
作者&投稿:席黎 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

论大学恋爱英语作文 下两种不同的观点:(一)对待恋爱比较认真,认为恋爱以感情为基础,他们一般心理较成熟,有一定的责任心,彼此比较了解。 (二)对待恋爱态度不认真,不是真心的。 这类大学生认为谈恋爱就是为了玩一玩,为了满足各种欲望。 他们基本上没什么责任心,恋爱双方彼此不甚了解,也没什么感情基础。 上述错误...

Now it is commonly held that dating in university is acceptable, which has become a hot point under discussion. Some people hold the opinion that students should put their study in the first place. Besides, fall in love with someone could causes extra spending, which is a burden ...

What are the benefits of fall in love?建议:有道翻译哦~采纳哦亲~

(3)互相鼓励、学习,共同进步 大学生在大学里谈恋爱的话,在学习上可以互相鼓励,可以促进我们的学习,还可以做到资源共享,优势互补,不至于为通过英语四级而挑灯夜战。甚至还一起商量考研,一起出国,这时候的恋爱已成为学习的调味剂,形成两人进步的动力。2、大学生谈恋爱的弊端:(1)没有经济基础 ...

Love Relationship on College Campus As we all know, we young people are pretty amorous, because we are at the special age. And in my university, most of us have feres, but I don’t. Not just because I’m not outstanding enough to find one, and also because I’m deeply...

love enable us to enjoy our life and give us more lessons about life.Only when we fall in love with somebody,can we understand the meaning of true love.True love makes our life complete and colorful.LOVE can also stimulate our enthusiasm for our study....

It is best to talk in college, and it is best to talk earnestly and talk about the future together. There are fewer people around you after graduating from college, and the circles are relatively small. At universities, we all like minded alumni, and I think there is relatively...

要多少字的?我的看看行不 The author believed that if the puppy love phenomenon cannot be under the correct guidance, will cause certain harm to the student healthy development. The main performance is: 1st, the dispersion energy, affects the studies; 2nd, the sentimental impulsion, ...



驷才13443735645问: 大学生校园恋爱利弊谈英语作文 -
玉环县罗尼回答: 去百度文库,查看完整内容>内容来自用户:吴木wlAs we know that senior middle school is not allowed romance, because our parents and teachers think that study is the most important thing for us. Almost major of them hold the idea that college...

驷才13443735645问: 大学恋爱利大于弊的英语演讲稿,急急急!!!
玉环县罗尼回答: Good morning, ladies nad gentlemen, the topic of my speech today is to date outweighs to study during college. As we all know, college should be the place where students can focus on study rather than something they might regret in their later life. ...

驷才13443735645问: 英语作文 大学生恋爱的利与弊 -
玉环县罗尼回答: Some college teachers argue that students should give up love for the sake of learning. They maintain that love is time-consuming and tears students away from learning students' main task. If a student falls in love, he will certainly neglect his studies...

驷才13443735645问: 辩论大学生谈恋爱的好与坏英语 -
玉环县罗尼回答: On College Students Love College students is a very large group who living in the periods of youth,vitality and vigorous. The contemporary university, campus is not only a place for young people to transmit science and culture knowledge, but has ...

驷才13443735645问: 英文辩论词 关于中学生谈恋爱的 利大于弊 一定要英文的 -
玉环县罗尼回答: There are two ideas of middle school "love". One is temptation: Girls dress beautifully, act giggly and appear dumb Guys are popular and attractive. Then there is the other kind: attraction that may or may not be love. The person I know is like that. ...

驷才13443735645问: 英语议论文:关于大学生恋爱的利与弊 -
玉环县罗尼回答: What about the love before univerisray stuent

驷才13443735645问: 校园浪漫的弊端大学英语作文 -
玉环县罗尼回答: romantic love in collegeEveryone hopes to have a enthusiatic love with a beautiful girl or a handsome boy in college,or someone want to search for a true love .Many of them will not have much experience to deal with each other ,it leads to many ...

驷才13443735645问: 大学生谈恋爱的坏处和好处 分条 弄下 要求用英语 最好多点 我们是要用这个进行英语辩论的,谢谢了
玉环县罗尼回答: 由于英语水平非常有限,所以我不会的用中文代替,你自己翻译.表达上的不足也望修正. bad:1.Fall in love with somebody in the college will divide a part of our study time to the lover. 2.We don't have the ability to earn money now, but we will ...

驷才13443735645问: 求英语回答,在大学谈恋爱好不好 -
玉环县罗尼回答: rich emotional life, for the future to prepare, experience.Good will increase the experience, there are good and badFall in love in the University.Not good if it also abandoned their studies

驷才13443735645问: 有关恋爱好坏的英语作文 -
玉环县罗尼回答: In the beginning, love is always sweet.As time is slipping away, boredom, be used to, abandonment, loneliness, despair and cold smile will come gradually.Once being eager to stay with someone forever, later, we would felicitate ourselves on ...

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