
作者&投稿:葛震 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

初二英语作文 杭州游记 80词(带翻译)

3、我的暑假在北京旅游英语作文50字带翻译作文如下:Summer holiday is coming .I want to go to Beijing .暑假快到了。我想去北京。First we can visit the Great Wall,it is very famous for the world,so I like it very much .Second we can go to the zoo because I like to see animals .首先...

游记作文比较好写,主要是写清楚时间、地点、事件、人物以及游记感受等,用英文写游记主要注意相关的专有英语单词表达、句式整合等,结合我多年的英语知识积累,和大家分享三篇游记英语表达不错的文章,由简到难、字数由少到多,供大家参考,希望大家喜欢哦~【一】🌸🌸🌸案例来咯 ...

I, said the beauty of Zhangjiajie, but not the right words; not the expression of feelings, and not willing to. The world not to go, want to go; been, no praise. The world of print view, take what to praise ah! Nothing but is the God of creation, provided unparalleled;...

楚王陵游记 英语作文 70字 带翻译
Into the door, the first thing that catches the eye is a statue of the king majestic-looking like, I saw him riding a horse is imposing black horse, left hand holding the reins,the right hand a sword, clad in armor, pedal boots, have an imposing appearance, looked at his ...

在米格秘密追寻音乐梦时,因为触碰了一把吉他而踏上了亡灵土地。每年的亡灵节日,逝去的家人都会返回人间与亲人团聚,但从来还没有人去到过亡灵的世界。米格被多彩绚丽的亡灵世界所震撼,而更令他的惊喜的是,他重逢了失去的母亲和祖辈们,一家人要想办法将米格重新送回人间。翻译:Miguel, a 12-year-old ...

写一篇去南京的英语游记作文(要写中山陵) 要翻译
Golden Week, my mother and I went to Nanjing famous tourist attraction - Sun Yat-sen, it is located on the eastern outskirts of Nanjing's Purple Mountain, our great democratic revolutionary forerunner Sun Yat-sen's tomb.When we arrived in the square along a towering old trees on...

Terracotta Warriors and Horses is one of the world's eight wonders, but also the country's treasure country. This is an essential stop in Xi'an is to see Terracotta Warriors and Horses.兵马俑是世界八大奇迹之一,也是我国的镇国之宝。这次来西安必不可少的一站就是去看兵马俑。There...

巴里岛的,我自己去年写的 Bali Holiday Stunning white sandy beach, exotic island, bubbling springs, lobster feast, hot sunshine, elegant plumerias etc. And welcome to Bali Island, Indonesia. The five-day tour of Bali which I made last summer has undoubtedly left a deep impression on...

first-class soft and hard surroundings is desired to attract tourists, the foreign and the domestic。七年级 英语作文 范文 游记相关 文章 :1. 七年级英语作文范文 2. 七年级英语作文带翻译 3. 初一英语作文范文 4. 写春游的英文作文范文4篇 5. 2017七年级英语作文范文 ...

大狐虎19290078172问: 英语翻译帮我翻译一段话~西游记 西游记主要讲的是一个和尚一只猴子,一头猪,和一个河妖一块取经的故事~是明朝的吴承恩所著~是中国的四大名著之一,... -
上高县舒尔回答:[答案] Journey to the West 西游记主要讲的是一个和尚一只猴子,一头猪,和一个河妖一块取经的故事~Journey to the West,the main speaker is a monk a monkey,a pig,and a river to learn the story of a demon 是明朝的吴承恩所著~是中国的四大名著之一,...

大狐虎19290078172问: 《西游记》怎样翻译成英语 -
上高县舒尔回答:[答案] 有多种翻译: 1,西游记:Journey to the West(最常用的) 2,西游记,(1966),Monkey Goes West. 3,西游记(Monkey King) 4,日语是'Saiyuki' 或者'Suy Yuw Gey' 5,《西游记》(The Monkey Goes West)邵氏 6:《 西游记》英译为Record...

大狐虎19290078172问: 请给我写一篇西游记的故事.用英语现在式.谢谢 -
上高县舒尔回答: Journey to the West is a Chinese classic. The storyline is about a monk and his three diciples making a trip to the west to collect the buddhist writings. On their way, they met with many monsters and devils who wanted to eat the monk's meat and penis soup.

大狐虎19290078172问: 《西游记》英语简介 -
上高县舒尔回答: 1、英语简介: Journey to the West is one of the Four Great Classical Novels of Chinese literatures.It is written in 16th century Ming dynasty.It tells a story about a Buddhist monk and his three students who are animals but with human characteristic....

大狐虎19290078172问: 西游记英语的小故事 -
上高县舒尔回答: 四个主人公有很多称法,用得最多的是,Tang Monk,Pilgrim, Pa-chieh, Sha Monk.八戒有时候自称Old Hog.Sun Wukong使用的兵器是golden hooped rod, 八戒使的是muckrake.Sun Wukong头上戴的是Tight Fillet Cap, 唐 僧念的是Tight Fillet Spell. 妖精是monster-spirit, fiend,demon. 拿这个自己编编就行了,不知道你是要西游记里文章的英文版,还是要人给你写一个和西游记里人物有关的小故事……字数是?

大狐虎19290078172问: 写一篇介绍《西游记》的英语短文词数不少于八十 -
上高县舒尔回答: Journey to the West is the story of a monk by the name of Tang Seng. The story is based on Tang Seng going from China to India in 629AD to 646AD, adding many mythical areas to the story and it has become one of the most loved stories in ...

大狐虎19290078172问: 英语翻译西游记--中国古典四大名著之一,是一部优秀的神话小说,也是一部群众创作和文人创作相结合的作品.小说以整整七回的“大闹天宫”故事开始,... -
上高县舒尔回答:[答案] As one ofthe four famous Chinese classic, Journey to the West is not only a good novel, but also a mass combination of creative works of the masses andthe writer. The first seven chapter is "Havoc in Heaven" .It beginsto raise the image of the ...

大狐虎19290078172问: 用英文写一个西游记中的小故事
上高县舒尔回答: 你下载搜狗拼音输入法,点搜狗工具箱,下载在线翻译,把你想要的故事中文打进去,翻译成英文就OK了,如果你懒得弄.我这里还有一个英文故事,你可以看看.< > has a red battle red in the deep loose Jian, he is the son of the Bull Demon...

大狐虎19290078172问: 【英语作文】请你简要的介绍一下中国的传统故事,西游记,不少于六十单词 -
上高县舒尔回答:[答案] Journey to the West is a Chinese novel published in the 16th century during the Ming Dynasty and attributed to Wu Cheng'en.... together with a dragon prince who acts as Xuanzang's steed,a white horse. Enduringly popular,the tale is at once a comic ...

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