求关于一些话题的大学英语对话3-6分钟 2-3人的对话

作者&投稿:苑嵇 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

Amy, Brown, Cathy are now study together in the same primary school.
One day, Amy quarreled with Brown.
Amy: my father is a great man! Everybody else should low down his head as he required in his place, because he is a CEO in a company!
Brown: what on earth are you talking about? My father is greater than your father, because every CEO should low down his head as he required in his place, because he is a leader in the tax affair bureau!
Amy & Brown: how about you, poor Cathy? You little thing….
Cathy: that’s nothing to me, according to what you were just discussed about, actually my father is the greatest one in the world.
Amy & Brown: what? Who is he?
Cathy: your daddy should low down his head as he required in his place, because he is a barber.

A:Good afternoon.
B,C,:Good afternoon.
A:How is going on today?
B:I got lots of homework and I don't know how to do it. The worst is that I need to hand up it tomorrow.
A:Oh, it's terrible!
C:It's nothing compare with mine. My teamates didn't want to work at all! They just wanted me to finish because they thought I do have that ability! What amazing persons!
A: Oh, that sounds pretty difficult. Hm...did you just talk to them?
C:I've tried but they said it was me that want high scores while they didn't.
B:And maybe they would say it's superman's ability to save the world.(讽刺)
C:You just got it.
D:Look, I have an idea. Perhaps, you will not agree with me but it's my first choice. Regard it as your own work and work on it, then never work with them.
C: But they are my friends.
A:Yes, I agree with D. They didn't perform as your friends.
C:Fine, I shall try.
B:So, can anybody give me a suggestion?
A:What is about?
B:Write an article about your happiest thing.
D:You think that difficullt?
D:Do you have anything that make you happy?
B:Unfortunately, no.
C:You are not a person that never smile.
B:But I can't write it long.
C:I get the point.
D:Yeah. The key is try to tell a person what makes you happy, remember the person knows nothing.
B:That works?
C:Yeah. Details and causes are important.
A:Come on boys. The bus is coming!
D:Oh, I should go now. See you tomorrow!
B,C:See you.

1.My friend has bought a new personal computer.
2. The shop has repaired my computer very quickly.
3. An unknown virus has just attacked my computer.
4. We have not solved the problem yet.
5.Your computer will break down if you open the E�mail that contains viruses.如果打开包含病毒的电子邮件,你的电脑就会失灵。
6.Some words are missing because of a computer virus.由于电脑病毒,有些词丢失了。
7.virus is a type of computer code that can harm your computer.病毒这是一种可以危害你的电脑的电脑代码。
His family is his whole universe.家庭就是他的整个世界。
The boy grew up in a happy home environment.男孩在一个幸福的家庭环境中长大。
An unhappy home environment can affect a child�s behavior.不幸的家庭环境可能对孩子的行为造成影响。
The family is important. We are members of a family .家庭是很重要的。我们都是其中一员。
ladies and gentlemen, we are in the “environment area”. People used to collect waste in dustbins. Then the rubbish was sent to be buried or burned, am I right? Well, now there�s a system where the waste is disposed of using the principles of ecology. A giant machine, always greedy� for more, swallows� all the waste available. The rubbish is turned into several grades of useful material�, such as “fertilizer” for the fields and “soil” for deserts. Nothing is wasted, and everything, even plastic bags, is recycled�. A great idea, isn�t it?
A: What do you want to be when you grow up, Steve?
B:I want to be an astronomer and visits stars. I wish to visit Mars one day.
A:I think I�d like to work in the space industry too. I�d like to be a rocket scientist like Qian Xuesen.
B:What did he have to do to become a rocket scientist?
A:Well, he first studied at university to be an engineer. Later he went to America to study for his doctor�s degree. It was then he began to work on rockets.
B:So it was lucky for our space programme that he came back to China.
A:Very much so. There was no work on space rockets in China before he began his institute to design and build rockets to go into space.
A:You know the history of the brand Li Ning?你知道李宁这个牌子的历史么?
B:Yes, Li Ning is a great sportsman and a year after his retirement, he began a new career—as a businessman.是的,李宁是一名优秀的运动员,在退役一年后,他开始了自己的新事业——从商。
A:yes,but he didn�t forget his sporting background.He decided to launch a new sportswear, competing with global giants like Nike and Adidas.但是,他并没有忘记他的运动生涯。他决定推出一种新品牌的运动服,和全球大公司耐克、阿迪达斯等竞争。
A:He made the unusual choice of choosing his own name as the brand mark.他作出了异乎寻常的选择,那就是用自己名字做商标。
B:Yes,the bright red logo is made up of the first two pinyin letters of Li Ning�s name, L and N.那个鲜红色的标识是由“李宁”拼音的两个首字母L和N组成的。




”我们会对当今发生的热点事件充满兴趣,前一段事件中美贸易战、华为被美国制裁等事件都受到了班里同学的关注,有时还会一起讨论自己的想法和态度。6月17日宜宾发生六级地震没多久,QQ群里就有同学开始讨论。以上就是我所认为的当今大学生关注的话题, 一家之见,如有不妥之处,还望包涵。


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温暖 温暖,是熊熊燃着的炉子;温暖,是一个关切的眼神;温暖,是数九寒天的大衣;温暖,是声调柔和的话语。就在那次,我感到了温暖。“今天的数学作业是……”课外班要下课了,张老师正在布置数学作业。我很快抄完了作业,把本子丢进书包里,像离弦的箭一样高高兴兴地跑回了家,心里想:不就那么...

话题如下:1、生活中,或者(在目前的讨论中)什么时候你最开心,什么时候你最沮丧?2、什么样的事情、境况等等会令你感到生气、悲伤、高兴或害怕?3、什么让你大笑或者大哭?4、你还记得童年发生的大事吗?什么样的童年经历造就了今天的你——你的成功、你的失 败、你的信仰、你的观念、你的个性、...

此外,我们学校还会定期举办一些讲座活动和社团招新,让同学们有机会去了解社会上最新的热点话题,结交志同道合的朋友,并锻炼自己的表达能力和组织能力。而社团活动包括音乐、舞蹈、摄影等多个方向,让每一个学生都可以在自己感兴趣的领域中发挥出自己的特长。 最后,我们学校也会举办一些特色文化活动,比如端午节包粽子、元...

网络安全、隐私权保护等问题也引起了他们的注意。6. 公共卫生和医保:新冠疫情的影响,使得大学生更加关注公共卫生体系的健全和医疗保险制度,以及未来可能会遇到的医疗费支出问题。7. 智能化与未来社会:在人工智能、大数据等新兴技术破壳而出的今天,AI对未来工作和生活的影响也是他们热议的话题。

平鲁区19871381978: 求关于一些话题的大学英语对话3 - 6分钟 2 - 3人的对话话题:1 网络病毒2 友好家庭关系3 爱护我们的地球4 关于科学家的介绍 5 关于品牌介绍 -
夔逄复方:[答案] 一、网络病毒 1.My friend has bought a new personal computer. 我的朋友已经买了一台新的个人电脑. 2.The shop has ... A:Well,he first studied at university to be an engineer.Later he went to America to study for his doctors degree.It was then he began ...

平鲁区19871381978: 求关于一些话题的大学英语对话3 - 6分钟 2 - 3人的对话 -
夔逄复方: a:good afternoon. b,c,:good afternoon. a:how is going on today? b:i got lots of homework and i don't know how to do it. the worst is that i need to hand up it tomorrow. a:oh, it's terrible! c:it's nothing compare with mine. my teamates didn't want to ...

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夔逄复方: Eric和Patty是好朋友,也是大学同学.他们中午一起吃饭,聊起了校园生活. Professor: In this first part, we will learn how to ask what classes someone is taking.

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夔逄复方: 这个自己想啊! Suggestion (only suggestion! Don't copy!) Hi, XXX. I want to talk about the University life with you. First, I want to talk about our teacher first. The teacher that I like most is ......... He/She is our .............( Subject ) teacher. I have three ...

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夔逄复方:[答案] A:How's your campus life?I heard you got admitted into one of the best colleges in the town.嘿,你的校园生活怎样?我听说你被城里最好的一所大学录取了.B:Congratulations!I wasn't updated by that...So tell ...

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夔逄复方:[答案] A,C:Goodmoring,Mr.B B:Goodmoring,A,C.Gladtoseeyouback.comein, A,C:thinkyou. A:Iamsohappytobebackhere. B:youhavebeenawayformorethantwoweeks.howwastheexhibition?wasitproductive? A:yes,itwasquiteproducti...

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夔逄复方: Topic: should university students find part time jobs? (Jane and Tom are both University students discussing this topic) Jane: Tom, do you think students like us should go outside and find part time jobs when we don't have studies to do? Tom: Well,...

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