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compete,complete,merely,here,were,gene,exercise,ewe,sincere,crete,concrete,create,erase,please,fewer,weave,pellet,benefit,mele,ceremony,beneath,believe,avenue,people,delete,center,wetter,grease,increase,leave,heated,release,interprete,extreme,excellent,elegant,eletric,element...很多 望采纳 ...

Hildegard E.Peplau(赫得嘉 佩皮劳)的资料。
Hildegard E.Peplau(赫得嘉 佩皮劳)的资料。 200 赫得嘉·佩皮劳是美国著名的护理学家,曾获得精神科护理学硕士学位和教育学博士学位.她对护理事业作出了卓越贡献,被誉为"精神科护理之母",被评为第1位精神心理卫生护士!我现在要找的包... 赫得嘉·佩皮劳是美国著名的护理学家,曾获得精神科护理学硕士学位和教育...

d o u b l e b e n e f i t什么意思
double benefit [释义]双重受益;[例句]When used narrowly, it refers to those who have received the double benefit of Christ: justification and sanctification.狭义用法是专指着某些人,他们承受了基督双重的恩惠:称义与成圣。

Desperate Housewives S01 E02 Bree
curious: 好奇 acknowledge: 确认,承认 benefit: 好处 Rex,我很好奇。你从没有意识过和Bree生活在一起的好处吗?-REX: Huh?嗯?-DR GOLDFINE: By your own admission, your home is always clean, your clothes are always freshly pressed, sounds like a wonderful cook.admission: 承认 freshly...

One key advantage is the absence of shift jolts<!--: the seamless变速特性 ensures a smooth driving experience with minimal interruption during gear shifts.Simplification of design<!-- is another benefit, as E-cvt boasts a simpler structure compared to traditional systems, eliminating ...

I really abet it and agree about more benefit than drawbacks to...
其次more benefit than drawbacks to us and community 中benefit应该对应drawbacks改成benefits 当然最大的问题是agree about应该加个名词短语 这里你用的是一个比较级 最后when we do volunte 是没有这种说法的 我觉得你的意思是when we are volunteer吧 综上 我觉得改成 I really advocate voluntar...

求一篇英语小辩论。 Pros: E-books will eventually replace printed boo...
Pros:There are a lot of benefits to seeing more electronic book publishing and less traditional book publishing.One very big benefit of publishing electronically is that it's good for the environment.Printing traditional books kills trees,uses a heck of a lot of energy,and poisons ...

高分跪求以E-learning 为Topic的英语论文 速度!!!
The e-Learning revolution has, over the years, taken hold of many a company by storm. Each company designing a platform (with the help of influential and expensive consultants), that not only incorporates the learning and development arena, compliance but also the human resource ...

这样我感觉会舒服一些。And not telling me that she has a new lover,It would be better she had gone without pains,现在我只希望她不要带着愧疚离开,这样会令我稍稍好受一些。What's her benefit? Leaving me with pains?如果她带着痛苦离开我,她又能从中得到什么好处呢?

英译汉 电网规划e
Evaluate the feasibility of a program is mainly a cost-benefit analysis, if the income is greater than the cost of the Head is economically feasible. Therefore, in evaluating the item, do not take into account other complex factors, the main original Then is: If the program is ...

殳朱15322134437问: 在表示“……的”的时候,怎么判断是用of还是for呢? -
佛冈县伊正回答: the 名词 of……

殳朱15322134437问: it+be+adj+for/of sb to do什么时候用of或for? -
佛冈县伊正回答: 表示人内心品质的时候用of,其余情况用for. 我举例子吧——'s very kind of you to help me.(kind是表示品质的形容词)'s important fot us to learn english well.

殳朱15322134437问: 英语中单词fo是什么意思 -
佛冈县伊正回答: 没有这么个单词,应该是of 吧!是……的意思.或者是for ,为了……,因为……of 和for 都是介词.如果对我的回答不理解,可以追问.

殳朱15322134437问: 时间前面用of还是for -
佛冈县伊正回答: 一般表示一段时间用for(用法:for+加一段时间) 具体时间点用at (at 3 o'clock ) 表示某一天用on (on Monday) 比一天大的用in (in a year)

殳朱15322134437问: 散货船运输条件有FYO,FY,FO等,都代表什么意思. -
佛冈县伊正回答: FO - FREE OUT 不管卸FI - FREE IN 不管装FIO - FREEE IN AND OUT 不管装卸

殳朱15322134437问: 到底是be dangerous for还是be dangerous fo -
佛冈县伊正回答: be dangerous to表示“去做某事是危险的” for的话就是“对某人来说(去做某事)是危险的” 句子类型属于it's adj.(for sb.) to do sth.祝学习进步,天天快乐!

殳朱15322134437问: 光纤位移传感器动态位移测试原理 -
佛冈县伊正回答: 光纤位移传感器原理 一:实验原理: 本实验仪中所用的为传光型光纤传感器,光纤在传感器中起到光的传输作用,因此是属于非功能性的光纤传感器.光纤传感器的两支多模光纤分别为光源发射及接收光强之用,其工作原理如图(22)所示....

殳朱15322134437问: 什么是FO?
佛冈县伊正回答: FO可释为Free Out或Free Over side=Free Overboard意为船公司(Carrier) 不负责POD之卸船费. 注:少部分公司还有CY-LO条款(如H&T)它与CY-FO类似, ...

殳朱15322134437问: 长城哈弗的弗是念fu还是念fo -
佛冈县伊正回答: fo,按照原名英文的拼写发音

殳朱15322134437问: 微博上互fo是什么意思? -
佛冈县伊正回答: fo原来是推特上的,就是follow 的意思.相当于关注的意思.同理:unfo 就是unfollow 等于 取消关注.微博互fo就是微博互相关注的意思

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