
作者&投稿:潭栏 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

Jane: Tom, do you think students like us should go outside and find part time jobs when we don’t have studies to do?

Tom: Well, I think that it might interfere with your studies, wouldn’t it?

Jane: I agree, it does take away some of your time and attention. But you can make more money!

Tom: That is true as well. After all, a lot of students come from families that are not that prosperous, and if they find jobs, they can certainly help their parents.

Jane: But I am sure most of the parents would rather that you stay at the school ad study well.

Tom: But what about the working experience that you are gaining? Part time jobs gives you experience on how to deal with people such as bosses, colleagues and customers. This is an important skill that you cannot learn in school.

Jane: And it’s an essential skill we all need sooner or later.

Tom: So, yeah. I suppose that we should get part time jobs.

Jane: That’s right. Now I am convinced too. Do you want to go looking for one this weekend?

Tom: Sure.

{In the rail road station}
A: Sir, u seem to be troubled, is there anything i can do?
B: I could not find my lugage anywhere. Would u please help me boardcast this to see if there are anyone who saw it?
C:IS it a large red one?
B: yes! Do u have any idea where it is?
C: oh it was on the crouch over there earlier.
B: Thanks

Shanghai, sometimes called 'Paris of the Orient', is China's commercial and financial centre. Its modern, international and fashionable reputation entice travelers and visitors from all over the world, who come to delight in its shopping heavens and wide variety of entertainment or simply to experience the glitz of China's most cosmopolitan city.
Shanghai (short form 'Hu'), is a bustling international port in the southeast of China, surrounded by the great Yangtze River Delta to the north, the blue East Sea of China to the east, the beautiful Hangzhou Bay to the south and the fertile inner provinces of Zhejiang and Jiangsu to the west. Chongming Island at the mouth of Yangtze River is within its prefecture and is the third largest island in China after Taiwan and Hainan. The city is not a huge land mass: it is around 6,340.5 sq km (1.6 million acres) which represents just 0.06% of the whole area of China. Yet the regular population of the city has reached as many as 17.8 million, with wild fluctuations due to its millions of temporary residents. Influenced by the subtropical ocean and monsoons, the climate here is very mild and damp and fit for traveling almost all the year, except the rainy season from May to September which requires a bit more preparation.

Shanghai, which started life as a fishing village, was finally established as a county more than 700 years ago. A saying spreads that 'Two thousand years' history is witnessed in Xian, one thousand in Beijing while one hundred in Shanghai'. The city had been one of the liveliest stages and opening gateway to foreign countries in the eventful 20th century and has gradually prospered into an international metropolitan. In fact, Shanghai's boom over recent years has contributed greatly to the reform process and opening up of China.

The central Huangpu River and the Bund are the best points to appreciate the thriving scene unfolding in Shanghai. The river, where huge and small ships come and go everyday, represents a snapshot of the city in all its bustle and glory. It divides the city into two contrasting parts: Pudong (East of the river) and Puxi (West of the river). Pudong is a newly developed area and where many modern skyscraper constructions have mushroomed over the past decade years. Oriental Pearl TV Tower, the nearby 88-story Jin Mao Tower, and the uniquely designed Pudong International Airport are always considered as symbolic constructions of Shanghai and provide an opportunity to take in the brilliant scenery that pervades the city. While from the numerous old western-styled buildings in the Puxi zone, you can feel the vanity fair of old Shanghai in the early parts of the last century.



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