
作者&投稿:邲承 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

知道小有建树答主 回答量:147 采纳率:0% 帮助的人:24.7万 我也去答题访问个人页 关注 展开全部 1. 求求速求一篇英语短文是写故事的结尾 手套的故事 冬天的时候,安娜的书包里总是有两副手套,妈妈问她是不是手套要两副一起带才暖和,她说不是,另一副是为同桌露西而带的.她说:露西买不起手套,可...

八十天环游地球 故事概括 要英语的
Around the World in 80 Days (2004)Plot Summary for Around the World in 80 Days (2004)This version of the classic novel set in 1872 focuses on Passepartout (Chan), a Chinese thief who steals a valuable jade Buddha and then seeks refuge in the traveling companionship of an ...

Volume 1 The depiction of the Little Man is the epitome of the British Empire at that time.At that time, the persistent struggle between the Tories and Whigs in Britain and the foreign war were essentially.Just the fights between politicians in some irrelevant sections of the ...

经典的故事都有她令人难忘的情节或句子,我在此献上《飞屋环游记》的英语金句赏析,希望你喜欢。1.Happiness is not about being immortal nor having food or rights in one’s hand. It’s about having each tiny wish come true, or having something to eat when you are hungry ...

一个小姑娘爱丽丝跟随一只穿礼服的红眼兔子漫游仙境的故事,遇到了许多奇奇怪怪的人和事,先是从一个兔子洞里掉下去,喝能使人变小的药水,又吃了能使人变得很大的饼干,不停地在巨人和袖珍人之间变来变去。 关于身材的大小,是爱丽丝一直很困惑的事情,也是她在仙境中经常遇到的,后边还有兔子先生家里的药水和小点心...

4.有关《寻梦环游记》的英语读后感一百五十字左右,包括翻译 故事的主角是个叫米格的小男孩,他出生在墨西哥的一个小城镇,家族世代做鞋,但他不喜欢做鞋,更热爱音乐。 不凑巧的是,家人禁止他接触音乐。米格为了追逐梦想,希望能创造出像自己的偶像德拉库斯那样打动人心的歌曲。 于是,他踏上了一条通向未知的路。

知道小有建树答主 回答量:199 采纳率:0% 帮助的人:64.5万 我也去答题访问个人页 关注 展开全部 ◎译 名 地心历险记\/地心游记3D ◎片 名 Journey To The Center Of The Earth ◎年 代 2008 ◎国 家 美国 ◎类 别 动作\/科幻\/冒险\/家庭\/奇幻 ◎语 言 英语 ◎字 幕 中文 ◎IMDB评分 6.3\/...

与“书”之前篇 一年级--只有两本破烂的不成样的,不知名的书陪伴; 二年级--各式各样的小画书和《当代小学生》之类; 三年级--第一次读完了自认为是长篇的《复仇女神》,对女主人公白马翁姆崇拜得五体投地; 四年级--读了多期《故事会》、一套《唐诗900首》,及其《西游记》、《东游记》和《北游记》。

以下是一些生活场景中使用的英语短句,适合通过故事学习:公平对待: "Give Us a Fair Shake" - 请一视同仁冰淇淋女孩: "Ice Cream Gal" - 冰激凌美眉突然晕倒: "Shoot" - 晕倒礼貌交流: "No Cursing, Please" - 不要骂脏话哦乡巴佬形象: "Redneck" - 乡巴佬时尚乡绅: "Un-Down-to-Earth ...


明进17856334644问: 用英文写一个西游记中的小故事
昆明市盖爽回答: 你下载搜狗拼音输入法,点搜狗工具箱,下载在线翻译,把你想要的故事中文打进去,翻译成英文就OK了,如果你懒得弄.我这里还有一个英文故事,你可以看看.< > has a red battle red in the deep loose Jian, he is the son of the Bull Demon...

明进17856334644问: 西游记的英语小故事 -
昆明市盖爽回答: Journey to the West is a Chinese classic. The storyline is about a monk and his three diciples making a trip to the west to collect the buddhist writings. On their way, they met with...

明进17856334644问: 西游记英语的小故事 -
昆明市盖爽回答: 四个主人公有很多称法,用得最多的是,Tang Monk,Pilgrim, Pa-chieh, Sha Monk.八戒有时候自称Old Hog.Sun Wukong使用的兵器是golden hooped rod, 八戒使的是muckrake.Sun Wukong头上戴的是Tight Fillet Cap, 唐 僧念的是Tight Fillet Spell. 妖精是monster-spirit, fiend,demon. 拿这个自己编编就行了,不知道你是要西游记里文章的英文版,还是要人给你写一个和西游记里人物有关的小故事……字数是?

明进17856334644问: 请给我写一篇西游记的故事.用英语现在式.谢谢 -
昆明市盖爽回答: Journey to the West is a Chinese classic. The storyline is about a monk and his three diciples making a trip to the west to collect the buddhist writings. On their way, they met with many monsters and devils who wanted to eat the monk's meat and penis soup.

明进17856334644问: 急求大话西游中经典对白(英文)
昆明市盖爽回答: 《大话西游》这段超级经典对白英语的说法,没什么生词相信你能读懂,后面有中文的对白,看看吧:)~ Long long ago, there was a sincer cordial emotion in front of me, but I didn't cherish it. Until it lost, I just regreted at that time. It is only the ...

明进17856334644问: 英语翻译帮我翻译一段话~西游记 西游记主要讲的是一个和尚一只猴子,一头猪,和一个河妖一块取经的故事~是明朝的吴承恩所著~是中国的四大名著之一,... -
昆明市盖爽回答:[答案] Journey to the West 西游记主要讲的是一个和尚一只猴子,一头猪,和一个河妖一块取经的故事~Journey to the West,the main speaker is a monk a monkey,a pig,and a river to learn the story of a demon 是明朝的吴承恩所著~是中国的四大名著之一,...

明进17856334644问: 求大话西游经典对白 英文版
昆明市盖爽回答: At this time the blade is really close to me 0.01cmI think.But after a short period of time 0.01secind,I think the owner of the sword will fall for me wholeheartedlly.Because I've decided to tell lies .I've told many lies in my life.But I think it is the wonderful ...

明进17856334644问: 谁有周星驰在大话西游里的精典对白?英文版的
昆明市盖爽回答: 当时那把剑离我的喉咙只有0.01公分,但是四分之一炷香之后,那把剑的女主人将会彻底地爱上我,因为我决定说一个谎话.虽然本人生平说过无数的谎话,但是这一个我认为是最完美的…… At this time the blade is really close to me 0.01cmI ...

明进17856334644问: 《大话西游》那段经典对白的英文版,谁有?
昆明市盖爽回答: Once there's a ture love to be put before my eyes,but I didn't cherish.Only after losing it ,I found myself to regret. No pain in this world comes near this.If god could give me one more chance,I would say to the girl: “I love you!”If there had to be a time limit of my love, it would be 10,000 years... 可以吧!嘿嘿

明进17856334644问: 英语作文my favourite book西游记 用英语写西游记的作者 地点 故事 喜欢的情节 重要角色 和为什么他那么著名 谁可以帮我下60字以上 -
昆明市盖爽回答:[答案] My favourite book My favourite book is "Donnie Brasco", which tells a story about a FBI agent's undercover life. In the story, the agent had to face danger visible and invisible, and bore misunderstandings from his families, friends, even the person who...

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