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logisticso新台币这里gionalec onomicg rowth.O新fth的EMI山米ultipleli nearre gressionm模型;西奥theris大堂garithm linearm odel.D atumo弗洛gisticsin dustrya无损检测conomicg rowthb日圆9 省份和地区在中国是用来估计中的参数方程。那个 决定系数为多元线性回归模型是0.658 ,而 对数线性模型...

我对下岗问题的看法英语作文200字 快 急用
On one hand, it is because of the conomic condition. Recently, our country, has undergone great economic reforms. In order to improve the efficiency, many state-owned enterprises have to fire a large number of their employees. On the other hand, with the rapid development of sci...

He said that developed countries had a responsibility to foster globale conomic growth to help new democracies.他说发达国家有一种促进全球经济增长以帮助新兴民主国家的责任。99. exhortexhort \/ɪɡˈzɔːt\/ TEM8 (exhorting, exhorted, exhorts )V-T If you exhort someone to do something, you...

目前国内外通用的主要是3种方案,即:①欧美国家通常采用M L Jensen和AM Bateman在其主编的《E-conomic Mineral Deposits》第三版(1979)中提出的分类方案;②前苏联和东欧国家通常采用弗·伊·斯米尔诺夫在其主编的《矿床地质学》(第四版)(1982,1985中译本出版)中提出的“矿床的规范分类”;③我...

令妮19577368835问: 一道考研英语单选题,Anyone with half an eye on the unemployment figures knew that the assertion about economic recovery -- just around the corner was ... -
巴林右旗帮凝回答:[答案] the assertion about economic recovery __ just around the corner was untrue. 关于经济复苏即将到来的断言是不真实的. 这里是考非谓语动词的用法.故答案在B和D之间选择. 把句子还原成简单句之后:economic recovery is around the coner.你绝对不会...

令妮19577368835问: 恢复经济的英语翻译 -
巴林右旗帮凝回答: 恢复经济:economic recovery

令妮19577368835问: 一道英语题 40. Anyone with half an eye on the unemployment figures knew that the assertion about economic recovery - ____ - just around the corner was untrue. -
巴林右旗帮凝回答:[选项] A. would be B. to be C. was D. being 为什么选D 而不能选B

令妮19577368835问: 复苏的意思 -
巴林右旗帮凝回答: 复苏: recovery (health, economic) revival (精力、活动等的)恢复 复活,复苏 resuscitate 1. 使复活;使复苏;(尤指)用人工呼吸使假死者复苏 2. 复活;复苏 reanimate 使复活,使复苏;使重振精神;使重新活跃;鼓舞,激励 renaissant 复...

令妮19577368835问: economic 和 economical的区别是什么 -
巴林右旗帮凝回答: economic指经济的、经济学的.economical指节约的、有经济效益的.意思完全不同. My new car is economical of fuel.我的新汽车节省燃料. in a bad economic state经济状况不佳

令妮19577368835问: 银行专业术语!急! -
巴林右旗帮凝回答: 分别为Cash business, transfer operations, remittance business, commission receivables, loans, loan recovery, loan extension, apply for bank drafts, interest, collection希望对你有所帮

令妮19577368835问: 英语句子结构求助,非常感谢 economic recovery will be driven by -
巴林右旗帮凝回答: 这句话的意思大概是,在我们的大学里涌现的科研商业化驱使下经济将得以复苏.在这句里,主语是economic recovory ,will 表示将来时,be是助动词,will be 构成了句子主干中的谓语.driven by是被……驱使,be后面的一长串“ driven by ...

令妮19577368835问: recovery怎么用 -
巴林右旗帮凝回答: Recovery模式指的是一种可以对安卓机内部的数据或系统进行修改的模式(类似于windows PE或DOS).在这个模式下我们可以刷入新的安卓系统,或者对已有的系统进行备份或升级,也可以在此恢复出厂设置. 首先说一下进入recovery的方...

令妮19577368835问: 急需一篇英语短新闻(最新、很短、中文对照)
巴林右旗帮凝回答: 9月17号的美国之声的新闻: OECD says Unemployment Will Continue to Rise OECD:工业化国家失业率持续攀升 Despite reports that many industrialized economies are beginning to emerge from their worst economic crisis in decades, ...

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