
作者&投稿:晏志 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

口语对话 1 赶时兴(go after fashion)A: Fashion show is around the corner, I’m so excited! 古装扮演行将降临,我很兴奋!B: Are there any good!这有什么好的!A: I didn't see anything wrong with the clothes; they looked pretty nice to me. I think you don’t like it! Why...

英语三分钟口语对话 急求
A:Hi,B! Glad to see you! How have you been recently!\\b,很高兴遇到你,最近怎么样啊?B:A little busy! What about you?\\有点忙,你呢?A:Me,too! I'm going to buy a cellphone. Do you have any good suggestions?\\我也是,我准备去买个手机,你有什么建议吗?B:Yeah! I know...

英语人物对话3-4分钟:标题是today's trends
mary: hi,mike! We have been developing rapidly in the world whatever in any aspect.mike:yeah,indeed.especially the development of the economy, society, culture and science and technology mary: we live in the world ,and We know that the development trend of today is good...

介绍上海的 Shanghai, sometimes called 'Paris of the Orient', is China's commercial and financial centre. Its modern, international and fashionable reputation entice travelers and visitors from all over the world, who come to delight in its shopping heavens and wide variety of ...

求英语3-5分钟对话...简单点的T T
3.【travel plan旅行版本:Receptionist: Hey, sir, how can I help you today?Customer: Hi. I just want to make a travel plan.Receptionist: Okay. Please just hold for a second while I transfer your call to the Planning Department.Customer: Thank you.after 5 second Person from ...

A: Hi, Anna, How are you?B: I am good. I enjoy my life in this university here.A: Oh, that souds good. Tell me more about it.B: Well. I make many friends here, we always hang out for fun. And how about you?A: It's good. There is a big library in our ...

A:Well,the starting salary is RMB 2000 per month,it will be raises after 3 months according to your ability.Any question?B:When the result will be know?A:You'll hear from us 3 days later.B:Thank you very much.Bye-bye A:Good bye.3.打电话 A:Hello!B:Hello.Who's that ...

Jeanna: About an hour and forty-five minutes.大约花了1小时45分钟。Todd: OK. Do you think you'll go back to Las Vegas someday in the future?好的。Jeanna: Hopefully.希望如此。Todd: OK. Great. Thanks a lot Jeanna.好的。谢谢你,吉娜。Jeanna: You're welcome.不客气 ...

求关于一些话题的大学英语对话3-6分钟 2-3人的对话
一、网络病毒 1.My friend has bought a new personal computer.我的朋友已经买了一台新的个人电脑。2. The shop has repaired my computer very quickly.商店已经很快地修好了我的电脑。3. An unknown virus has just attacked my computer.一种未知的病毒刚攻击了我的电脑。4. We have not ...

求一篇英语对话短文(急)以旅行社为空间 三个人物,旅客,旅行社工作人员,旅行社领队 顺序是,先是旅客和工作人员交谈,之后领队给旅客打电话 游客要求:预算5000,去东南亚城市,7天往返,四星酒店 旅行社工作人员:耐心解释,拔高价格,最后以邮件形式发到顾客邮箱 领队:记录游客信息,在规定时间与游客...

移幸19829508606问: 购物英语对话两个人的对话,3分钟左右最好大一水平. -
韩城市莫迪回答:[答案] 购物英语对话 A:Could you tell me how much it is? (您能告诉我这个的价格是多少吗?) B:In the neighbourhoud of $ 500. (500美元左右.) A:That's way too much money. (价格太贵了.) B:We can make dow by model. (我们可以根据型号给予优惠....

移幸19829508606问: 要一个关于“买东西”的英语对话……2人对话3分钟左右 -
韩城市莫迪回答:[答案] A:售货员 B:导游 C:游客 C:I'd like to buy some souvenirs for my kids,something with Chinese characteristics.Do you know any nice shops? B:Sure.What about Liulichang?There are many shops selling traditional Chinese artifacts. C:Great.I'd love to ...

移幸19829508606问: 求一个英语对话普通的就行,关于去购物的三分钟左右 -
韩城市莫迪回答: A: Could you tell me how much it is?(您能告诉我这个的价格是多少吗?)B: In the neighbourhoud of $ 500.(500美元左右.)A: That's way too much money.(价格太贵了.)B: We can make dow by model.(我们可以根据型号给予优...

移幸19829508606问: 英语的购物场景的对话 -
韩城市莫迪回答: Goodmorning,can Ihelp you? yes,plese,i d like to buy ...

移幸19829508606问: 两人有关购物的英语对话,三分钟.急!!! -
韩城市莫迪回答: How about going shoping?去购物怎样?Can you make it cheaper?能便宜一点吗?

移幸19829508606问: 二人英语情景对话 购物两个人的英语对话,在杂货店卖水果或蔬菜的情景,2 - 3分钟 -
韩城市莫迪回答:[答案] 楼上的,你们英文读的慢到什么程度了啊,这点怎么读3分钟啊. 这个是断买围巾的谈话过程,英文原版.这个网址有整个谈话过程,还能发音呢! Karen walks into a boutique.She wants to buy a scarf. Sales Assoc:Hi,are you being helped? Karen:No,...

移幸19829508606问: 购物英语对话 -
韩城市莫迪回答: 购物英语对话A: Could you tell me how much it is?(您能告诉我这个的价格是多少吗?)B: In the neighbourhoud of $ 500.(500美元左右.)A: That's way too much money.(价格太贵了.)B: We can make dow by model.(我们可以根...

移幸19829508606问: 购物英语情景对话 -
韩城市莫迪回答:[答案] 急求:一篇关于购物的5人英语情景对话,3到5分钟 2013-07-23 20:25匿名 | 分类:英语翻译 | 浏览11次 分享到: 检举|2013-07-25 15:15网友采纳 热心网友 A:Hi,there! What can i help you today? B:...emmmm...I wanna buy a present for my grandma's ...

移幸19829508606问: 买东西英语对话买东西的情景对话,不要不通顺的语句.比如买书啊、本子啊,哪个好看哪,哪个丑啊,哪个便宜啊. -
韩城市莫迪回答:[答案] 给你推荐一个,带翻译的,里面的词汇难度大的话你可以换一些你知道的哟,希望有帮到你.A:Can I help you,madam? A:女士,您需要什么吗? B:Yes. I'd like to buy some presents for my friends. B:是的,我想给朋友买些礼物. A:Would you like ...

移幸19829508606问: 求一以购物为主题的英语对话 -
韩城市莫迪回答: 1、A:Lucy, where are you going? 露西,你去哪儿?\x0d\x0a\x0d\x0aB:I want to go to the supermarket. 我想去超级市场.\x0d\x0aA:Wait a few minutes and I'll go there with you. 请等一下,我和你一道去.\x0d\x0aB:Let's get a shopping cart. 我们...

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