
作者&投稿:嵇栏 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

Lily:But in the end we doom to break up,I'll be very sad,maybe I will find another guy to stay together.Arena:You‘re right.There are many advantages exist indeed.(确实存在一些好处) Such as we can learn something from love,get experience about how to love, how to get...

(3)互相鼓励、学习,共同进步 大学生在大学里谈恋爱的话,在学习上可以互相鼓励,可以促进我们的学习,还可以做到资源共享,优势互补,不至于为通过英语四级而挑灯夜战。甚至还一起商量考研,一起出国,这时候的恋爱已成为学习的调味剂,形成两人进步的动力。2、大学生谈恋爱的弊端:(1)没有经济基础 ...

my thoughts are deep into you .from the moment that i wake up .and to the whole day through .我深深地想念著你,从我每天早上起来的那一刻起,每一分每一秒直到一天结束。a better love i couldn't ask for.with your sweet and gently way.and knowing that your love for me.grows ...

however I have some ideas to illustrate of my own. 当然有一天,我们会在八月或九月幸福、自豪的去上大学,但在同时也发生了一些事情,让你的心受到猛烈的冲击,顺便说一下,这就是很多大学生们的爱情。然后他们失去了方向,迷失了自我,迷失了生命。接下来我要表达的观点是对于在大学恋爱我是持中...


求一篇大学生恋爱的英语演讲稿 100 希望之星的复赛... 希望之星的复赛 展开  我来答 1个回答 #热议# 网文质量是不是下降了?755986645 2009-04-27 · TA获得超过462个赞 知道答主 回答量:172 采纳率:0% 帮助的人:0 我也去答题访问个人页 关注 展开全部 Amatory love has been a ...

It is best to talk in college, and it is best to talk earnestly and talk about the future together. There are fewer people around you after graduating from college, and the circles are relatively small. At universities, we all like minded alumni, and I think there is relatively...

not always it turn out to be good,but if it is really a reatifini(这个词拼得不太正确是个大概法语变成的英语,就是命中注定的缘分),when you find someone really suit you and match you.then that really chould be a fine relationship,but not means the finnal will eventually go ...


Not hesitate to choose the benefits of college students to get married married really many: one is two people can realize the true meaning of tutoring sessions, in their common progress and improvement; the second is can realize real resource sharing, extracurricular books only to buy...

山弯19632852153问: 大学恋爱利大于弊的英语演讲稿,急急急!!!
龙海市盐酸回答: Good morning, ladies nad gentlemen, the topic of my speech today is to date outweighs to study during college. As we all know, college should be the place where students can focus on study rather than something they might regret in their later life. ...

山弯19632852153问: 英语辩论大学生是否应该谈恋爱.我是正方.急需几个句子说明大学生谈恋爱的好处. -
龙海市盐酸回答: People speak English will not mind the love between teenager. I think only Chinese parents thought it was a problem.

山弯19632852153问: 英语作文 大学生恋爱的利与弊 -
龙海市盐酸回答: Some college teachers argue that students should give up love for the sake of learning. They maintain that love is time-consuming and tears students away from learning students' main task. If a student falls in love, he will certainly neglect his studies...

山弯19632852153问: 大学生校园恋爱利弊谈英语作文 -
龙海市盐酸回答: 去百度文库,查看完整内容>内容来自用户:吴木wlAs we know that senior middle school is not allowed romance, because our parents and teachers think that study is the most important thing for us. Almost major of them hold the idea that college...

山弯19632852153问: 谈恋爱的好处是什么,用英语 -
龙海市盐酸回答: What are the benefits of fall in love? 建议:有道翻译哦~ 采纳哦亲~

山弯19632852153问: 支持大学校园恋爱的理由,英语 -
龙海市盐酸回答: I think it is 浮云,in colledge we should spend our energy on study,isn't it, moreover the reason of many students fall in love is they fell loneniess.and they always make themselves fell more perfect in the face of others students.

山弯19632852153问: 辩论大学生谈恋爱的好与坏英语 -
龙海市盐酸回答: On College Students Love College students is a very large group who living in the periods of youth,vitality and vigorous. The contemporary university, campus is not only a place for young people to transmit science and culture knowledge, but has ...

山弯19632852153问: 求英语回答,在大学谈恋爱好不好 -
龙海市盐酸回答: rich emotional life, for the future to prepare, experience.Good will increase the experience, there are good and badFall in love in the University.Not good if it also abandoned their studies

山弯19632852153问: 大学生谈恋爱的好处? -
龙海市盐酸回答: 1.大学生处于确立人生发展方向与志愿的关键时期. 谈恋爱有助于他们完成他们的理想. 2.一些大学的知识学习需要灵感,而恋爱是灵感的最好来源之一. 3.大学生的人际交往十分重要,谈恋爱有助于培养人际交往技巧. 4.大学生在独立生活的过渡期...

山弯19632852153问: 怎么写一篇关于大学生谈恋爱的英语话题? -
龙海市盐酸回答: 你是需要提纲 还是需要素材? 提纲 : 正反两面讨论.先叙述大学的美好时光,然后反面说,恋爱会花费额外的金钱,精力,心思,时间.举两个例子左右.再正面说,恋爱在大学比较普遍,因为大学没有生缉甫光晃叱浩癸彤含廓活压力,是最好的恋爱时间.然后总结,不耽误学习的情况下恋爱最好,能共勉是最好的结果.

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