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帮我看下我写的这篇英语作文 可能有很多地方错了 请帮我改改谢谢_百度...
Recently my English can impove a lotsinve i have some experence 时态错,用现在完成时, has improved a lot. I have something to share with you as follows.loudly->aloud (前者强调是噪音,后者是大声)every morning分开写,不要连一起 it cans make you find a good sinse of English...

10."If a man empties his purse into his head,no man can take it away from;an inveestment in knowledge always pays the best interest."Who ...II.智力题! ( )1.What's the capital of America? A.New York B.Washington C.Chicago ( ) 2 .What's the favourite indoor sport in America?

乙肝表面抗体11.92 什么意思?

双鱼座个性 双鱼座是黄道十二宫最后一宫,所以他可说是集中了十二星座所有的优点和缺点于一体,而且也可以由代表双鱼座的两条游向相反的鱼所象征中,知道这是多重矛盾的一个星座;加上水煞星座的情绪化,可想而知双鱼座的人是多么复杂,如果说天蝎座是最记仇的星座,那么双鱼座可算是最记“愁”的...

大中学生同一性风格问卷的初步修订 王树青① 纪林芹② 张文新② 【关键词】 同一性; 风格; 心理测量学研究; 问卷 中图分类号: G44911 文献标识码: A 文章编号: 1000 - 6729 (2006) 09 - 0625 - 02 在Erikson[ 1 ]的心理社会发展理论 中, 同一性被看作是人们解释个人经 历, 协调个体...

敛瑞18115297809问: 我要一篇关于发明物的英文短文 -
黔江区腰息回答: An invention is a new thing that someone has made. The computer was an invention when it was first made. We say when it was "invented". New things that are made or created are called inventions. The car is an invention that everyone knows....

敛瑞18115297809问: 求一篇《My new invention》的英语作文,80字以上.不可以复制,有急用! -
黔江区腰息回答:[答案] My new invention Among all the modern inventions,laptop is my recently one.I think it is the most amazinginvention in the 21 st century.Laptops are light and small.They are easy to carry.With alaptop,we can work,study and entertain everywhere.A ...

敛瑞18115297809问: 求一篇《My new invention》的英语作文,80字以上. -
黔江区腰息回答:[答案] My new invention:the near future,I will have a new invention!Recently,I saw frequently mother boils water,on that pot always has the residual,I use teacher protestantism,expand with heat and contract with cold's principle,burns very much the first pot hotly,...

敛瑞18115297809问: 新发明的好处 带翻译英语作文80词 -
黔江区腰息回答: The Advantage of New InventionWith no doubt,I think there are many advantages of new invention.For example,the computer is a very useful invention in the world, although few people have known the man who it was invented by. It can be used ...

敛瑞18115297809问: A great invention! 英语作文 -
黔江区腰息回答: I have a good idea. Maybe it could help the people who need water. It's a machine which produces water from air. So I call it “AW Machine”. It's my first invention. There is little water in desert, so people can't live in there for a long time. If ...

敛瑞18115297809问: 求一篇英语短文<my new invention> -
黔江区腰息回答: 我新的发明 : 近期,我有一个新的发明!最近,我经常看到妈妈烧水,那个壶上老有残渣,我就利用老师新教的,热胀冷缩的原理,先把壶烧得很热,然后再倒进凉水,只听,砰!的一声,壶里的残渣,都没了,这就是我的新发明! My new ...

敛瑞18115297809问: 英语作文:题目:Inventions -
黔江区腰息回答: Inventions We knew there had been many inventions last century, for example, telephone, phonograph, airplane, computer and so on. What's the most useful invention? I think the most usuful invention should be telephone.With invention of the ...

敛瑞18115297809问: an invention is a new thing or a new way of doing something.tvs cars bikes - all of -
黔江区腰息回答: 发明创造就是一种新事物或者做某些事情的新方法.电视、汽车、自行车, 所有这些都是曾经的发明创造. once:曾经, 昔时

敛瑞18115297809问: 小学英语作文 My new invention介绍一项自己的发明,不用太长,字数不限,写简单点儿就行了 -
黔江区腰息回答:[答案] I want to invent a new kind of eco-car. First of all, it is designed forprotection of ourenvironment. It uses carbon dioxide to become fuel and blows out oxygen to start the engine;as a result,I believe the air in Beijing will become fresher. In the case of an ...

敛瑞18115297809问: a new invention 作文 -
黔江区腰息回答:[答案] boils water,on that pot always has the residual,I use teacher protestantism,expand with heat and contract with cold's principle,burns very much the first pot hotly,then pours into the cold water again,only listens,sound of something being struck or falling to ...

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