
作者&投稿:友郭 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

这句的难点在most buyers(主语) will never venture(谓语) into territory (地点状语)any less trampled(后置定语,修饰territory) than the parking lot of the local shopping mall(比较状语,与trampled相比)any less trampled than...:比(停车场)稍微少人踏足的,也就是比停车场更僻静一...

分析并翻译下面的长难句1.We shall all have telephones in our...

1.The change是主语 in smoking habits 是定语parallels 是谓语a change 是宾语in the incidence of lung cancer.是定语The more people smoke, 是状语the more chances of occurrence for lung cancer是主语,后面谓语省略了(省略了there will be)2.Unlike the practice in China,是状语if you”re...

I came away from my years of teaching until college and university level with a conviction that enactment , performance, dramatization are the most successful forms of teaching.我从我多年的教学生涯离开,直到达到学院和大学水平,因为我相,制定,执行,编剧是最成功的教学形式。

长难句:The study of law has been recognized for centuries as a basic intellectual discipline in European universities. However, only in recent years has it become a feature of undergraduate programs in Canadian universities.词的处理 :be recognized as … 被看成是 intellectual adj. ...

考研英语长难句翻译 这是我在一篇阅读看到的,不太理解,that 后的定 ...
生态学家的任务是解开环境与生态因素的问题,长远看来,这些因素将人口的固有增长能力在受控状态。over the long run 从长远看来 in check受控,可控 翻译的不是很好,但希望能有助你理解,考研的书多看看,你就会整理顺序了,加油!

buy up (收买,买进,买下)people是现在分词短语作定语,修饰newspapers。5. involved in ...(卷入,参与)是过去分词短语作定语,修饰前面的名词people,相当于定语从句who are involved in ...。本句翻译:该政府将要对那些付款收买涉及大案要案(诸如罗斯玛丽•韦斯特案件)证人的报社。

本句中的被动语态构成是“Attempts have been made”即“努力被做”,但显然这样的翻译表达是不符合汉语的习惯的,而“努力”的施事者显而易见是“人们”,所以此处翻译时需加上泛称,给动作以主体,即“人们做了很多努力”。译成动宾结构 All...

英语长难句分析及翻译 句子来自China Daily 谢谢~
我想上面句子的最大难点是positions一词。这里并非动词,而是名词;意思也并非普通的“位置”,而是金融术语的“仓位”。整个句子的基本架构就是yuan positions...increased to...from...according to...翻译如下:根据中国央行周一公布的数据,截至1月底,金融机构由于买入外汇而累积的人民币仓位已增加至...

portion thereof within a country 定语修饰前面的旅程].五,全句可译为:关于终点站 或者 经停站不是位于起飞站所属国家内的乘客,要知晓以下声明:国际著名的航空公约,诸如:《蒙特利尔公约》及其前身《华沙公约》和《华沙公约》体系内的修订 适用于乘客的整个旅程,即:包括一个国家内的任何部分。

战翁18440881750问: 英语长难句分析翻译 -
仙居县门冬回答: motive是名词:profit motive 是盈利动机. the profit motive 主语,operating under cometitive pressures, 状语,largely determines 谓语,how.... 宾语从句. 翻译:盈利动机,运营在竞争压力下,很大程度上决定如何生产这些货物和服务.

战翁18440881750问: 英语长难句翻译,求高手 -
仙居县门冬回答: Due to the serious eviornment pollution from tourists' garbage, dam creates more threats for wild animals/fishes in the lack than exotic species.

战翁18440881750问: 英语有高级表达的长难句 -
仙居县门冬回答: 1.Many experts suggest that the child raised in an environment where there are many stimuli which develop his capacity for appropriate responses will experience greater intellectual development. 译文:许多专家认为:如果一个儿童在有许多刺激...

战翁18440881750问: 求一个英语长难句,难度中等偏高的那种,顺便带一下翻译和句子结构分析,英语句式稍微多一点,谢谢 -
仙居县门冬回答: And this separation the detective feels between himself and the rest of the world is deepened by the simple mindedness as he sees it of citizens, social workers, doctors law-makers, and judges, who, instead of eliminating crime punish the criminals...

战翁18440881750问: 英语长难句 -
仙居县门冬回答: 逗号之间的是插入语,修饰practice.后面的of 也是接在practice后的.整句翻译:因此,对顾客来说,根据银行的决定把顾客的名字印在支票上的做法没有风险.

战翁18440881750问: 英语长难句分析及翻译
仙居县门冬回答: far+形容词比较级/最高级/副词表示“很、非常”would(表示推测)大概,会 通常的农业用途使鱼有着比可能会被要求杀死它们还要多得多的化学浓度.

战翁18440881750问: 2015英语二,text2,翻译一句话,长难句,how to deal with the issues that face most college students.Their thesis—that a relatively modest intervention could ... -
仙居县门冬回答:[答案] 如何应对摆在他们(大学生)大多数人面前的问题

战翁18440881750问: 英语长难句:romanticized,myth and reality did join hands in at least one arena,the conflict between the individual and encroaching civilization.1 And although ... -
仙居县门冬回答:[答案] although no priod or place in American history has been more absurdly romanticized 条件状语myth and reality did join hands in at least one arena , the conflict between the individual and encroaching c...

战翁18440881750问: 英语长难句分析apart from the fact that twenty - seven acts of Parliament govern the terms of advertising,no regular advertiser dare promote a product that fails ... -
仙居县门冬回答:[答案] 句型分析apart from the fact (that twenty-seven acts of Parliament govern the terms of advertising, no regular advertiser dare promote a product (that fails to live up to the ...

战翁18440881750问: 一句让我纠结半天的英语长难句!谁能帮我分析下句子结构并翻译,谢谢! -
仙居县门冬回答: 不知道能不能帮你 As among tribes people是状语,personal relationships and a careful weighing of character是主句的主语,have always been 谓语(联系动词), crucial 主句的表语,in a mercantile economy with little regulation主句的状语,...

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