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随着经济的发展 用英语怎么说
1、with 英 [wɪð] 美 [wɪð]prep. 和…在一起;和;同;跟;随着 2、development 英 [dɪˈveləpmənt] 美 [dɪˈveləpmənt]n. 发展;发育;成长;壮大;开发;发展阶段 复数:developments 3、 economy ...

economical operation多种用途经济的运转经济性运行;econom ical of节省;Economical movement经济运行;economical life经济寿命;经济生活;economical character经济性状;经济性质;经济特征;Economical society经济社会建设;经济节约型社会;economical hotels经济型酒店门。例句:1、降低利率可能给经济带来灾难性...

a billionaire as he is,he is used to being(econom
美 [.ekə'nɑmɪk(ə)l]英 [.ekə'nɒmɪk(ə)l]adj.经济的;实惠的;节俭的;节约的

汉译英:(1)我的哥哥是大学教员,他教经济学。 (2)我已经长大,完全可以...
1. My (older\/elder) brother is a college\/university teacher, who teaches economcs.2. I've grown up, and\/so I can decide (it) completely by myself.3. Generally speaking, my reaction反应\/response反映 is good.generally speaking也可以换写成in general, on the whole等。4. How l...

—他的生命力似乎枯竭了。He looked very ill ─ his life force seemed to have drained away.4、生命力强的植物不容易得病。Plants that are growing vigorously are less likely to be vulnerable to disease.5、小型企业是经济的生命力所在。Small businesses are the lifeblood of the econom.

The Mayflower transported Pilgrims to the New World in 1620, as depicted in William Halsall's The Mayflower in Plymouth Harbor, 1882On April 2, 1513, Spanish conquistador Juan Ponce de León landed on what he called "La Florida"—the first documented European arrival on what would become ...

in the 1940s, the word "generous gap" appeared ,and it drawed the socieists'attention.10.随着世界人口增长和经济的快速发展,地球的水资源储备正走向枯竭(dry up)As the incearsing of pourlation and the quick development of econom,the water resource reserve is to be dried up ....

he closed the discussion with the_that the econom

marine fuel saving 船舶燃料节约 Frugality is an estate alone.节约亦财富。Excessively sparing or frugal.过于节约或节俭的 Saving is got.节约可积财。Found the money by economizing.通过节约得到了钱财 We should call for economy.我们应该提倡节约。He is frugal to the extreme.他节约到极点。

英文高手帮忙啊 水平有限 帮忙翻译下
(3) four little dragons in Asia: economic development and the global political economy. (T he Fou rA sian T ig ers: Econom icDevelopment and the Global Po lit icalEconomy.The above examples of the phenomenon can deviate from the graph below clearly demonstrated:The above examples ...

贰显19314529848问: 在大陆有什么好的方法可以订阅每期的The Economist -
深泽县万托回答: 有安卓和ios的app,可以下载,但是需要订阅,且价格不菲.或者直接在网上下载pdf版.

贰显19314529848问: 怎么利用 The Economist 学习英文?需要背诵吗 -
深泽县万托回答: 1. The Economist 建议主要是多阅读,前期可以只阅读感兴趣的,不然连一篇都看不下去;2. 在阅读的过程中,把所有不懂的单词、短语都用生词本记录下来,接下来反复记忆,重点放在这些词在经济中的表达意思;3. 一段时间以后,常见的这些经济词汇都熟悉了看文章就不会有这么困难,也会顺畅多,这时就需要增加阅读量;4. 另外,The Economist手机应用是有读出来的,可以同时练练听力,有余力可以选段背诵.

贰显19314529848问: 《The Economist》 为什么 提示必须注册才可以看完整的? -
深泽县万托回答: 是用Apple store吗,上面每一期都回有免费的 leader part部分,Economist,好像只授权了苹果的商店,其他商店如安卓,因该都是程序员自己更新的.电驴里下吧,很多的,,,good luck!

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