employment opportunities增加就业机会

长沙花18356889891问: opportunity of doing sth 和 opportunity for doing sth 的区别是什么? -
龙海市尔同回答: opportunity of doing sth. opportunity for (doing) sth. 都是做某事的机会 没有区别给几个例句:This gave him an opportunity of collecting his thoughts. 这给了他一个机会镇定下来.Austin viewed mistakes simply as an opportunity for learning. 奥斯汀把任何错误都看作是学习的机会This presents both a challenge and an opportunity for us. 这是我们要面对的一场考验,但同时也是一个我们可以掌握的机会.

长沙花18356889891问: opportunity的句式有哪些?有opportunity to do么 -
龙海市尔同回答: 有变体名词 An opportunity is a situation in which it is possible for you to do something that you want to do. 机会 例:I had an opportunity to go to New York and study.我曾有过一个去纽约学习的机会.例:...equal opportunities in employment

长沙花18356889891问: “竞争机会”用英语怎么表达? -
龙海市尔同回答: 都不是.应该是opportunity for sb. to have a competition . 注释: competition 名词 n. 1. 竞争,角逐[U][(+with/between/for)] Competition among youths to enter the best colleges is intense. 年轻人想进一流大学的竞争是很激烈的. 2. 比赛,竞赛;...

长沙花18356889891问: occasion和opportunity的区别? -
龙海市尔同回答: 首先,两个词有不同的意思,当它们同为机会的义项时: Opportunity 是一种有利的状态或合适的时机: “He would . . . trust to time and opportunity for the gratification of his revenge” (Frederick Marryat). “他将…坐等时机来成全他的报复行动...

长沙花18356889891问: opportunity是什么意思,请详细解释
龙海市尔同回答: 机会 比chance正式一些

长沙花18356889891问: opportunity怎么读 -
龙海市尔同回答: opportunity 英[ˌɒpə'tju:nətɪ] 美[ˌɑpɚˈtunɪti, -ˈtju-] n. 机会;适当的时机良机;有利的环境,条件 名词复数:opportunities [例句]Have the courage to seize opportunity. 拥有抓住机会的勇气.

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