
作者&投稿:佼鲍 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

E11| Flipped the Serious Willies Chapter11 笔记
two-faced 朗文解释:changing what you say according to who you are talking to, in a way that is insincere and unpleasant – used to show disapproval 两面派的; 言行不一致的 [表不满] Condescending谦逊的,故意屈尊的,有优越感的 narrow-minded狭隘的;心胸狭窄的;有偏见的 jackass公驴;愚蠢的人 such...

Is it really desirable to have the most remote beach, the most hidden temple exposed to human curiosity and at the same time to the litter and graffiti that humanity leaves in its path? Would it be better to leave such treasures to the local population, which perhaps doesn't p...

especially for a youngster who leaves his\/her hometown for the first time, but life has also taught me a lot about how to arrange everything in order when alone free of help from his\/her family, how to be strong when faced with difficulties, and how to be firm when fatigue...

因为后面已经有FACED的谓语,又没出现谓语间的连接助词(and or but...),所以该句只能有一个谓语。所以age,在这里不可能做为动词,做谓语,只能做名词!因此,AGE不用+D program和programme,其实没什么不通,硬要说他不同,就只有缩写和原形之间的不同。

D\/E(032000) G\/B(030020) 这两个和弦括号后面的是什么意思?指法吗...
6个数字代表吉他6根弦,从左至右为低音到高音弦的顺序 数字代表吉他的品位,0是空弦的意思

仲思15715955718问: 是face sth还是face with sth? -
晴隆县米雅回答: face sth be faced with sth

仲思15715955718问: 在英语中描述别人样貌时have和with怎么区分 -
晴隆县米雅回答: have 是主观具有的 with 是天生的 我的理解就是 一般装饰性的东西用have 然后具体样子 性格用with 如果长句 连续剧子 为了避免重复 可以换着用

仲思15715955718问: be related to和be related with什么区别? -
晴隆县米雅回答: "be related to"和"be related with"在用法和含义上有一些区别,尽管它们的含义基本相似,都表示两个概念之间存在关联.让友 主要区别如下: 1. "Be related to" 是更常用的表达旁带方式,用于描述一个事物和另一个事物之间的关系或...

仲思15715955718问: be related to 和be related with有区别吗 -
晴隆县米雅回答: 你好 通常是: be associated with be linked tobe related to be combined with be mixed with be connected to (到这里为止全部是): 与- - - -连接,与- - - 相结合 be related with== have something to do with : 与- --- 有关

仲思15715955718问: be kind to和be kind with有啥区别? -
晴隆县米雅回答: be kind to ..... 对·····友善 例:She is kind to everyone. 她对大家都很友好. be kind with ... 也是对....友善 例: You can be kind with every choice you make.你的每一个选择都可以是慈悲的. be kind of `````1.有点···· 例:The film is kind of boring .这部电影有点无聊.2.某人很友善(表示感谢时候使用)例:It's so kind of you to help me .谢谢你帮助我,你真好.一个对象是人,一个是物.希望能解决你的疑问O∩_∩O~

仲思15715955718问: 在描述人的外貌时,have与with用法上有什么区别? -
晴隆县米雅回答: have 表示存在或者占有,并非固有的;with 表示一种特性、特质、状态,是固有的,比如说the man with beard 请看例句: She is a beautiful girl who has big eyes. She is a beautiful girl with big eyes. 可见: have是实义动词,在从句中作谓语; with是介词,在此句中with big eyes作girl 的定语.

仲思15715955718问: be made of和be made with有什么区别 -
晴隆县米雅回答: 其实成语中没有be made of/from/with,所以理解应从介词入手.of可以是材料,而且是成品可以看得出的材料;from可以是材料,但是强调来源,而且其材料是从成品上看不出的材料;with可以是材料,但是更重要的是强调方法,从实际使用例子上看,成品表面可以看得到材料本身,也可以是看不到的,比如:We can made many words with a base. 再比如:These tessellations can be made with triangle grids.还有:Healthy Desserts Made with Olive Oil

仲思15715955718问: be popular in和be popular with有什么区别 -
晴隆县米雅回答: be popular in和be popular with的区别为:意思不同、用法不同、侧重点不同. 一、意思不同 1、be popular in:流行于. 2、be popular with:受欢迎. 二、用法不同 1、be popular in:基本意思是“流行的”“大众喜爱的”,指受到大部分人所...

仲思15715955718问: between and 和between with的区别 -
晴隆县米雅回答: between A and B,between with···,一般可以这么理解

仲思15715955718问: "be full of"和“be full with”哪个对? -
晴隆县米雅回答: be full of 是对的. 这两个词组表现的意思是差不多的,be fill with 错在语法,应该是be filled with .值得一提的是,be full of 中的full是形容词,而be filled with 中的fill则是动词,因为是被动,所以用了fill的过去式filled.

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