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I've learn many new tec here. In a word, I enjoy staying college. 大学生活 我来到大学校园已经一个学期了.自从我来到了大学,我就非常喜欢这里.首先,我在这里交了很多朋友,他们都很友好.其次,大学是个社会环境,这里,可以学到很多原来高中学不到的知识.最后,我在这里更学到了很多先进的科学...

简单说进入大学的感受 Simply put into the feelings of the University

I am a new college student .I have been in college for nearly four months. At first I was a little nervous and worried about the new life in college because I found the life in college is quite different from that in senior middle school. Especially in my English class when...


大学校园,被人们认为是学生学习知识的地方,但是随着全球化,很多商业中心搬进了校园。学生享受着商业环境,但是一些人觉得商业环境会给学生带来负面影响。我觉得校园应该要纯净。On the one hand, campus is the place for students to learn the knowledge. The school should create the environment ...

大学生活的英语作文3:My College Life From __ to __ __, I spent my college life in Hunan First Normal College. Reminding my college life, I think it was of great significance.从 __ __到___,我在湖南第一师范学院度过了我的大学生活。说起我的大学生活,我认为是很有意义...

My university life is interesting and different with before. we do not have to attend class everyday and i live with many classmates in dorm, far away with parents. At first, I got very nervous whenever I have to give my opinion and make a presentation in class, because I ...

我最喜欢的是英语老师,所以我最爱的科目也当然是英语.My maths is just a mess.I can't understand what the teacher is talking about.我的数学比较差.因为我听不明白老师上课讲什么.I don't know how to solve this problem.我不知道要怎么去解决这个问题.Anyway,i enjoy my school life.但...

500字英语大学感悟 。新的大学生活
大学过去常常被许多人称作‘象牙塔’,是与真实的世界隔开的。其实则不然,大学依然逃不过世俗的忧虑。”我眼中的大学生活的英语作文主要介绍了普通大学生门对大学生活的感想 The first day of my university Look! There is a rainbow! On the first day of my university life, when I walked into...

学习是个循序渐进、长期的过程,我会在知识的宝库中不断探索,丰富自我。今年暑假,我跨出象牙塔,进入并接触到了真正的社会。一个出版社给了我编辑和校对的兼职工作。工作初期,同事们都礁不起我。但是,当我在一天之内翻译完7篇(总字数超过5000字)的英语文章后,他们真的是 大吃一惊。渐渐地,...

桂骂15115758761问: 求一篇大一新生对大学生活和学习的感受的英语作文 -
临城县路成回答:[答案] My college life I am proud of being a college student. I like my college life as it is so wonderful time in my youth. As being born in small village of the remote countryside, I didn't have a good edu...

桂骂15115758761问: 英语作文 初到大学的感受 -
临城县路成回答: My university life is interesting and different with before. we do not have to attend class everyday and i live with many classmates in dorm, far away with parents. At first, I got very nervous whenever I have to give my opinion and make a presentation ...

桂骂15115758761问: 请问谁会用英文写进入大学的感想,100多字就行. -
临城县路成回答: I don't know how to express my happiness,I felt very excited yesterday evening.I felt to excited to sleep. 我不知道如何来表达我的快意,我昨天晚上就觉得非常的激动,以至于难眠 I has been looking forward this school for so long time ,now my ...

桂骂15115758761问: 请用英文写一篇关于初到大学生活的感想 -
临城县路成回答: Time goes by so quickly. Now I go to the university to learn, I must live without my parents and my kinsmen, so I feel lonely. I will learn many new knowledge, it's good for me, it will develope my brain. I will be cleverer and cleverer. I think my life in university will be colorful.

桂骂15115758761问: 第一天步入大学的感受和趣事,求英语作文一篇,要有悬念,要有戏剧性 -
临城县路成回答:[答案] My university life is interesting and different with before. we do not have to attend class everyday and i live with many classmates in dorm, far away with parents. At first, I got very nervous whenev...

桂骂15115758761问: 用英语写进入大学后的感想、失与得、所见所闻等随便写一个就行要求不高 -
临城县路成回答:[答案] the diversity of my university life Look! There is a rainbow! On the first day of my university life, when I walked into the campus, there was a rainbow bridging over the fountain, I hadn't seen rain...

桂骂15115758761问: 我想谈论关于我来到这个大学后的感受英语怎么说 -
临城县路成回答: I want to talk about my feelings after I came to this university

桂骂15115758761问: 进入大学一学期了,有什么感想的英语作文 -
临城县路成回答: I am a new college student .I have been in college for nearly four months. At first I was a little nervous and worried about the new life in college because I found the life in college is quite different from that in senior middle school. Especially in my ...

桂骂15115758761问: 进入大学感受英语演讲 -
临城县路成回答: 大学生英语演讲稿-大学教育对我的意义2010-8-1 16:29:50 ·大学生英语演讲稿-大学教育对我的意义 What College Education Means to Me李延雷,22岁,河北 What College Education Means to Me The title of my speech is “What college ...

桂骂15115758761问: 入大学的感受的英文稿刚入大学,刚军训完,我想在第一节英语课上用英文介绍 自己刚入大学的感想,介绍时间5 - 10分钟.谁能帮我想一篇好点的.要中英文对... -
临城县路成回答:[答案] 你需要的翻译如下 Teacher Hello My name is XX from XXXXXX To 10 days although the University has not much experience ... 寝室住了几个外省的 感觉不错 蛮仗义 就是不大习惯说普通话 搞的有点郁闷 一搞我就楞住了 .真正的大学生活会在十一后开...

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