
作者&投稿:独孤信 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

一堆法律话,是说那个光盘:不能分开售卖 ’联想‘是注册商标 这包装里的光盘只有在和联想电脑一起售卖的时候才是合法的光盘 不得在别的电脑上使用 联想为微软Vista配置的光盘,第2.2版本

On the other hand,care must be taken not to make the clusters too tight or self-ckntained,so that they cxclude the larger community or seem too constricting and claustrophobic.There needs to be some open ends and over lapping among cluster.另一方面,就必须谨慎小心,不使集群过紧...



200 分,帮忙翻译这些英语句子。跪谢,可追加分数。(要求:尽量符合英语...
The May 4th Movement strongly insists on abolishing the old rules.10, 这位慈善家希望,他的恳求会使一些人 决定为这项迫切的工作奉献。This philanthropist wishes his appeal could help parts of people to make decision on making contribution to this urgent task.11, 他的苦难很快就会过去...

高分求翻译!!!翻译好了继续高分追加(直接用翻译软件的请绕开)_百度知 ...
The dry salted meat products all adopt the method for a long time the traditional steam drying method, invest big, can take a large conventional energy, looking for a new type of drying method is very urgent. This paper studies two way to dry salted meat quality of influence. ...

[be established and main tained by the government] 由政府设立和维持公立医院◎公立学校gōnglì ...[injury suffered on the job] 职工在工作中受的伤公伤者应该享受公费医疗◎公伤事故gōngshāng shì

Lenovo is trademark. Lenovo(联想)是商标。The drivers comtained in this package is legally licensed ONLY when bundled for sale or use with Lenovo PC.本包装中驱动程序的合法授权仅限于捆绑销售或使用联想个人电脑。Cannot be used on other computer.不得用于其他电脑。Lenovo Drivers...

at home and abroad,must be sacredly mainatained.在家乡或是在国外的权利。So long as he can ...He must realize that upon every sea and on every soil where our enterprise may rightfully seek

of IS09002 and was granted the legalri ghto fse lf-runim porta nde xport.B eingth ef aston ein th eli ne,w eo btained the product certification of China Green Environmental Symbol at the beginning of this year. Because of the advanced facilities and superb capability ...

守颜13261231911问: contained是什么意思 -
白银市维瑙回答: contained [英][kən'teɪnd][美][kən'teɪnd] v.控制( contain的过去式和过去分词 ); 克制; 牵制; 包含;以上结果来自金山词霸例句:1. The report itself contained no new science. 报告本身并不包含任何新的科学知识.2. The threat appeared to be contained, if not removed. 威胁哪怕没有被消除,似乎也被控制住了

守颜13261231911问: 遏制的英语翻译 遏制用英语怎么说 -
白银市维瑙回答: 遏制 [词典] contain; keep within limits; keep down; suppress; [例句]他遏制住怒火.He held his anger in check.是时候摆脱那些传统力量无法遏制的陈规陋习了.It is time to go beyond the shibboleth that conventional forces cannot deter.如果不加以遏制,杂草就会疯长.If left unchecked, weeds will flourish. 萧条已经得到了遏制,但萧条毕竟是萧条.The depression has been contained.

守颜13261231911问: 包容天下用英语怎么说 -
白银市维瑙回答: 包容天下 翻译成英文是:Contain all the world 相关单词学习: contain 英[kənˈteɪn] 美[kənˈten] vt. 牵制; 包含,容纳; 克制,遏制; 包括或由…构成; [例句]The bag contained a Christmas card 这个包里装着一张圣诞卡. [其他] 第三人称单数:contains 现在分词:containing 过去式:contained过去分词:contained

守颜13261231911问: "contain","include"的区别?
白银市维瑙回答: contain,include的区别:都有“包含”的意思,但contain可用于表示包含所含之物的的全部 或部分,而include则只能用于表示所包含之物中的一部分.例如: The parcel included a dictionary. 那包裹里也包括了一本字典. The parcel contained a...

守颜13261231911问: 帮我翻译几个英语单词,谢谢哦
白银市维瑙回答: contain 包含;含有 to have sth. inside itself contained为contain的过去式 elaborate 详述 elaborate(on sth.)to give details about sth, branded 烙印marked with a brand prepared 准备好的 made ready or fit or suitable beforehand capacious 容积大的...

守颜13261231911问: mutual covenants and agreements contained 如何翻译 -
白银市维瑙回答: 包含着相互的协议与一致

守颜13261231911问: 这里contained如何翻译,关于环保的
白银市维瑙回答: CFCs 是冷媒,具有破坏臭氧层作用,并具有温室效应.SF6 对臭氧层没有破坏作用,但是是温室气体,远比CO2 厉害.components such as CFCs and SF6 should not be used at all, not even in contained technical applicationsCFCs 和SF6 等化学组分根本就不应该使用,即使在封闭的电器设备中.

守颜13261231911问: page three contained all the logic my tormented teen could muster. -
白银市维瑙回答: 对于英文句子的理解要进行模块化翻译与理解.page three 主语 第三页 contained 动词 包含 all the logic 是contain 的宾语 所有的逻辑 my tormented teen could muster 是logic 的定语从句这里在logic 省略了that 我的受苦的青年可以召集 所以整句的意思是 第三页里包含了我的受苦的青年孩子都能够收集到的所有逻辑学的东西.这是按字面的意思进行的翻译,具体的理解是需要结合上下文的语境去理解的.

守颜13261231911问: 英语翻译Packed with EquipmentContained in Equipment有什么区别? -
白银市维瑙回答:[答案] Packed with Equipment - 与设备一起装箱,虽然在同一个货箱里,两物是分开的. Contained in Equipment - 是指包含在或已在设备里面,两物是一体的.

守颜13261231911问: 英语过去分词 -
白银市维瑙回答: 第一,contain这里是及物动词,与information之间是动宾关系,'消息'是'被包括'在邮件中,也就是this email contains the information,所以你理解的主动关系是错误的.此处是过去分词短语作后置定语.现在分词表主动和进行,过去分词...

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