
作者&投稿:董闸 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

logisticso新台币这里gionalec onomicg rowth.O新fth的EMI山米ultipleli nearre gressionm模型;西奥theris大堂garithm linearm odel.D atumo弗洛gisticsin dustrya无损检测conomicg rowthb日圆9 省份和地区在中国是用来估计中的参数方程。那个 决定系数为多元线性回归模型是0.658 ,而 对数线性模型...

我们应该如何面对失业 英语作文
On one hand, it is because of the conomic condition. Recently, our country, has undergone great economic reforms. In order to improve the efficiency, many state-owned enterprises have to fire a large number of their employees. On the other hand, with the rapid development of sci...

目前国内外通用的主要是3种方案,即:①欧美国家通常采用M L Jensen和AM Bateman在其主编的《E-conomic Mineral Deposits》第三版(1979)中提出的分类方案;②前苏联和东欧国家通常采用弗·伊·斯米尔诺夫在其主编的《矿床地质学》(第四版)(1982,1985中译本出版)中提出的“矿床的规范分类”;③我...

On one hand, it is because of the conomic condition. Recently, our country, has undergone great economic reforms. In order to improve the efficiency, many state-owned enterprises have to fire a large number of their employees. On the other hand, with the rapid development of sci...

He said that developed countries had a responsibility to foster globale conomic growth to help new democracies.他说发达国家有一种促进全球经济增长以帮助新兴民主国家的责任。99. exhortexhort \/ɪɡˈzɔːt\/ TEM8 (exhorting, exhorted, exhorts )V-T If you exhort someone to do something, ...

我对下岗问题的看法英语作文200字 快 急用
On one hand, it is because of the conomic condition. Recently, our country, has undergone great economic reforms. In order to improve the efficiency, many state-owned enterprises have to fire a large number of their employees. On the other hand, with the rapid development of sci...

云奖19519533212问: 求一篇关于纺织业文章(英文的)? -
大悟县复方回答:[答案] Review and Prospect------ Textile Industry 2009-2010 Although in 2010 textile industry still faces a series of uncertain factors,... rebound can be seen in Chinese textile industry. Industry Performance 2009 In early 2009 affected by the global economic ...

云奖19519533212问: 小幅回升 英文 -
大悟县复方回答: 1. Economic growth went up each quarter.一、经济增速逐季小幅回升.小幅回升 Rebound slightly

云奖19519533212问: 回暖用英语怎么说 -
大悟县复方回答: 英语中括号内的词为 回暖我只知道picking up,rebound,warming.还要例句请追问但另一方面,在大部分欧元区,企业和消费者信心似乎都在回暖. Yet business and consumer confidence seem to be (picking up) across most of the euro area....

云奖19519533212问: 含有“bank on it ”的英语对话 -
大悟县复方回答: Everyone is banking on an economic rebound to help ease the state's fiscal problems.每个人都指望经济反弹来帮助缓解国家的财政问题.希望能帮助到你!

云奖19519533212问: 什么是Economic - environment? -
大悟县复方回答: 经济环境 (economic environment) 所谓经济环境是指构成企业生存和发展的社会经济状况和国家经济政 策,是影响消费者购买能力和支出模式的因素,它包括收入的变化, 消费者支出模式的变化等. 社会经济状况包括经济要素的性质、水平、结构、 变动趋势等多方面的内容,涉及国家、社会、 市场及自然等多个领域. 国家经济政策 是国家履行经济管理职能, 调控国家宏观经济水平,结构,实施国家经济发展战略的指导方针, 对企业经济环境有着重要的影响.

云奖19519533212问: 一段财经英语翻译 -
大悟县复方回答: 上海综合指数上涨了3.16点,或0.1个百分点,以3,438.37点收盘,比当天大多数时间为低.该指数从去年的低点开始已经翻了一番,因为政府刺激消费,银行贷款创记录,和经济反弹都刺激了证券交投.上海和深圳交易所的测定表明,沪深300指数上升了百分之零点三到达3,755.82点. gauge在这里就是指数的意思.

云奖19519533212问: 跟经济类有关系的英文单词有哪些 -
大悟县复方回答: economy,economic,economical,special economic zone(SEZ)经济特区, economic results经济效益, economic infrastructure经济基础, economics经济学,cash crop经济作物,be hard up经济困难,be well off经济宽裕, economic takeoff经济起飞 感谢西ょ或ㄧóㄩ兰 回答

云奖19519533212问: economic 和 economical的区别是什么 -
大悟县复方回答: economic指经济的、经济学的.economical指节约的、有经济效益的.意思完全不同. My new car is economical of fuel.我的新汽车节省燃料. in a bad economic state经济状况不佳

云奖19519533212问: 什么是Economic -
大悟县复方回答: economic 英文单词 adj.经济的;经济学的;合算的;有经济效益的 例:The pace of economic growth is picking up.经济增长的步伐正在加快.

云奖19519533212问: 什么是Economic - Internal - Rate - of - Return? -
大悟县复方回答: 经济内部收益率(Economic Internal Rate of Return, EIRR) 经济内部收益率是反映 项目 对 国民经济 的贡献的 相对指标 .它是使得 项目计算期 内的 经济净现值 累计等于零时的 折现率 .

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