
作者&投稿:艾夜 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

41).Very occasionally the rocks show impression of skin, so that, apart from color, we can build up a reasonably accurate picture of an animal that died millions of years ago. That kind of rock in which the remains are found tells us much about the nature of the original land, often ...

5. 飞行员多次试图重新控制住飞机,但最终未能逃脱厄运。(make attempt)The pilot make many attempts to regain control of the plane but was unable to escape the deadly fate in the end.6. 要不是Hector的突然闯入,我们的实验都已经成功了。(if it hadn’t been for…)If it hadn'e ...


one of a kind什么意思
one of a kind[英][wʌn ɔv ə kaind][美][wʌn ʌv e kaɪnd]Kind这个字有很多解释; 在这里; 它的意思是:一个类别。任何人要是成为one of a kind那就等于是:只此一家; 那当然就很特殊;例句:1.In the case of successfactors it was a one ...

翻译:E-mail English is a new kind of written English that is b...
英语电子邮件,是一种新型的被用于省时间的英语书写法 参考资料:^_^ALLEN.SU 加油!

2004英语全国卷E篇阅读 翻译...

Beneath the surface of:在…表面下:under the ground; swam under water.在地下;游到水下 Beneath the assumed surface or guise of:在…的假定表面或掩饰下:traveled under a false name.用假名旅游 Less than; smaller than:少于,小于:The jar's capacity is under three quarts.这个坛子的...

release Monday.K教练在周一准备发行的回忆录《The Gold Standard》中写道,“我终于获得机会去指导科比,而我发现他就跟我所想象的一样。”"One of the most talented basketball players in the history of the game and the unique kind of competitor that may come around only once in a leader...

A parrot is a kind of bird with colourful f___。 Don't put the g...
feather, edge.鹦鹉是一种有着多彩羽毛的鸟。不要把玻璃杯放在桌子的边上,它可能会掉了。祝学习进步,望及时采纳!!!

God in Greek mythology, including the story of heroes and legends of two parts. God's story of the universe and the origin of mankind, God's produce, and more. Legend has it that in ancient Greece Olympus 12 major gods: Zeus, Hera, Athena, Apollo, Efuluodi, such as ...

桓供18267318522问: 英语语法:be of 有几种用法? -
阜平县林格回答: 一、“be of+ 表示年龄( age )、大小( size )、颜色( color )、重量( weight )、高度( height )、价格( price )、意见( opinion )、形状( shape )、种类( kind )和方法( way )等的名词”,表示“具有„„”,说明主语的特征...

桓供18267318522问: kind of 与kinds of 和a kind of和all kinds of 的区别 -
阜平县林格回答: kinds of +名词复数 是很多种; kind of +形容词 ,表示有点,稍稍;有几分;若变成be kind of 则表示某人友善的性格;a kind of+ 名词单数, 表示一种;all kinds of +名词复数, 表示各种各样的1 That's not the kind of talk one usually hears from ...

桓供18267318522问: 关于“主语+be+形容词+不定式”结构 -
阜平县林格回答: Be + 形容词 + 不定式分为两种情况: 1. 表语形容词表示主语的情感描述,如:sad, happy, glad, afraid, surprised, eager 等. 此类形容词后的不定式表示的是主语有这种情感去执行这个行为,例如你所提到例句中有一些就是这种情况: -- He is ...

桓供18267318522问: kind of / sort of后接名词有何特点 -
阜平县林格回答: Kind of和sort of 最常见的含义是:“种类”.除此之外,它们还有副词性的用法,意思相当于to some extent,in a certain way,rather(有几分,有点儿,相当)等含义.一般情况下,sort of和kind of 可以相互替换.一、kind of和sort of 修饰名词 ...

桓供18267318522问: kind of,sort of,type of 的区别? -
阜平县林格回答: 一、含义不同 1、kind of 可作副词,表示相当;有一些.可作名词词组,种类、类别. 2、sort of可作副词,有几分地.可作名词词组,类别. 3、type of 名词词组,意思是典型、型号. 二、用法不同 1、kind of 副词,表示程度,有点.口语化...

桓供18267318522问: be kind of +形容词 造句,十个 急用! -
阜平县林格回答: 2,3,4楼有4句.我在这里补充另外6句:<br><br>(5) That animal is kind of shy.害羞<br>(6) Ducks are kind of slow in movement.行动缓慢<br>(7) Cobras are kind of alert reptile.机警<br>(8) Turtles are kind of lazy.懒惰<br>(9) Pigs are not kind of stupid animals.不笨<br>(10) Human beings are kind of emotional animal.情绪化动物

桓供18267318522问: kind后跟什么 kinds of后跟什么 akind of后跟什么 -
阜平县林格回答: kinds 后面跟可数名词复数;如果是kind,那后面接名词单数(可不可数都可以) kinds of+可数名词复数 There are two kinds of clothes for you to chose.kind of 是有点的意思,跟a little差不多.I am kind of tired. = I am a little tired. a kind of“一种,一类”接名词,可数,不可数都可以…

桓供18267318522问: kind 有什么用法 -
阜平县林格回答: 一、kind的形容词用法:1、kind的基本意思是“亲切的,和蔼的,友好的,仁慈的,慈爱的”,指人的心地善良,使人感受到一种亲和力,让人看上去慈善,也可指行为上让人感觉到友好.2、kind后可接人,也可接心地等具体的或抽象的名词...

桓供18267318522问: 英语老师或学霸帮我看看这个句子为什么不把different 改成difference -
阜平县林格回答: 你说的be of+抽象名词结构没错,但是,在这个句子里,different与of无关,它是kind的定语,所以,不能把它改成difference,再者,既然是不同种类,那就说明不是一种,所以,kind得加复数形式.

桓供18267318522问: kind of与kinds of的用法 -
阜平县林格回答: kind of 有点儿 后+adj. 等于a little/a bit kinds of 各种 希望能帮到你.如果满意记得采纳哦!你的好评是我前进的动力.(*^__^*) 嘻嘻……

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