英语三分钟口语对话 急求

作者&投稿:陟莺 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

a:hi,what are you going to do ?
b:well,i'm on my way to shopping for some thing we need on the vacation.
a:vacation?that's cool!what entertaiments do you have?
b:that's too many ,actually we're getting ready for the Spring Festival,you know,there are a lot of funny things you can do.such as make dumplings with whole family,the fantastic latern shows and bainian,hongbao,and so on
a:oh ,i've heard something about your Chinese Spring Festival and some famous people will be on TV to give their best wishes ,right?
b:yeah!most of us will watch the tv while having many delicious food with family and friends
a:hehe,do eat too much ,it's not health for your body!have fun!


A:Hi, how long no see! How are you?
B: Fine, thank you very much. How about you?
A: Me, too. Well, I like shopping a lot. What about you?
B: Me, too. Haha, but could you please tell me about your favorite shopping place?
A: I like to shop in a supermarket most.
B: Why?
A: Because there are so many different goods there. And you can choose whatever you like. Above all, there is no salesperson nearby to inspect you.
B: Yes, I can't agree any more. And what do you prefer to shop for?
A: Books, of course. You know, I like reading a lot.
B: Then would you like to walk everywhere to choose what you want or go straight to ask the salesman for help with it?
A: The latter. I'm a boy, not a girl. I don't like window-shopping or wasting my time.
B: I see, I see. Then, the last question: when do you usually shop?
A: After school. You know that, I'm too busy at school and I have a lot of homework to do at home. Shopping is just a kind of relaxation for me.
B: Me, too. Oh, it's time to say goodbye now. Nice talking with you. Byebye!
A: Bye!

A:Hi,B! Glad to see you! How have you been recently!\b,很高兴遇到你,最近怎么样啊?B:A little busy! What about you?\有点忙,你呢?A:Me,too! I'm going to buy a cellphone. Do you have any good suggestions?\我也是,我准备去买个手机,你有什么建议吗?B:Yeah! I know a supermarket's most goods are on sale!\是的,我知道一个超市大部分货物正在打折。A:Great! And where is it?\太好了,在哪呢?B:I just know it's name! Let's ask that police over there!\我只知道那个超市的名字,我们去问一下那边的警察吧。A:Excuse me! Could you tell me where is GuoMei supermarket?\你好,可以告诉我国美超市怎么走啊?B(police): Walk down stragiht this road, turn left at the second block.\沿着这条路直走,在第二个街区左转。A:thanks a lot!\非常感谢!B(police):It's ,my pleasure!\不用谢,很乐意帮忙!A:Oh! so many kind of goods! cellphones are just there,let's have a look.\这么多东西,哦,电话都在那呢!我们去看一看。B:what kind of cellphone do you like?\你喜欢哪种手机呢?A:maybe this one.what's you opinion?\也许这一种,你的观点呢?B:it looks good!do you want someting others?\看起来很不错嘛,你还要买些什么?A:some food.i think.\买一些食物。B:i remember, newyear's day is around the corner.i will buy some food,too.\我记得了,元旦就要来了,我也要买一些食物。A:what kind of food do you like?\你喜欢哪种食物啊?B:potota chips.\薯条A:i will buy some sports equipment ,too.and do you do any sports after school?\我要买些运动装备,你放学后做些什么运动?B:football,sometime!\足球,有时候。A:yeah,let me check,cellphone,food,sports equipment.everything is ok now,let' go home !\好了,让我来看看,手机,食物,运动装备,一切都好了,我们回家吧B:sure! and i want to learn someting about english study from you .\好的,我还想跟你学学英语改怎么学呢。A:no problem!\没问题!一定要采纳啊!做了好久!

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