
作者&投稿:以柄 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

几年前,我写了一篇文章,题目是"迈向事隔理论的老师准备好" ,目的是提供指导,为教师和行政人员在英语作为第二语言或外国语言。用"失效" ,但没有提及"失误语"或缆的舌头,而是充当了一个组织的缩写,该种课程或经验,应包括在任何教师学习教育活动,在英语议长其他语言的。虽然这条转介至tesol指引,以供认证和准备,教师的英语发言的其他语言,在美国,这些特质也同样,虽然反过来说,适用于教师的"其他"外语,在美国还是在国外。
以此为背景,让我清楚说明了广阔的,基本原则后,这些准备工作都是基于: L时,在事隔,主张语言学及包括语言学概论,语音和音位,词法和句法,语义(即健全,形式,以及意义) ,并对比语言和文化的分析都源语(即,学生的家庭语言)和目标语(即,语文作为教训) 。的L也主张语文的学生,也有可能扩展到文学研究。
标普主张社会语言学(即语文,在文化和社会等) ,并指给社会,区域,功能和历史品种的语言。它也包括语用学,或语用学的背景情况,并话语分析,或语言超越了一句在所有形式和活动方式。我的同事乔治敦博士德博拉和海蒂哈密尔顿是世界上的知名学者在这一迅速扩大的外地。




  教师从事的是教书育人的事业,教师的工作对象是一个个有着鲜活生命的人。我们对待学生不能像对待等待加工的工业材料那样,按照我们的意图把他们加工成一个个符合我们自己意愿的成品;从而抹杀了他们的个性,遏制了他们的思想,使他们失去了创新的能力。这样是不利于社会的发展的。 我们面对着几十个鲜活的生命无动于衷,对一个个有思想的生命更多的时候是压制,而往往这些抑制个性、不尊重生命的做法被我们堂而皇之地冠以“爱”的称号。






回答:My father. My mother. No,I don't think so. It's not typical in China.
No, I think Chinese women enjoy the same freedom than women in other countries.In China, women's status in family has been almost equal to men, though in some undeveloped places their status are still very low. Some of them even have no right to eat on the table.
I don't think the society in China gave the same opportunites to women as the men. Usually women have fewer opportunites because women need a maternity leave(产假)and they also can't behave well when facing difficulties and emergencies. I think we shouldn't have job prejudice against to women. Most women are qualified for most jobs, in fact, some of them could do better than men, We shouldn't see women with dark eyes and shoudn't kill a great worker because of the maternity leave which is their vocation(天职).
Their comprehensive ability to solve the problems and the number of money that they make.
I think he/she should be kind and have a similar value syetem to me. And his/her financial power is similar to me,too.His or her appearance can't be too bad.
The ideal wife should be very kind and mild and can do a lot of houseworks. They should always agree their husbands.The ideal husband should be strong and can make a lot of money.

1 、In my family, my mother does the most of house chores and my father has the say. I think it is typical in China.
2 、Compared to some countries' women like Japanese women, Chinese women are more free. But when compared to American women, I think they don't enjoy more freedom. I think , nowdays, Chinese women have the equal social status as men do in most areas.
3、I think it depends on the job's properties, and sometimes the women's practical conditions. As men's phyisical conditions are better than women's, they have more adventages to do work which needs better physical strength. And, some society offers will take the women's practical conditions into consideration like whether they would leave for giving brith to a child. I think, the job prejudices and stereotypes against women or men is inevitable at present, but with the development of our civilization, it will be better.
4、Mostly, our tradition. And sometimes it may be the personality,income, or others.
5、I think an ideal spouse is a man or women who love you, respect you, trust you and keep you company forever.
6、(1)Be loyal, honest . And love, trust each other.
(2)Generally, they have many similarities as well as differences. As time goes on, people's concepts are changing. Their definition of ideal spouse may involves their spouse's education degree, income, special personality, or others.



3. I am in good health because I always do some soprts.4. yes it is. I think I still have a lot more to learn.5. yes I like it very much. I often drink at least 5 cups of water every day~赠送配合中文翻译哈:1. 我们这里以海产出名 2.我非常喜欢英语因为英语已经成为...

呃,我要准备几个英语的回答。 能请各位朋友帮帮忙,先谢谢了。
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1、Some people think that being interested in hobbies is a waste of time. What do you think?I don't agree. Not only do the hobbies can increase our knowledge but also they can make us feel happy everyday.Having a good hobby is of excellent meaning to all of us.2、What...

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5, we can get help from our family members, our friends, sometimes consultant can be a good choice.6,the same as 5 7,no, salary plays an important role in changing jobs, but it's not the only factor, sometimes the job satisfaction is also crucial.8, 这个自己发挥了,我也...

come on, u can do it !i understand that high school student in shanghai is superb,just have confidence in urself when i was attending a spoken english test, i got around 10mins to go through all the process and answer all the Qs,and i made it,i believe i did a good ...

level. At first, I can learn the Real English,because not everyone have good enviroment to learn english, and the foreign can give us. The next, I can learn some words that used in oral english; At last, learn english through watching foreign movies can raise our interests....

请大家帮帮忙 帮我用英语回答一下问题吧 ,英语底子不太好,希望答案能够...
2,Do you talk on your cell phone in a meeting ?what is basic cell phone etiquette?I would normally switch off my mobile phone during all meetings, because it is impolite to other members of the meeting board and downright rude and seem arrogant. You can catch up later and ...

【选B】14. Tom said he back in a week.【tom said是过去式,tom表述的是当时的一个星期内,用B更准确。】A. will come B. would come C. come 【选C】15. He is an unpleasant man. I don't understand she married him.【通过意思来推敲。AB表达“是否”,D表达“怎样...

1.I want to learn the ability of solving problems,and form my postive opinions of the world!(考察你是否是一个书呆子)2.do some sports ,read books,and seek some news on the internet (说运动 是因为爱运动的人对生活很有激情,且寿命较长,读书是说明你有内涵,沉稳,在网上看新闻...

高平市13832411622: 请帮我回答以下几个英语题目.1.What a lovely r.my cousin has!Its eyes are red.2.How many good ways of improving English did Mr Wang m.in his talk?3.Don't ... -
独呢德济:[答案] 第一个是“兔子”--rabbit 第二个是“王老师在他的谈话中提到几个能提高英文的好方法”--mention 第三个,前面的champion 是冠军 名词.第二个也要是名词- winner 第四个,fell asleep 要用过去式.

高平市13832411622: 请英语高手过来帮我回答几个问题(看补充)每个问题回答尽量长一点不用回答的太复杂简单一点即可.谢谢.1 can you name some famous people you know ... -
独呢德济:[答案] 1 Ronald Beckham 2 Stephen Hawking He is disabled,but he has a great thinking.3 insist work hard4 NO,I want to live like a ordinary ,not to be interruptted by others.

高平市13832411622: 帮忙回答几个英语问题__求高手!~~ -
独呢德济: 1. He bought nothing in the supermarket. 2. What did you buy for yourself yesterday? 3. Everyone in our class has to keep a diary. 4 There is nothing to do but sleep. 5 My grandma seemed to be excited this afternoon.

高平市13832411622: 请英语好的朋友帮我看看,这几个问题怎么回答......谢谢! -
独呢德济: 我来,看能不能帮你.我英语专业的,也去过一些面试.面试官问你的这些问题和你要应聘的职位不会有太大关系,主要是看看你英语水平怎么样,所以一般就在那里连贯流利的说英语(不过也不要乱扯),会给考官留下印象的1,I went to college ...

高平市13832411622: 帮我用英语回答几个问题 -
独呢德济: 1, home is an abstract conception and house just refer to a place or room where you and your family live.2, I hope i can own a house which is big enough and elegant, with a garde...

高平市13832411622: 帮忙解答几个英语问题!
独呢德济: 1.我的朋友对待老人和我一样有耐心 My friend is ( taking) (care ) ( of)the old people as I 2.你能在不同方向看到那个飞机场 You can see the ( airport) (from )different( directions). 3.We should (take ) (care ) (of )(善待)the poor and the old 4.When you ( in) (great ) (need ),you can call me.(处于需要中)

高平市13832411622: 帮我回答几个英语问题
独呢德济: 1.rember to look both ways before you across the road 2.How are you ( getting along with)your new friends? 3.The traffic is really busy. 4.He has (no )friends,(donesn`t he )? 5.I didn't know (about)the girls , but they were all(good to me/kind to me/...

高平市13832411622: 请大家回答帮我回答英语问题,三四句话就好.1.Do you think,consciously or un consciously,that some cultures are superior or inferior to others?Why?2.Can we ... -
独呢德济:[答案] Frankly speaking ,i don't think some cultures are superior or inferior to others.Because all types of different cultures have its ... sometimes they beautify the harness of the government .So if you want to know the common life about the country maybe ...

高平市13832411622: 谁能帮我回答英语几个问题
独呢德济: hold on to 中to是介词,后跟动名词 hope不跟to do 第3题选、 A

高平市13832411622: 帮我回答这几个英语问题 -
独呢德济: 1、How many masots are there in 2008 Olympcis?——Five.2008年奥运会有多少吉祥物?——五个.2、Where can you see the cute dolls?——You can see them everywhere in the world ,because they are famous in the world. 在哪里可以看到这...

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